Summary: 6 kinds of "cheap vegetables" in the summer vegetable market. Buy more. Sun-dried vegetables are more delicious than fresh ones. The Little Summer Festival is coming soon. During this period, the temperature is high, the rain is abundant, and the sunshine is also long. F

summary: 6 kinds of "cheap vegetables" in the summer vegetable market, buy more of them, dried ones are more delicious than fresh ones

The Xiaoshu solar term is coming soon, and during this period, the temperature is high, the rain is abundant, and the sunshine is also long. , is also the peak harvest season for many vegetables.

Many vegetables are growing in large quantities at this time, and the yields are also very high. Often if you don't pick them for a few days, they will grow old. Therefore, in summer, vegetables are on the market in large quantities and the prices are much cheaper.

There are actually a lot of vegetables. If you can’t finish the fresh ones, or if you don’t have time to eat them, you can dry them and save them for later eating. This will not only avoid the waste of vegetables, but also allow you to eat them in a different way, or even Even more delicious.

Of course, if you don’t have a vegetable garden at home, you can also go to the vegetable market to buy some of the following six cheap vegetables. You can buy more of them in summer and save them for autumn and winter.

The first one is dried lettuce.

Lettuce is a vegetable that many people like to eat. It has a special fragrance, and its texture is very crisp. It tastes very good with rice.

In the past, I only knew that lettuce can be eaten fresh, that is, it can be used to stir-fry meat, make soup, or serve as a salad. Later, when I went to my father-in-law's house in Xiangxi , I learned that almost every household there dried lettuce and kept it for stewing meat or frying bacon in winter. I ate

once and fell in love with it. Later, I specifically asked my mother-in-law for advice on how to make dried lettuce. It is actually not difficult. You just need to clean the lettuce, remove the skin, cut it into thin slices, marinate it with salt, and then expose it to the sun.

You can also put it directly in the sun for two or three days without pickling. When the water is completely dry, you can store it. When eating dried lettuce like this, take it out and soak it in water, and then you can fry or stew the meat. have eaten. For example, my family dries at least about 10 pounds of dried lettuce every year, and some of them are given to relatives.

The second one is and .

This is also one of my favorite dried vegetables. In my hometown, I heard from the elders that the conditions in the past were not good and food was relatively scarce. All kinds of pickles and dried vegetables must be made all year round, among which dried potatoes are a very common dried vegetable.

The method of making dried potatoes is not complicated. Wash the potatoes first, then steam them in a pot for about half an hour. Do not steam them, just half-cook them, and then cut them into small pieces with a knife. Then put it under the sun to dry. It will be very dry in two or three days in the dog days of summer.

When drying, turn it several times to let both sides dry, and then store it in a sealed container. This kind of dried potatoes can be used to stew meat, stir-fry, or serve cold. It just needs to be soaked in water before eating.

The third type is dried purslane.

Purslane is a plant that can withstand high temperatures. In summer, due to the heavy rainfall, this wild vegetable grows more vigorously the hotter the weather.

Don’t underestimate purslane. Although it was a wild vegetable in the past, it made great contributions. Today, it is grown as a vegetable in many places, and it is often seen in supermarkets and vegetable markets. Especially in the summer, purslane is very popular. Simply eat it cold and it is a delicious side dish.

Purslane is heat-resistant but intolerant of cold. If you want to eat purslane in winter, it is actually not difficult at all, just make it into dried purslane. After washing, put the purslane into a pot and blanch it in boiling water, take it out and put it in the sun to dry until it is dry.

The fourth type is dried eggplant.

In summer, there are several vegetables that are very cheap, including eggplant. Because I grow eggplants at home, I have to pick them almost every day, otherwise some of them will get old. Most of these picked eggplants are dried in the sun.

In rural areas, the methods of making most dried vegetables are similar, and the method of making dried eggplant is similar to the previous method. First, wash it, then cut the eggplant into quarters and cut it into long strips. You can also cut it into slices. . Then put it in a pot and boil it for a while. When the eggplant is soft, you can take it out, dry it out and expose it to the sun, and wait until it is completely dry.

The fifth type is dried water spinach.

This is a vegetable with a stronger regeneration capacity than leeks. Many families in Changsha, Hunan, especially like to use water spinach to make dried vegetables. Water spinach is also cheap in summer, sometimes only about two yuan per pound. You can buy more than ten kilograms at a time and take it home to make dried water spinach.

First clean the water spinach, remove the old stems at the root, then cut it into small pieces along with the leaves and stems, add an appropriate amount of salt, rub them together, and squeeze out the water, and then put it in the sun to dry. The most classic way to make dried water spinach is to stir-fry it with chili, minced garlic, and minced meat, which is a great addition to rice.

The last one is sweet potato leaves.

Nowadays, sweet potato leaves have become a vegetable that many people love to eat, and they are also called the "Queen of Vegetables". Naturally, their prices are slightly more expensive.

However, many people have eaten fresh sweet potato leaves, but have not dried them. The author has been in the Northeast for a few years and found that the locals love to eat dried sweet potato leaves, which is very common especially in winter. A kind of meal.

The method of making dried sweet potato leaves is the same as the previous dried water spinach, so I won’t go into details here.

If you have strong hands-on skills, there are actually many vegetables that can be dried and made into dried vegetables, such as winter melon, cucumber, pumpkin, gourd, pepper, beans, etc. These vegetables are cheap in summer, everyone Remember to buy more when you encounter them. As for the production method, they are actually similar to the previous ones.

Dear netizens, do you like to eat any of the above 6 kinds of dried vegetables? If not, what is your favorite dried vegetable? Everyone is welcome to leave a message for discussion.