There are always many outdoor activities in the summer season. Always prepare some snacks every time you go out to satisfy your children's physical needs at any time. The privately baked cheese sticks that have become very popular recently are really delicious and the most import

There are always many special outdoor activities in the summer season. Always prepare some snacks every time you go out to satisfy your children's physical needs at any time.

The privately baked cheese sticks that have become very popular recently are really delicious and the most important thing is that they are very simple to make.

Not only babies like it, but parents and parents alike can’t stop eating it. Friends, let’s try it together today.

The ingredients here are basically common in every household, and you only need to buy some extra mochi powder.

✅️Ingredients preparation:

Mochi powder: 100g

Egg liquid: 10g

Butter: 25g

Corn oil: 10g

Chocolate: 5-10g

Cheese shreds: 15g

Cocoa powder: 4g

Water : 70g

The production process is also a simple operation in the baking world. There are no technical requirements, you only need to stir it, so even a novice kitchen mother can control it.

Let’s first put mochi powder, cocoa powder, softened butter at room temperature, corn oil, water, and egg liquid into a bowl, stir it roughly with a mixing spoon, and then use the egg beater to stir evenly and vigorously at low speed. .

‼ ️The cocoa powder must be sieved and put in to avoid clumping and mixing well. You can also directly use a whisk to stir vigorously. Be careful that it may splatter at first.

Then add the chocolate chunks and cheese shreds, and stir as much as possible with a mixing spoon. Evenly.

Put the batter into a piping bag, cut a small opening, and evenly squeeze it into the baking pan.

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and bake for about 25 minutes. Crispy cheese sticks are ready.

is the original flavor without cocoa powder. You can add cheese powder to increase the aroma of cheese, or add purple sweet potato powder to make it taste purple sweet potato, but in general the cocoa flavor is the most delicious.

So delicious that I can’t stop

‼ ️What needs special attention is that for small ovens used at home, it is recommended to cook 100g at a time, and you can cook it again after baking. Don't mix too much batter at once. If the mixed batter is not baked for too long, the oil and water will become thinner in the batter. It will look like the energy is broken. After baking, it will affect the crispy texture, so do it separately. , don’t let the batter sit for too long

I am Lulu who loves food, loves to share, and loves to chatter. If you like it, just follow me! bixin