Cosmic internet celebrities, magic capital queuing for legend! "Ceiling of Tea Bing Hall" Dong Fa Dao is finally here

Popularity, beauty and strength,

The strength of this tea ice hall circle fan is max!

is really a god

The lard bibimbap is so delicious that many people are thinking about it! TA may seem ordinary, but as long as it is topped with the sauce and stirred while it is hot, will immediately become the light of appetite that appeals to the taste buds!

The rice becomes crystal clear under the warmth of lard, is distinct, oily but not greasy, just looks at it, it makes people drool.

The oily residue in

must be the finishing touch, it has the crispy feeling that can burst out the aroma ! Even without side dishes, you can eat a large bowl. This is the allure of lard bibimbap!

soft glutinous Q bomb

Sorry, there are too many signature dishes on Dongfa Road. This soft and creamy chicken feet has been stewed in a secret marinade until it is soft and glutinous.

Each chicken foot is covered with sauce, and the bone will be removed with a light squeeze. The soft and smooth side is fully exposed, full of chewy, is full of collagen!

ingeniously boiled

dozens of catties of beef bones are boiled daily,More than a dozen kinds of ingredients make up the secret medicine recipe. is destined to make this pot of beef, extraordinary!

The soup is clear and fresh, and the beef is tender but not loose. Money tripe, beef lung, beef tendon, Teochew beef balls , radish... is soaked in the soup, sublimating the taste of the food itself.

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Required items

Classic Hong Kong meal representative-rose soy chicken ! There are countless old people rushing to TA every day, attracting countless fans, it is definitely "standard for every table"!

The concentration of rose soy sauce is just right, the juice is completely deep into the texture of the shredded meat, but not greasy at all!

The tender and smooth meat is hung with an amazing soy sauce, with a hint of sweetness in the salty aroma, dipped in green onion and ginger oil, and the umami taste reaches the sky!

This CP is locked!

SOS! This bullfrog took my heart as soon as it was on the table! The crispy salted egg yolk wraps the bullfrog layer by layer. For this CP, the editor first bows to respect~

The thick salted egg yolk is evenly spread on the bullfrog legs. Can't help but suck my fingers after eating!

fat but not greasy

high-quality Iberico pork 's finest pork belly,Scorched by the heat. The aroma of fat permeates , with a sweet smell.

shiny honey shell, beautifully like amber . The fat with the sauce melts in the mouth, and the aroma of the salty and sweet collision spreads in the mouth.

Evenly fat and thin, with a burnt fragrance. After eating, I couldn’t help pursing my lips, reminiscent of the rich taste.

Sweet Waterfall

The Dongfa Road leaked milk, which was imitated wildly by everyone, captured a lot of sweet stars. The moment the TA was cut, the weight loss plan went out of the way!

Butter and condensed milk pouring down with Ovaltine powder, winding and long, is like watching a volcanic eruption, can smell the sweet fragrance when you get close.

is crispy but not burnt

As one of the classic Hong Kong-style snacks, fried wonton has a place! The secret pork and lard residue are added to the filling, and the amount is more. is bigger and more realistic!

Crispy wonton under the skin is soft and juicy shrimp or chives , freshly fried wonton, crispy but not burnt,With the blessing of sweet and spicy sauce, the taste is amazing !

▼ Don’t miss these dishes too~▼

The incense across the screen

The weather is getting colder, you must order one! cooks every day. Looking at the bubbling chicken pot, the happiness index is rising~

food artifact

fat and thin pork neck meat is fragrant and crispy, The wok is full of air, seasoned with a secret sauce, is delicious in color, fragrance, and super food!

bakery drinks

Dongfadao where classics and innovations coexist, not only ’s beloved Hong Kong tea, but also the co-branded drink oh~ it’s easy to make a piece, so it’s perfect for friends Reunion!

There are also tin cans and various types of bread. Made it on the day, with a variety of flavors, no loss of desserts and bakery! Too much food, how can you finish eating?

Every Dongfadao is like a huge blind box, is filled with infinite surprises.

landed on Dongfa Road in Nanjing. It is the cyberpunk version of ! The collision of warm and cold tones,Reflect the sense of science and technology.

Ascending the spiral staircase, it seems to have come to another futuristic world . Just click a few pictures, they are so cool that they have no friends!

Welfare reiterated!

Knock the blackboard! ! !

Keep your address so that you don’t get lost~


[Dongfa Road Tea and Ice Hall]


122, Xinhuai Street, Zhongshan First District, South Ocean Department Store Floor

business hours

