If we say the most suitable meat to eat in summer, it has to be duck. It is better to eat beef and mutton in summer. It only costs 8 yuan per pound. It is nourishing and appetizing when stewed in a pot. It is so fragrant. Ingredients: 2 duck legs, 1 potato, 1 small piece of ginge

Entering midsummer, the temperature is getting higher day by day. The hot and high temperature days have reduced people's appetite a lot. Many people choose to eat a light diet based on vegetables and fruits every day, but they have also entered into a misunderstanding. Although summer diet It should be light, but it is by no means free of meat and fish. This is because the temperature in summer is high, the body's metabolism speeds up, and the consumption of protein and calories increases. Therefore, protein foods must be properly supplemented in summer, otherwise it will easily lead to a decline in physical fitness.

If we say that the most suitable meat to eat in summer is duck meat, it is better to eat beef and mutton in summer. It only costs 8 yuan per catty. It is nourishing and delicious when stewed in a pot. It is so fragrant. Duck meat is a water bird with a cold nature. Duck meat is rich in protein. Eating duck meat can not only supplement nutrition, but also relieve heat, nourish yin, strengthen the spleen and remove dampness. It is delicious and does not cause internal heat, so it is especially suitable for consumption in summer. Duck meat generally costs ten yuan a pound, which is much cheaper than pork and beef, and everyone can afford it. I bought 2 duck legs today for less than ten yuan. I paired them with two potatoes. They are a perfect match. They are so delicious when stewed together. They are nourishing and not irritating. Both adults and children love to eat them. Wine goes well with food and satiates cravings. It will be eaten up when served, especially suitable for nourishing in summer. Hurry and save the specific recipe of this dish. Friends who like it may wish to try it.

[Potato roasted duck legs]

Ingredients: duck legs 2 potatoes 1 ginger 1 small piece of Pixian bean paste 1 tablespoon high-strength white wine 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon rock sugar a little green onion oil and salt

Production: 1. Prepare the raw materials; 2. Blanch the duck leg pieces in cold water in a pot, add ginger slices and high-strength white wine to remove the fishy smell; 3. Heat the pot and add an appropriate amount of oil, add the blanched duck leg pieces into the pot and stir-fry; 4. Stir-fry until the surface is slightly light After it turns yellow, add ginger slices and rock sugar to the pot and continue to stir-fry; 5. Add a little cooking wine and soy sauce to the pot and stir-fry evenly; 6. Add Pixian bean paste to the pot and stir-fry evenly; 7. Add an appropriate amount of water and cover it. Stew for 25 minutes; 8. Add the prepared potato pieces and continue simmering for three to five minutes; 9. Finally add a little salt to taste, and reduce the juice over high heat;

10. Put it into a bowl and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

Tips: 1. First blanch the duck leg pieces in cold water, add ginger slices and strong white wine to remove the smell; 2. Stir-fry the duck legs with a little oil, add ginger slices and rock sugar to the pot and stir-fry a few times, then add Stir-fry the soy sauce and other seasonings evenly, then add water and simmer for 30 minutes until the chicken drumsticks are cooked; 3. Add potato cubes to the pot and continue to simmer until the potatoes are soft and waxy, finally add salt to taste, and reduce the juice over high heat.