For today's young people, being able to sleep in bed for five more minutes before going to work is a luxury. Therefore, many people have to go to work frequently and almost be late for this "luxury". In this tense and precious morning time, many young people have given up eating

For contemporary young people, being able to sleep five more minutes in bed before going to work is a luxury. Therefore, many people have to go to work frequently for this "luxury" and almost be late. In this tense and precious morning time, many young people have given up eating breakfast, which will inevitably affect their physical condition over time.

As the saying goes: "A day's plan begins in the morning." This shows that nutritional supplements in the morning are also very important. So for the above-mentioned people who "stay in bed", I have also compiled a few snacks that are suitable as meal replacements. You can also eat some to replenish energy in busy mornings.

1. Sanchuan Guihei Soy Milk Powder

During the tense period in the morning, it is a little difficult to drink freshly ground soy milk. If you buy it outside, you will also worry about hygiene and quality issues. Then you might as well try the brewed soy milk powder , which is convenient and delicious.

Compared with soybeans, this black bean milk powder uses more nutritious black beans and black rice , and adds maltose to increase the sweetness, making the brewed soy milk sweeter and richer. Moreover, the taste after brewing is silky and non-sticky, and the mellow bean flavor is not much different from freshly ground soy milk. It only takes two minutes to enjoy, which is very convenient.

Packaging in individual pouches makes it easier to carry around. For those who are in a hurry in the morning, you can put a bag in your bag and brew it at the company, which is quick and worry-free.

2. Coarse grain bread

Bread and milk are also a common breakfast combination. Most friends who are in a hurry in the morning will choose this breakfast combination. But compared to ordinary bread , I recommend eating some whole grain bread, which is more nutritionally balanced.

Variety of whole wheat bread

Different from ordinary bread, coarse grain bread uses high-gluten flour as the main material, and then adds oats, walnuts and other grain ingredients, which has a higher nutritional content. But corresponding to this are some differences in taste: it is not as soft and sweet as ordinary bread, but has a bit more of the natural rough texture of grains, which is chewy and has a unique flavor.

Whole grain bread on a wooden board

Bread is often used as a meal replacement food when you are in a hurry or lazy, but from the perspective of nutritional value, eating some whole grain bread can better replenish energy for the body and improve the health of the body. Physical condition also has great benefits.

3. Chia Seeds, Nuts and Lotus Root Flour Soup

Although I am in a hurry in the morning, I must keep up with nutrition. The organic combination of nuts and grains can better wake up the tired body in the morning, and a bowl of chia seed, nut and lotus root starch soup is very suitable.

This lotus root starch is composed of lotus root starch, chia seeds, almonds, dried red dates, black sesame seeds and other nutrients, which can supplement the nutrients needed by the human body. After getting up in the morning, use a spoon to scoop out 6-7 spoons of lotus root starch and put it into a cup or bowl. Add boiling water and stir quickly to form a transparent paste. It is smooth in the mouth, refreshing and delicious.

In addition, the chia seed, nut and lotus root flour soup is made from a scientific and reasonable ratio of grains and nuts. It is rich in ingredients and nutritious. In addition, it does not contain any other food additives, so it can be eaten with confidence. Friends who go to work or school, drink a cup of chia seed and lotus root powder in the morning, which will not only relieve fatigue but also make you full of energy.

4. Konjac cake

"Small cake, big energy." This is the konjac cake that many people are eating recently. It is a small piece but can bring a full feeling of satiety. Eat two pieces in the morning and one You won't be bothered by hunger in the morning.

As an emerging pastry, the characteristic of konjac cake is that it uses konjac powder as the main ingredient. It will expand several times after absorbing water, giving people a stronger feeling of fullness. In addition, high-quality protein ingredients are added, which melts in your mouth and has a rich milky aroma. Some konjac cakes come in different flavors and are low in calories so even sisters who are afraid of getting fat can eat them with confidence.

Since konjac itself contains more nutrients, eating two pieces of konjac cake for breakfast or leisure time will not only fill you up, but also supplement the body with some nutrients and enhance vitality.

5. Qidu Fang Yiyan Cake

Red often visually awakens people's potential vitality. Most red foods also have higher nutritional content. For example, this small pastry made of red ingredients is both delicious and beautiful.

This Seven-Degree Yiyan Cake is made from red dates, red beans, wolfberry, peanuts and double-petal red roses. It is dominated by the fusion flavor of red dates and red beans, and a faint rose fragrance will be revealed after tasting it. The next bite is full of sweetness and softness, with rich texture but not overly sweet, making people want to eat more.

In addition, because xylitol is used instead of traditional sucrose, this small pastry has lower calories, and girls who are afraid of fat can also eat it with confidence. The sweetness and softness brought by the bright purple red clothes can bring a certain feeling of fullness to people. In addition to breakfast, it is also very suitable as an afternoon snack to satisfy cravings.

There are many snacks that can be used as meal replacements, but we must take into account both deliciousness and nutrition. Eat these 5 snacks often when you are hungry and tired. They can satisfy your cravings and replenish energy at the same time. Hurry up and stock up on more at home!