Baking class: Are primary fermentation and secondary fermentation important to bread?

After making bread, many people often feel that the need for two fermentations to make bread is too cumbersome and too time-consuming. It is obvious that the dough has already expanded during the first fermentation. Why do you need to exhaust the second fermentation?

Professional baker’s explanation is: once fermented products, no matter the texture, flavor or the aging speed of bread can not be compared with the second fermented products, if you It’s a family home baking, you don’t need to study too deeply, just know that the best bread is made by two fermentations.

The first fermentation, how can I judge that the fermentation is complete? Ordinary bread dough can generally be fermented to 2-2.5 times as big. Dip your fingers with flour and poke a hole in the dough so that the hole will not shrink. (If the dough around the hole collapses, it means over fermentation). The fermentation time is related to the sugar and oil content of the dough and the fermentation temperature. Generally speaking, it takes about 1 hour for ordinary dough at 28 degrees. If the temperature is too high or too low, the fermentation time should be shortened or extended accordingly.

After the first fermentation is completed, we need to reduce the weight of the dough. Exhaust the fattening dough, let it "thin" again, then divide it into the required size, knead it into small smooth balls, and ferment it in the middle. Fermentation in the middle, and wake up. The purpose of this step is for the next plastic surgery. Because if it is not proofed, the dough will be very difficult to stretch, which will bring trouble to the shaping of the dough. The intermediate fermentation can be carried out at room temperature. Generally 15 minutes.

After the intermediate fermentation is completed, we can shape the dough into the desired shape. This is also a very important part, which directly determines whether the bread you make is beautiful enough. The shaping method of each bread is different and can be operated according to the recipe. It should be noted that when shaping, you must pay attention to exhaust all the gas in the dough. As long as there is gas remaining in the dough, it will become a large cavity when it is baked.

The second fermentation is also called the final fermentation, and generally requires a temperature of about 38 degrees. In order to keep the surface of the dough from losing water, it must have a humidity of more than 85%. If private bread is made without a fermentation tank, we can use an oven to create an ambient temperature and humidity for fermentation.

After arranging the dough on the baking tray, put it in the oven, put a tray of boiling water at the bottom of the oven, and close the oven door. The steam will create the required temperature and humidity in the closed space of the oven. When using this method, it should be noted that when the boiling water is gradually cooled, if the fermentation is not complete, it needs to be replaced in time. The final fermentation is generally about 40 minutes. Ferment until the dough doubles in size.

The kneading between the second fermentation and the first fermentation will exhaust the old gas and allow the dough to undergo aeration and second fermentation. The yeast activity can be fully utilized and the bread flavor will be better! Fix the first and second serve, and your bread will be half the battle!

Of course, it is also successful to make bread with one fermentation, especially when you are in a hurry or want to be lazy. One fermentation is good to use, but with the second Compared with fermented bread, although the first one saves time, the aging speed of the bread is much faster than the second one. So whether you choose a first serve or a second serve depends on whether you pursue efficiency or taste.

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