To prepare dumplings with meat, whether it is necessary to boil water, and the order of adding seasonings, worth collecting

dumplings, as a special folk delicacy, have always been welcomed by everyone. The so-called "dumplings are not as delicious as dumplings." Although dumplings are a little troublesome to make, they are really gluttonous. They cannot be replaced by other delicacies. The key to delicious dumplings lies in the preparation of dumpling fillings, , especially with meat fillings, many people do not operate very well on this, which often results in dumplings that are not as delicious as other people's. Z2z modulates meat dumplings, whether it is necessary to boil water, and the order of adding seasonings, it is worth collecting!

In order to make it easier for everyone to understand, the following is divided into five parts to introduce in detail, which are: 1. Meat dumplings, whether the meat is filled with water or not. 2. The correct order of fetching water and adding seasonings. 3. Fetching water for the minced meat, where you need to pay attention. 4. Points to pay attention to when cooking dumplings. 5. The final summary.

One, meat dumplings, do you need to fetch water in the meat?

1, the reason for meat dumplings: eating dumplings, in addition to the dumpling skin, is the meat, there is a saying that describes delicious dumplings. It is called "thin and juicy" . Dumplings need to be thin, chewy and juicy, so that they have a good taste. Some people make dumplings and don't use water, but why do they feel so juicy and tender? That's because pork skin or broth is added to the meat. In addition, if the proportion of fat in the minced meat is appropriate, you can also taste the oily and juicy without using water.

2, what kind of meat needs to be watered: Fatty meat is mentioned above, if there is more fat, you can skip watering. However, some meats, such as beef , have firmer meat quality and less fat, so when preparing meat fillings, must be watered . In addition, mutton or pork has a higher oil content. If you mix it with a little water, the soup will feel richer and fuller. If you add a proper amount of water, the taste will definitely be better. In short, should be determined according to the fat and lean of the meat, with a little fat, and some water, the taste will be better. The picture below is beef with less fat. It must be watered, otherwise the taste will be chaotic.

Second, the correct order of fetching water and adding seasonings

Regarding whether to fetch water or add seasonings to the meat first, there may be two completely different opinions. Some people think that the water should be fetched first, while others think that the seasoning must be added first. In fact, is both possible and , because both operations are practiced and both are fine. But one thing to note, regardless of the order, there are two seasonings that must be put at the end, that is, sesame oil and scallion. Z2z especially sesame oil , if you put it before, not only will loosen the meat filling , but the will not produce the scent in the end. This must be paid attention to.

Three, water the meat filling, where you need to pay attention,

water the meat filling, do not put it all at once, divide it into multiple times, the specific operation is as follows: add a little water first, then stir in one direction with chopsticks, of course The longer the time, the better. When feels too much to stir, refills some water and repeats the above operation. Generally speaking, has less fat meat, and 1 catty of meat can hit 2 taels of at most. After the meat filling is adjusted, put the sesame oil and chopped green onion at the end, don't put too much, feels slippery and it's ok , don't be too thin. As for the seasonings, there are those who are willing to eat the five-spice flavor, can add some five-spice powder , if you don’t like it, add some salt, ginger, pepper (for freshness), oyster sauce and original fresh soy sauce , but don’t put Minced garlic, minced garlic can easily change the flavor of the meat.

4. Things to pay attention to when cooking dumplings

First of all, try not to put too much meat when making dumplings. First, if you put too much, it may not be delicious. In addition, it may break the skin if you don’t make it. When cooking, low fire and high fire will not work. Medium fire can be . If the fire is too small, dumpling skins are prone to sticky , and it is not easy to cook.Boil the skin , and the skin is fully cooked and the meat is not yet cooked. Finally, causes the dumpling skin to be too hard . In addition, add the right amount of cold water in 2-3 times to keep the water in the pot at a constant temperature, and the boiled dumplings taste the best. As for without a lid, there is no effect on . It is best to use a spoon to push along the pot wall to prevent the dumplings from sticking. When the water is boiled, add cold water. After 2-3 times, you can safely fish out the dumplings. Of course, the frozen taken out of the refrigerator takes longer.

Five, the final summary

In order to make it easier for everyone to remember, I will make a summary at the end: 1. If there is more fat in the meat filling, you can skip the water, but if you use a little water at , the taste will be more rich and full . 2, can be if it is water or seasoning first, but sesame oil and green onion must be put last, remember that cannot put minced garlic . 3. When pumping water, it should be divided into several times. When can't stir, then pump water . Stir in one direction. 4. When cooking dumplings, use on medium heat and . Add cold water after the water is boiled. Z2z can be out of the pot for 2-3 times. Z3z is frozen in the refrigerator for a little longer.