Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and

2024/05/2511:11:32 food 1645

As the saying goes "A day's plan begins in the morning" , you must have a good breakfast!

Every time I pass by a breakfast shop, business is very busy. The breakfast cake costs 10 yuan a piece and is delicious when cut into the whole piece. Today, we don’t have to spend any money, make breakfast at home and use the three popular breakfast cakes . Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can even set up a stall!

Simple dough-free recipe, paired with milk and soy milk, nutritious and delicious, the whole family will love it.

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

1. Sauce-flavored cake

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews. Prepare 300 grams of flour, pour 3 grams of salt. This sauce-flavored pancake requires half-scalded noodles , half of the noodles are boiled with boiling water and stirred into dough, half is kneaded with cold water , then cold water is poured in, and the whole mixture is stirred with chopsticks while pouring.

This semi-hot noodle tastes soft. You need to knead the noodles for a while to make the dough smooth. Cover the pot and let it rest for 10 minutes .

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews. At this time, we chop some minced ginger and chopped green onion, prepare a small bowl, pour 55 grams of soybean paste html, 5 grams of chili sauce, 5 grams of chili red oil , and stir evenly.

Heat a little hot oil in a pot, fry the minced ginger and green onion, pour the fried green onion oil into the stirred sauce, then heat the sauce and pour it out.

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews. After 10 minutes, take out the dough and knead it into a round dough. Use a rolling pin to roll into a large thin sheet. Sprinkle some flour when rolling, and use a small brush to apply a layer of pastry . Pastry is a thick batter made by boiling flour with hot oil.

Use a knife to cut one side, then roll it up, and then use a rolling pin to roll it into a round cake.

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews. Take out the electric pan and heat it, then brush it with a layer of oil. After the pan is hot, put the pancake on it and turn it frequently. When both sides are golden brown, brush it with the prepared sauce and sprinkle a handful of sesame seeds , a handful of green onions. The salty and delicious sauce pancake is ready.

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

2. Scallion pancakes

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews. Prepare a large basin, add 300 grams of flour and 3 grams of salt. Prepare an appropriate amount of warm water, stir while pouring the water, and stir the flour into dough. Add 5 grams of vegetable oil to make the dough crisp better.

Knead the dough into a smooth dough and apply a layer of vegetable oil on the surface of the dough and the bottom of the basin. Cover in a basin and let rest for 10 minutes.

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews. Prepare the pastry. Add 20 grams of flour and 3 grams of salt and pepper into the bowl. Heat the oil in the pot. After the oil is hot, pour the hot oil on the flour and stir it into a thick pastry. Prepare another handful of green onions, cut into rings and set aside.

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews. After 10 minutes, take out the dough and shape it into evenly sized dough pieces. Stretch the dough into even thin slices. Do not knead the dough as it will easily form tendons and destroy its ductility. Coat with puff pastry and add appropriate amount of chopped green onion according to personal taste.

Then stretch and fold the dough sheet backwards, fold it in half left and right, and wrap it while pulling it, so that the wrapped cake will be layered and crisper.

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews. Heat the electric cake pan and brush it with vegetable oil. Put the dough wrapped with chopped green onion into the pot, pat it into a thin and even cake, and bake for 30 seconds. After one side is ironed and shaped, turn it over and iron the other side.

Keep the heat low, turn over repeatedly, and cook for about 3 minutes. Fry the cake until both sides are lightly browned, then place the surrounding sides in the pan and fry until brown, then take it out of the pan.

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

With a gentle pinch, the thin pie crust will be so crispy that it will fall off, and the aroma of chopped green onion will overflow.

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

3. Fill the cake with eggs

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews. Prepare 200 grams of flour, Divide the flour into two parts. : Use 50 ml of boiling water to scald half of the noodles, and use 60 ml of clean water to knead the other half. Stir until there is no dry flour, and knead it into a softer dough. After kneading, pour a little vegetable oil on top.

facilitates layering of puff pastry during baking. Then knead the dough smooth, cover it with a pot lid, and seal the dough for 10 minutes

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews. Prepare the pastry and put 50 grams of flour in the bowl. Put some more oil in the pot, about 40 ml. When the oil is 70% hot, take out the pan and pour the hot oil on top of the flour. Stir into thick pastry and set aside to cool.

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews. Take out the dough, roll it into a long strip, and shape it into evenly sized dough. Flatten the dough, roll it into a round shape, and wrap it in an appropriate amount of pastry. Tuck the openings together like a bun, and pinch the excess sides of tightly into . To avoid air leakage, once the air leaks, the cake will not be inflated.

The finished green body has the sealed side facing down. Cover with fine cloth and rest for 5 minutes to prevent the skin from breaking when rolling out.

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews. Prepare the egg liquid, chop a few green onions into small pieces, and put them into a bowl. Beat in four more eggs, add 2 grams of salt to taste, and stir with chopsticks. Take out the cooked dough and press it on both sides to flatten it.

Then roll it out in all directions into a round cake. In this way, the pastry can be evenly distributed and play the role of isolating the dough.

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews. Be sure to be gentle when rolling out the dough, so as not to break it. If the skin is broken, the cake will not be able to puff up. After the electric baking pan is hot, turn to low heat and brush evenly with vegetable oil.

Put the cake base into the pot and bake for 20 seconds. Drizzle vegetable oil on top to lock in the moisture inside the cake. Turn the cake over and the cake will slowly puff up.

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews. We poke a hole in the cake base and pour the egg liquid into it. Then turn the cake over and cook for one minute, after the egg liquid is all set. Flip again and cook until the cake puffs up again and it is done.

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

We take out the pancake, apply our favorite dipping sauce, add lettuce and ham, and eat it hot for the best taste.

Today, let’s make three kinds of popular breakfast cakes at home without spending any money. Now that we have breakfast for the whole family, we can also set up a stall! It’s simple and does not bake dough, and is paired with milk and soy milk. It is nutritious and delicious and  - DayDayNews

When summer comes and I lose my appetite, I like to eat a pancake with a side dish for breakfast, which is nutritious and delicious. How do you eat breakfast?

(No. 1 Food Editor: Happy)

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