Today Daoming will share with you a home-cooked recipe for Hunan Thief Duck. First prepare a fresh duck, wash it and control the moisture, then use a knife to cut off the duck neck. The bottom of the duck must be cut off, then cut it in half from the middle, and then chop it into

Today Daoming will share with you a home-cooked recipe for Hunan Thief Duck. First prepare a fresh duck, wash it and control the moisture, then use a knife to cut off the duck neck. The bottom of the duck must be cut off, then cut in half from the middle, and then chop into slightly larger pieces,

duck neck The skin must be removed. When done, put it on a plate, add a little salt and cooking wine, stir slowly with your hands, then pour in water, take out and squeeze out the water. Next, marinate the duck meat to further remove the fishy smell. First cut the ginger into thick slices, then chop the green onion into white pieces, then mince it. Chop it into pieces and put it into a plate.

Add a little salt, an appropriate amount of cooking wine, half a spoon pepper, and then squeeze out the juice of the ginger and scallion with your hands, so that it can be marinated again. The duck meat will be more fragrant and the fishy smell will be removed from the duck meat. Then, grab a little more duck meat with your hands,

and then cut some garlic moss or garlic sprouts. Use some vegetables to remove the fat, then prepare a little spice and add an appropriate amount of dried chili. For this dish to be delicious, the amount of ginger must be more, cut into thin and thick slices, and then remove the ginger and green onions from the marinated duck meat, until it starts to cook until it turns into white smoke at the bottom of the pot,

and then add Appropriate amount of scallion oil, turning the pot like this is also called moistening the pot. Then pour it out and add a little lard to enhance the flavor and flavor, and let the hot pan and cold oil fry the meat until it doesn't stick to the pan. After the oil is hot, add the ginger slices and stir-fry until the ginger slices are slightly yellow, add appropriate amount of pepper and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the duck meat and stir-fry evenly.

The duck meat must not be overwatered, as it will lose a lot of flavor. The duck meat is fried in this way and has a rich and delicious taste. Stir-fry over medium-low heat for about two minutes, until the oil in the pan is as brown as possible and the surface of the duck meat is slightly browned and the aroma is rich. Then add spices and stir-fry until fragrant,

and then add 10 grams of white wine from the side of the pot. Adding white wine can remove the fishy smell and enhance the aroma of the duck meat. After stir-frying, add 4 grams of Pixian bean paste and stir-fry until fragrant. After frying in red oil, add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and light soy sauce from the side of the pot. The light soy sauce enhances the flavor and freshness, add a little color, and stir-fry until the duck meat is red and bright. Then pour in a can of beer. Beer and duck are a perfect pairing.

This will further deodorize and enhance the flavor of the duck meat. Keep the fire on for two minutes, then pour in the boiling water. The amount of boiling water must be more. After the duck meat is covered, add 10 grams of pepper to remove the fishy smell, continue to simmer on high heat for three minutes, then cover the pot and simmer on medium-low heat for 25 minutes. After twenty-five minutes, I opened the lid and saw that the seasoning in the soup had reduced.

Add appropriate amount of chicken essence, MSG, a little sugar and fresh salt. You can see the soup becomes very thick. At this time, you can turn up the heat a bit, then add the garlic and stir-fry evenly, then cover the pot and simmer for two minutes. After two minutes, turn on high heat to reduce the juice, simmer the soup until it thickens and becomes simple, then add a little sesame oil to increase the aroma and taste, then turn off the heat and put it into a plate.

Such fragrant, slightly spicy, soft and rotten bandit duck, I like it Friends who like this dish come in and take a look, pay attention to Daoming Food, thank you for watching, and we will see you tomorrow.