The source of rice is good for thousands of families, the warehouses are solid, and the world is safe! If you have a bad appetite in the hot summer, make a refined side dish and eat a bowl of sweet, soft and glutinous Wuchang Dao flower-flavored rice, only then can you feel full

The source of rice is good, thousands of families are praised, the warehouse is solid, and the world is safe!

If you have a bad appetite in the hot summer, you can make a refined side dish and eat a bowl of sweet and glutinous Wuchang Dao flower-flavored rice to feel full of happiness. The side dish recommended to you today is chicken stuffed with long beans. Long beans are also called cowpeas. They are a very common and cheap vegetable in summer.

Long beans are also called cowpeas

Chicken breasts

Chicken-stuffed long beans are made with the following ingredients:

Chicken breast 250G, long beans 500G, green onions 50G, sugar 6G, salt 5G, light soy sauce 10ML, starch 20ML, tomato sauce 50G.

How to make chicken stuffed with long beans:

Step 1: Wash all ingredients, cut the chicken into strips and mince it, and chop the green onions and garlic cloves.

Step 2: Heat a pot, boil water, add washed cowpeas to the boil and blanch them for one minute, then take them out.

Step 3: Add half of the chopped green onion, minced garlic, a small amount of salt and a spoonful of starch to the chopped chicken, stir evenly with light soy sauce, and marinate for 15 minutes.

Step 4: Tie the blanched cowpeas into small knots, put them on a plate, and put the marinated chicken on top.

Step 5: Put the plated cowpeas and chicken into the steamer and steam for 15 minutes.

Step 6: Prepare the sauce, add oil to the hot pan, pour in the remaining minced onions and garlic, sauté until fragrant, add sugar and tomato paste and stir well, add water starch, stir-fry until transparent and then stir-fry for another minute. Remove from pot and put into small bowl.

Step 7: Take out the steamed chicken and long beans, place them on a plate, and pour in the fried sauce.

Chicken stuffed with long beans

Well, paired with a bowl of rice cooked by "Wu Song Chang Lin" Wuchang Rice , you are ready to have a delicious meal!

Daosong Agricultural Company Mall mainly promotes the most distinctive and original agricultural products of the three northeastern provinces such as "Wuchang Changlin" Wuchang rice, "Wuchong Changlin" Northeastern waxy corn, mountain products, and miscellaneous grains. Each All products are carefully selected by us! Adhering to the business philosophy of "co-discussion, co-construction, and sharing", a pattern of multi-base cooperation, combination of planting, breeding and marketing, multi-product layout, circular development, and brand agricultural html has been initially formed, truly realizing a production, supply and marketing supply chain model. .