There are all kinds of Fujian cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Hunan cuisine, etc., and time-honored brands and new brands have appeared one after another. There are simple packaging for personal use and gift boxes for gifts to relatives and friends... In recent years

Fujian cuisine , Cantonese cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Hunan cuisine, etc. are all available. Time-honored brands and new brands have appeared one after another, including simple packaging for personal use and gift boxes for gifts to relatives and friends... In recent years, the consumption of prepared dishes has continued to increase, and various products have emerged. It not only meets the needs of consumers, but also continuously expands the territory of industrial development.

The so-called prefabricated dishes refer to the use of modern standardized assembly lines to prepare and produce the raw materials for the dishes, and then scientifically package them. Consumers can either open the bag and eat immediately, or simply heat or cook it before eating, eliminating the need for tedious steps such as washing and cutting, and the requirements for cooking skills are also greatly reduced. pre-made dishes have been used in some chain catering brands earlier, which not only ensures meal delivery speed and stable taste, but also saves manpower and costs. In recent years, the types and forms of prepared dishes have been continuously enriched, and they have gradually appeared on the public dining table. The convenience and efficiency of prepared dishes conform to the current fast-paced life and the needs of young consumer groups, and have broad development prospects. Data shows that the current stock of my country's prepared vegetable market is about 300 billion yuan, and it is expected to continue to maintain a rapid growth rate.

The development and growth of the prepared vegetable industry has given rise to more segmented market demands. Some people pursue simple and fast "small but beautiful", and correspondingly, categories such as "one person meal" and "quick-service dishes" are constantly emerging; some people pursue the high quality of "restaurants at home", which has spawned corresponding banquet dish supply chains. What supports these market segments is not only the development and progress of technologies such as cold chain logistics , but also the innovation of Internet marketing models. The former allows pre-prepared dishes from further afield and with richer contents to reach the dining table, expanding the coverage radius of pre-prepared dishes; the latter allows pre-prepared dishes to take advantage of the online sales express, making purchasing channels more diversified and convenient.

Pre-made dishes not only add choices to people’s tables, but also create new growth points for catering business operations. According to statistics, compared with 2019, the number of prepared dish brands has increased by 1.5 times in 2021, and the number of products has increased by 2.5 times. Not only that, prepared dishes also bring new opportunities to industries such as deep processing of agricultural products. For example, Guangdong Province issued the "Ten Measures to Accelerate the High-Quality Development of Guangdong's Prepared Vegetable Industry", which clearly stated that it will build a joint research and development platform for prepared dishes, cultivate talents in the prepared vegetable industry, and promote prepared dishes to enter the international market, etc. For another example, Zhucheng, Shandong Province, vigorously develops the prepared vegetable industry and promotes the integrated extension and upgrading of modern agriculture from planting, breeding and processing to catering terminals. Connected to changes in consumption and changes in production, the prepared vegetable industry has great potential to promote the transformation and upgrading of local agriculture.

Food safety is bigger than the sky. Only by establishing rules and regulations and consolidating the foundation for development can the industry achieve steady and long-term development. Whether it is raw material production and procurement, food processing and cooking, or logistics, transportation, and market sales, every link must be standardized and orderly to ensure the quality of the dishes and protect the health and legitimate rights and interests of consumers. To this end, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all parties and strengthen standardized guidance. From relevant industry associations taking the lead in drafting product specifications, to industry self-regulatory organizations establishing industry alliances, and then to exploring and formulating quality evaluation standards for prepared dishes in many places, setting standards, clarifying rules, and drawing bottom lines can help promote a healthy, orderly, and sustainable prepared dish industry. Sustained development injects momentum to truly allow consumers to buy and eat with confidence, thereby better meeting the people's increasingly diversified food consumption needs. (Author: Zhou Shanshan)

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