The weather in June makes it difficult to eat, so why not follow me and learn how to make this [Low-calorie, nourishing, nourishing, milky and fragrant black rice porridge]. It tastes better than eight-treasure porridge. It is easy to learn and is loved by both adults and childre

The weather in June makes it difficult to eat, so why not follow me and learn how to make this

[Low-calorie, nourishing, nourishing, nourishing, milky and fragrant black rice health porridge], it tastes better than eight-treasure porridge, simple easy to learn , both adults and children love it, I have made it All the materials and steps are written below. As long as you put your mind to it, there is nothing you can't do.


(one small)

red beans (one small)

ml0 glutinous rice (a small handle)

Redmi (one small)

oat (one small)

jujube (10 pieces of 10 pieces) )

rock sugar (appropriate amount of grams)

peanuts (a small handful)

wolfberry (20 grams)

milk (appropriate amount of grams)

glutinous rice dumplings (appropriate amount of grams)

steps 1

[cooking mode]

. In addition to raisins, rock sugar, and wolfberry , except milk and glutinous rice dumplings.

2. Wash all the remaining ingredients and put them into the pressure cooker, add 3 large bowls of water, select the porridge cooking mode, and set the time to 45 minutes.

Steps 2

If you can make glutinous rice flour dumplings, make them yourself. If not, just buy them outside. I made mine myself.

Boil the dumplings and pour them under cold water to make them more chewy and chewy.

Steps 3

When the porridge is cooked, open the lid of the pot, put in the rock sugar and let it cool. Finally, add the small dumplings, wolfberry, raisins and milk. It tastes better than eight-treasure porridge, and the focus is on its high nutritional value.

Steps 4

This [Low Calorie Blood Replenishing and Beauty Milky Black Rice Healthy Porridge] is complete. Have you learned it after reading the above steps? If you like this health porridge , you can save it or share it with your friends to make together.

Good things must be shared!


Add raisins, wolfberries and soft glutinous dumplings to enrich the taste of the porridge, which is sour, sweet, soft and delicious.