Mapo Tofu: Ingredients: Beef, soft tofu, garlic, salt, bean paste, rapeseed oil, chili noodles, pepper powder, water, starch water 1. Beef is the soul of Mapo Tofu. Let’s mince the meat first. 2. Add some garlic and a piece of soft tofu. Cut it into smaller pieces. Add a spoonful

Mapo Tofu :

Ingredients: Beef, tender tofu, garlic, salt, bean paste, rapeseed oil, chili noodles, pepper powder, water, starch water

1. Beef is the soul of Mapo Tofu. Let’s mince the meat first.

2. Add some garlic and a piece of soft tofu. Cut it into small pieces. Add a spoonful of salt to the water and soak the tofu for 3 minutes. This can wash away the beany smell and increase the hardness of the tofu. Warm the tofu. .

3. Now let’s stir-fry the beef. Add a little more rapeseed oil. Put the beef into the pot and stir-fry until the meat filling is crispy and the oil is bright in color before adding the bean paste. I used Pixian bean paste. The taste is good. It does smell much better than others.

4. Continue frying until the oil turns red and shiny. Add minced garlic. The flavor will almost come out at this time. Add a spoonful of chili powder, a spoonful of pepper powder, a bowl of water, and cover with a small spoon. Cook over high heat. Cooking slowly over low heat will allow the flavor to blend into the soup better.

5. When it is boiled, add a spoonful of light soy sauce and half a spoonful of salt to adjust the flavor. Add the tofu. Now use medium heat to cook the tofu. From now on, do not touch the spatula. Just shake the pot slightly and it will be done. Cook for five to six minutes.

6. Pour some starch water to thicken the gravy. Don’t add it all at once. Add it in several times, and then simmer it for a while before it is ready.

7. If you want to drain all the soup, then simmer it slowly over low heat for a while, take it out of the pot and put it on a plate. I feel like I can’t wait anymore. I just want a bowl of white rice now. The soup is very rich. , the tofu is very tender.

looks very appetizing.

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