After June, the Dog Days come. The Dog Days are a sign of intense heat, marking the arrival of the hottest time in summer. No matter what kind of work you do, you often have to go out to do errands, especially at noon. During the hottest time of the day, we are often exposed to t

After June, the Dog Days come. Dog Days are a sign of intense heat, marking the arrival of the hottest time in summer. No matter what kind of work you do, you often have to go out to do errands, especially at noon. It is the hottest time of the day and we are often exposed to the sun. Our body will sweat a lot and a lot of nutrients will be lost. If we cannot replenish nutrients in time, our body will be very tired and lack energy.

After the dog days of summer, the happiest thing is not to go shopping, but to stay at home and eat watermelon with the air conditioner blowing. You can prepare a few cold dishes and soups for dinner. They taste refreshing and the soup is very delicious. It is simply too delicious. Satisfied. Today I recommend a fresh soup - tomato, bean sprouts and beef soup . This soup mainly uses tomatoes, bean sprouts and beef tenderloin. The beef slices are particularly tender and smooth, and the soup is very delicious. If you don't know how to eat it, you will be at a loss. As the dog days of summer are approaching, I often give this soup to my family. It is light, delicious, highly nutritious, and comfortable to spend the summer.

[Correct cooking order of tomato, bean sprouts and beef soup]

Ingredient selection: Choose a high-quality tomato (tomato is a fruit and vegetable with high vitamin C, rich in tomato juice, regular consumption has an oxidizing effect, and is also very low in calories. Very popular among those who lose weight, it is very good for cooking tomato soup , but it is recommended to peel it), a small handful of bean sprouts (bean sprouts are also a very popular diet dish, the calorie content is super low, and it is very good for making soup) , choose 280 grams of beef tenderloin (you can also choose pork tenderloin. Beef tenderloin has tender meat and low fat content. It is delicious no matter how you cook it, but it must be marinated in advance to add flavor), one tablespoon of tomato sauce, two bowls of water, one Add some salt, a little white pepper, a few slices of ginger, two drops of sesame oil, some sweet potato starch, a stick of coriander, and others.

Correct cooking order:

1: Buy fresh beef tenderloin, bean sprouts and tomatoes, cut some slits on the top of the tomatoes, scald some of the skin with hot water (or grill it on the fire), tear off the skin of the tomatoes, this is easier Stir-fry the juice (if you grow tomatoes at home, there is actually no pesticide residue on the peel)

2: Pinch off the roots of the bean sprouts, wash them with clean water (or soak them in salt water), drain the water, cut the chives into small onions, and cut the ginger into small pieces. Thin thread, set aside.

3: Wash the beef in advance, slice it against the grain, beat the beef slices with a rolling pin, and marinate the beef slices in advance (add half a spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of cooking wine, some sweet potato starch, add shredded ginger, and mix in onion and ginger water, sprinkle with salt and marinate) and let it sit for at least half a quarter of an hour.

4: Add a little oil to the bottom of the pot (in fact, you can also use lard), add some scallions and minced garlic, add some tomato cubes , quickly stir-fry the tomato juice, and stir-fry the tomatoes until they become soft.

5: Add two bowls of water to boil, add bean sprouts and cook for 3 minutes, wait until the bean sprouts are soft, add some beef slices, remember not to stir in the middle, use medium to low heat, slowly cook the beef slices until they change color.

6: Add half a spoonful of light soy sauce or extremely fresh flavor, add a pinch of salt, drop in two drops of sesame oil, sprinkle with pepper, and add some chopped green onion and coriander.

7: Continue to cook for 30 seconds, turn off the heat and remove from the pot. This tomato, bean sprout and beef soup is completed. The soup is extremely nutritious and is helpful for the healthy growth of children.

Tomato, bean sprouts and beef soup is a must-have soup for my family every week. Since my children are in junior high school and will take the high school entrance examination next year, they are in a stage of healthy growth. You can eat less, but you must not treat your children badly and give them more to drink. This soup supplements iron and protein, has comprehensive nutrition, is easier to digest and metabolize, and will keep you full of energy all summer long.

Do you know the cooking sequence of this tomato, bean sprout and beef soup? (The above pictures are from the Internet)