Summer is the peak season for fruits. There is a dazzling array of seasonal fresh fruits. Coupled with the convenience of modern logistics and the improvement of fresh-keeping technology, the fruits picked in the morning can appear on tables thousands of miles away in the evening

Summer is the peak season for fruits. There is a dazzling array of seasonal fresh fruits. Coupled with the convenience of modern logistics and the improvement of fresh-keeping technology, the fruits picked in the morning can appear on the dining table thousands of miles away in the evening. Therefore, the "fruit exchange" between the south and the north has been able to "resonate at the same frequency."

But there is a "treasure among fruits" in the south, with an annual output of hundreds of millions of kilograms. It is a favorite of southerners, but northerners don't know what is. On the one hand, the fruit has a large yield, and on the other hand, it has high nutritional value, but not many people know about it. The huge contrast makes this fruit "stand out". It is called " yellow peel fruit ".

Huangpi fruit is unique to the south and is produced in Guangdong, Guangdong, Fujian, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hainan, Taiwan and other regions, with the largest number in Guangdong and Guangxi. The annual output of these two places is no less than 300 million kilograms.

Huangpi fruit is also called huangpi, Huangpi, Huangtan, Wangtanzi, etc. It has a planting history of more than 1,500 years. It matures from June to September every year. The fruits are often round or oval in appearance, and the big ones are like The thumb belly is as small as the little finger. The peel is yellow or light red, the flesh is yellow-white, and the core is green. The fruit is sweet and juicy, sour and delicious.

The yellow-skinned fruit, core, branches and leaves all have medicinal and edible effects. It can be used to satisfy hunger during famine years, for recreation during slack seasons, and for treating physical ailments. It has a unique and unassuming personality. People in the south are full of enthusiasm for it. There are a lot of sayings about feelings, such as: Eat lychees when hungry, and yellow peels when full; there are three treasures of Lingnan fruits, lychee longan yellow peel fruit; plant longan in front of the house, plant yellow peel behind the house; and so on.

Huangpi has many records in local medical and botanical books in Guangdong and Guangxi. It is believed that its whole body is a treasure:

Huangpi fruit belongs to the liver, stomach and lung meridian. Eating it can increase the righteousness. In some places, it is used to make preserved fruit and jam. Eating too much lychee will cause internal heat and damage the spleen; eating too much longan will cause phlegm and stagnation of qi; eating too much watermelon will cause coldness and damage the stomach, but it is okay to eat too much yellow peel. Its fruit, core, and leaves can all be used as medicine. :

1, Yellow peel Fruit : Sweet, sour, warm in nature, it can help qi, phlegm, digestion, and dispel summer heat. If you have symptoms such as coughing, phlegm, hernia, food accumulation, abdominal pain and bloating, eating yellow peel fruit can relieve it.

2, Huangpi core : pungent, bitter, slightly warm in nature, it can clear away heat, detoxify, promote qi, and disperse stagnation. When you have symptoms such as hernia, stagnation, stomach pain, and other symptoms, Huangpi core can be used to relieve it.

3, Huangpi Ye: pungent, sweet and bitter, neutral in nature, can resolve phlegm, relieve heat, diuresis, promote Qi, and remove toxins. When you have symptoms of malaria, cough, fever, cold, etc., use Huangpi Ye to boil water. Or pound it and apply it externally, which can relieve the pain.

Modern pharmacological research has confirmed that yellow peel pulp contains as many as 18 kinds of amino acids and fruit acids, a large number of vitamins and trace elements such as potassium, copper, manganese, magnesium, and selenium. It has sufficient dietary fiber, citric acid and Polyphenolic compounds, flavonoid glycosides, etc. have good effects in promoting gastric acid secretion, gastrointestinal motility, preventing lung spasms, and nourishing the central nervous system. Therefore, it is not difficult to find that its effects are concentrated on: digestion, stomach strengthening, and phlegm reduction. It can relieve coughs, reduce fire, strengthen the spleen, relieve pain, and smooth the qi, etc. However, people with weak spleen and stomach should not eat greedily.

Since the yellow peel fruit is full of treasures, why do people in the south know about it but people in the north don’t know much about it?

The main reason is that the maturity time of yellow-skinned fruit is not as good as . The large-scale circulation of fruits needs to be achieved through acquisition. Before the yellow peel fruit matured, lychee took the "first move" and was ready to go on the market. Grapes and cherries accounted for the "share" of northern fruits. After the market, they unfortunately "collided" with longan, and the price was not as high as these fruits. , so he was not well received by fruit wholesalers. As a result, his reputation could not cross the Yangtze River and was trapped in Lingnan.

If you have a chance, you still have to try the "treasure among fruits" called Huangpiguo.