July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t

2024/05/2612:48:33 food 1146

July 7th is the Slight Heat, which is just around the corner. After the slight summer heat, it will enter the dog days of summer, and various places will enter a state of high temperature and high humidity.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and their appetite gradually decreases. For young people with strong bodies, it may be okay to persist for a period of time, but for older people, they will not be able to keep up without eating nutrients in one meal.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

advises middle-aged and elderly people: No matter you have money or not, you should eat these 4 kinds of food regularly and spend the summer easily!

Eat foods with high water content

It is easy to sweat when the weather is hot in summer. What should I do if the water in the body can only escape but not enter? Therefore, hydrating fruits and vegetables must be eaten regularly. There are many common vegetables with high water content, such as loofah, cucumber, winter melon, tomatoes, etc., which can be eaten regularly and are good for health.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

[Fried Luffa with Green Pepper]

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

1. Clean two loofahs . Clean them and cut off the roots and heads. Peel off the outer skin. Wash them and cut them into hob pieces. Set them aside for later use.

half slices of green peppers , wash and cut into triangular pieces, small half of carrots , wash and cut into diamond-shaped slices, put them together for later use. A few garlic , cut into garlic slices, and then grab a few red pepper and put them in.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

2. Boil water in a pot, put a little white vinegar, a little vegetable oil and salt into the pot. After the water boils, pour the loofah in, stir it a few more times, and heat it evenly. After 12 minutes, remove the water and let it cool down.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

3. Restart the pot, add a little cooking oil , put the garlic slices and red pepper into the pot and stir-fry for a few times. After the fragrance is fragrant, add the green pepper and carrot, stir-fry for July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews5 seconds and then season. .

Add appropriate amounts of salt, sugar and chicken powder, then pour in a little oil , turn up the heat and stir-fry July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews0 seconds quickly, let the seasonings melt, turn off the heat, scoop out and serve.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

Eat foods high in calcium

Calcium is essential if you want to have a strong body. The most feared thing when you get older is falling. It’s really hard to cultivate yourself by bumping your bones. Calcium can effectively protect your bones. Middle-aged and elderly people must eat high-calcium foods regularly.

Foods with high calcium content include dairy products, kelp, dried shrimps, tofu, cabbage, etc.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

【Milk Pumpkin Dew】

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

1. Prepare half old pumpkin , peel the skin cleanly, cut the pumpkin into segments, dig out the inner flesh, then cut into thin slices and put it in a basin for later use.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

2. Take out a steamer, boil the water, put the pumpkin slices on top, steam over high heat for 15 minutes.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

After steaming, take out the pumpkin slices, put in July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews0g about white sugar, and then pour in a box of pure milk.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

3. Prepare a food processor, pour the pumpkin and milk into it, then prepare July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews0g millet , and beat into pumpkin paste .

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

4. Find a casserole, pour an appropriate amount of water into it, then put the beaten pumpkin paste into it, and stir evenly with a spoon. When it is about to boil, use a spoon to skim off the scum on the surface and stir a few times to prevent it from sticking to the pot.

change to low heat and cook July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews0 minutes . Don't forget to stir during this period. After 10 minutes, it is ready, turn off the heat and serve.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

Eating foods with high protein content

Excessively low protein can lead to decreased immunity, which is very dangerous for frail elderly people. Immunity is like a protective umbrella for the body, which will automatically block some diseases. Once the immunity is too low, various problems will occur in the body.

Regularly eat foods rich in protein to replenish energy to the body in a timely manner, such as eggs, meat, dairy products, soy products, etc.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

tomato fish

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

1. Prepare a fresh carp , clean it, cut off the fish head, take out the fish bones and teeth, chop the fish bones into small sections, and put them in a basin for later use. Cut the fish into July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews mm thin slices. After cutting, clean the fish fillets and wash off all the blood before placing them in a basin.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

Add appropriate amounts of salt, pepper, and cooking wine to the basin, mix the seasonings and fish evenly, then beat in an egg white, to make the fish taste more tender, and cook a little starch, mix evenly, and set aside Marinate July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews0 minutes .

Add water to the basin where the fish bones are placed, clean the fish bones, drain them, and put them in a small basin for later use.

Take out 2 tomatoes , cut them into pieces and put them in a basin for later use. Cut a piece of ginger into ginger slices, a piece of green onion into water chestnut slices, and a few pepper and put them together.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

2. Put the pot on high heat. After the pot is hot, add a little cooking oil . Add the onions, ginger, and peppercorns to the pot and stir-fry for a few times. Then put the tomatoes in, stir-fry out the tomato juice, add July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNewsg tomato paste , and then add the fish bones. Put it in the pot and stir-fry a few times.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot. After the soup is boiling, add salt, chicken powder, pepper, sugar, mature vinegar, and dark soy sauce.. Stir the seasonings and cook over medium heat for 13 minutes. Use a slotted spoon. Take out the fish bones and garnishes and put them in a basin first.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

After the soup in the pot boils, put the fish fillets into the pot, low heat for 1 minute, push it gently with a spoon a few times, then add a little cooking wine, After the fish fillets are cooked, take them out and put them in a basin , then pour the soup on it, add a little chopped green onion and white sesame seeds, and this nutritious and delicious tomato fish is ready.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

Eat foods high in potassium

As you get older, you always feel exhausted, weak in your limbs, and depressed. Many people think this is a common problem among the elderly. In fact, it may be your body telling you that it’s time to supplement your potassium!

There are many foods with high potassium content. You can get enough potassium by eating more, such as spinach, mutton, pork, potatoes, etc.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews


July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

1. Prepare a small handful of garlic moss. After washing with clean water, cut it into three centimeter long segments. Cut half of the carrot into slices and a small handful of daylily . , cut a piece of green onion into water chestnut slices, cut a small piece of ginger into ginger slices, and put them together on the plate.

3 Two pigs lean meat , cut into thin slices, put in a bowl, add a little salt , July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews grams of light soy sauce, add an appropriate amount of egg liquid , grab a little dry starch, mix well with your hands.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

2. Add oil to the pot. When the oil is hot from July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews to , add the meat slices to the pot. Use a spoon to push the meat slices continuously to prevent the meat slices from sticking together. Oil July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews0 seconds , put the side dishes in, July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews0 seconds later remove and control the oil.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

3. Leave a small amount of base oil in the pot, stir-fry the onions and ginger until the onions are fragrant, then pour in the egg liquid, stir-fry a few times quickly, pour half a spoonful of water, add July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews grams of salt and a little pepper , a little MSG, a few drops of dark soy sauce to adjust the color.

Then put the meat slices and side dishes into the pot, stir-fry a few times to collect the soup, then pour in a little oil, simply stir-fry evenly, turn off the heat, take it out, and it is ready to eat.

July 7th is Xiaoshu, which is just around the corner. After the mild summer heat, we will enter the dog days of summer, and every place will enter a state of high temperature and humidity. The weather is hot and the rain is increasing, which makes people feel more depressed and t - DayDayNews

Don’t save money when you get older, especially in terms of diet. You have to eat what you need. The health of parents is the biggest wish of their children.

(No. 1 celebrity chef editor: Mingming)

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