Kung Pao Chicken: Master the skills and easily make the restaurant taste

2020/08/2722:28:11 food 310

Kung Pao Chicken is a traditional Sichuan dish. It looks red and red, but it is actually red and not spicy, with a strong hemp aroma. Its meat is smooth and crisp, and it tastes a bit sweet. The peanuts inside are very crispy and fragrant. Diced chicken is indeed a famous dish, it is delicious ~

Kung Pao Chicken: Master the skills and easily make the restaurant taste - DayDayNews

Gongbao chicken

graphic| piano rhyme elegant

chicken breast

a piece of


a piece of

Kung Pao Chicken: Master the skills and easily make the restaurant taste - DayDayNews

z0 a piece of ginger 1zz


z0 zzzzzzz


z0 zzzzzzzzz

zzzzzzzzzzz pepper


chili bean paste

little amount

amount of salt

a spoonful of vinegar




two spoons

half egg white

two spoons of sugar


1 spoon

Kung Pao Chicken: Master the skills and easily make the restaurant taste - DayDayNews

1. food ingredients set.

Kung Pao Chicken: Master the skills and easily make the restaurant taste - DayDayNews

2. First cut the chicken breast into strips along the lines, then cut into even small cubes, add appropriate amount of cooking wine and salt to stir until thick, add half of the egg white and continue to stir, then add starch to stir to make it sizing, and finally add a little bit to eat The oil mix is ​​anti-sticky.

Kung Pao Chicken: Master the skills and easily make the restaurant taste - DayDayNews

3. Cut green onion into small pieces and carrot into small pieces.

Kung Pao Chicken: Master the skills and easily make the restaurant taste - DayDayNews

4. Mince ginger and garlic.

Kung Pao Chicken: Master the skills and easily make the restaurant taste - DayDayNews

5. Add wide oil to the pot. When the oil is 30% hot, add the diced chicken to loosen up. It can be removed if it is broken.

Kung Pao Chicken: Master the skills and easily make the restaurant taste - DayDayNews

6. Use the remaining oil to continue frying the peanuts.

Kung Pao Chicken: Master the skills and easily make the restaurant taste - DayDayNews

7. The peanuts are about to be deep-fried, and then the carrots are rushed to get them out.

Kung Pao Chicken: Master the skills and easily make the restaurant taste - DayDayNews

8. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add dried chili and peppercorns to fry it to get a hemp aroma, add green onion, ginger, garlic and stir fry for a fragrance, then add a little bean paste to fry out the red oil, cook the vinegar along the side of the pot, add Stir-fry the sauce evenly with salt, chicken essence, and sugar.

Kung Pao Chicken: Master the skills and easily make the restaurant taste - DayDayNews

9. Add the diced chicken, peanuts and diced carrots and stir-fry evenly. Pour a little red oil before serving.

Kung Pao Chicken: Master the skills and easily make the restaurant taste - DayDayNews

10. The spicy and delicious Kung Pao Chicken is complete.


1. The oil temperature should be lower when diced chicken is cooked, and the oil should be removed when the chicken is cut to ensure the tenderness of the chicken.

2. There is a certain degree of saltiness in the bean paste. When adding salt, you should add a little bit, and the sugar should be added a little more, so that the kung pao chicken is delicious.

~~ By The piano rhyme is elegant~~

~~ Recipe recommendation ~~

Kung Pao Chicken: Master the skills and easily make the restaurant taste - DayDayNews

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