Ingredients for tea mushroom and sea cucumber: 200 grams of fermented South American ginseng, 240 grams of fresh tea tree mushrooms, 10 grams of millet and pepper sections, 5 grams of shallot sections, and a few slices of ginger. Seasonings: Maggi fresh, oyster sauce, salt, MSG,

2024/05/2415:07:33 food 1172

Tea mushroomSea ​​cucumber

Ingredients for tea mushroom and sea cucumber: 200 grams of fermented South American ginseng, 240 grams of fresh tea tree mushrooms, 10 grams of millet and pepper sections, 5 grams of shallot sections, and a few slices of ginger. Seasonings: Maggi fresh, oyster sauce, salt, MSG,  - DayDayNews


200 grams of fermented South American ginseng, 3240 grams of fresh tea tree mushrooms, 10 grams of millet pepper sections, 5 grams of shallot sections, and a little ginger slices.


Maggi fresh, oyster sauce, salt, MSG, chicken powder, lemonade, sesame oil, spicy oil , salad oil in appropriate amounts.


1. Cut the South American ginseng into large pieces, add ginger slices, green onion sections and lemon water and soak for 5 minutes, then add it to a boiling water pot and blanch it in water, remove it and pour it into ice water for later use.

2. Fry the fresh tea tree mushrooms in hot oil until cooked, remove and drain, and let cool for later use.

3. Put a little spicy oil into the wok, stir-fry the millet and pepper segments until fragrant, pour out and mix thoroughly with the rest of the seasonings, then add the sea cucumber slices and tea tree mushrooms, mix well, and serve on a plate.

roasted pepper abalone

Ingredients for tea mushroom and sea cucumber: 200 grams of fermented South American ginseng, 240 grams of fresh tea tree mushrooms, 10 grams of millet and pepper sections, 5 grams of shallot sections, and a few slices of ginger. Seasonings: Maggi fresh, oyster sauce, salt, MSG,  - DayDayNews

raw materials:

fresh Dalian abalone 400g, Erjingjiao pepper 200g, a little green onion.


1 pot of light brine, appropriate amounts of salt, light soy sauce and cooked vegetable oil.


1. Process and clean the abalone one by one, cut the surface with a knife, put it into a brine pot and cook it over low heat, take it out and set aside.

2. Take two wattle sticks of chili pepper and put them on a low fire. After burning them, place them on a chopping board and chop them into pieces. Set aside.

3. Add abalone, chopped roasted pepper, salt, light soy sauce and cooked vegetable oil into the mixed vegetable basin, mix well, put it on the plate and sprinkle some chopped green onion.

Sautéed squid tentacles

Ingredients for tea mushroom and sea cucumber: 200 grams of fermented South American ginseng, 240 grams of fresh tea tree mushrooms, 10 grams of millet and pepper sections, 5 grams of shallot sections, and a few slices of ginger. Seasonings: Maggi fresh, oyster sauce, salt, MSG,  - DayDayNews


1. After cleaning the fresh squid tentacles, marinate them with salt, cooking wine, ginger slices and green onion sections, then put them into a boiling water pot to simmer until cooked, take them out, drain them and put them in a cold bowl.

2. Then pour in the sauce mixed with minced garlic, green and red millet pepper, salt, light soy sauce, shrimp paste, oyster sauce, steamed fish soy sauce, mix well, and garnish slightly and serve.

Dry mixed pork elbow

Ingredients for tea mushroom and sea cucumber: 200 grams of fermented South American ginseng, 240 grams of fresh tea tree mushrooms, 10 grams of millet and pepper sections, 5 grams of shallot sections, and a few slices of ginger. Seasonings: Maggi fresh, oyster sauce, salt, MSG,  - DayDayNews


1 pork elbow.


An appropriate amount of pepper noodles, chili noodles, salt, monosodium glutamate, wood ginger oil, 1 pot of spicy brine (if you want the recipe and preparation method of spicy brine, you can leave a message in the comments).


1. Clean the pork elbow, drain it, put it into a brine pot and cook it out.

2. After the braised elbow meat is completely cooled, cut it into cubes, add peppercorns, chili noodles, salt, MSG and wood ginger oil, mix well, and serve on a plate.

Toon beef louver

Ingredients for tea mushroom and sea cucumber: 200 grams of fermented South American ginseng, 240 grams of fresh tea tree mushrooms, 10 grams of millet and pepper sections, 5 grams of shallot sections, and a few slices of ginger. Seasonings: Maggi fresh, oyster sauce, salt, MSG,  - DayDayNews

raw materials:

ox louver 400g, toon seedling 150g, 100g melon slices, 80g carrot shreds.


1 fresh and spicy dish.


1. Cut the beef louvers into large pieces, blanch them in a pot of boiling water, take them out and let them cool. Wash the toon seedlings and boil them in water for later use.

2. Take beef louvers and roll them into toon seedlings, then wrap them in cucumber slices, then place them on a plate lined with shredded carrots, and serve with a spicy sauce dish for dipping.

Fresh and spicy dish:

Take the minced millet and pepper into a bowl, and add minced ginger, minced garlic, chopped green onion, light soy sauce, fresh dew, salt, monosodium glutamate and cane pepper oil, and mix thoroughly.

Huadiao Ginger Chicken

Ingredients for tea mushroom and sea cucumber: 200 grams of fermented South American ginseng, 240 grams of fresh tea tree mushrooms, 10 grams of millet and pepper sections, 5 grams of shallot sections, and a few slices of ginger. Seasonings: Maggi fresh, oyster sauce, salt, MSG,  - DayDayNews


1. Take 100 grams of ginger and use a juicer to extract juice, and fry the juiced ginger to make it crispy.

2. Add 15 grams of salt and 15 ml of chicken juice to the squeezed ginger juice and mix thoroughly. Apply evenly to the cleaned Qingyuan chicken and marinate for 12 hours.

3. Put the cleaned Qingyuan chicken into a water pot with ginger paste, immerse over low heat until cooked, remove and put into a bucket with ice cubes and Huadiao wine to brew for 12 hours.

4. When serving, cut the chicken into pieces and put on a plate, sprinkle with fried ginger and serve.

Seasonal Vegetable Goose Breast Rolls

Ingredients for tea mushroom and sea cucumber: 200 grams of fermented South American ginseng, 240 grams of fresh tea tree mushrooms, 10 grams of millet and pepper sections, 5 grams of shallot sections, and a few slices of ginger. Seasonings: Maggi fresh, oyster sauce, salt, MSG,  - DayDayNews


1. Take 200 grams of goose breast in sauce, clean it, steam it in a cage for 30 minutes, then brush it with red oil, put it in the oven and bake it for about 15 minutes, take it out.

2. Cut the goose breast into slices, add 10 grams of salt and pepper and mix well.

3. Cut 30 grams of shredded green onions, 20 grams of Xinmei radish, 15 grams of blanched asparagus, and 350 grams of chicory into shreds, then roll them up with goose breast slices to fix them, and serve on a plate for decoration.

Chickpea mixed with squab

Ingredients for tea mushroom and sea cucumber: 200 grams of fermented South American ginseng, 240 grams of fresh tea tree mushrooms, 10 grams of millet and pepper sections, 5 grams of shallot sections, and a few slices of ginger. Seasonings: Maggi fresh, oyster sauce, salt, MSG,  - DayDayNews


1. Clean the squab, add star anise, kaempferol, cinnamon, bay leaf, fennel, seasonal vegetables, shallots, coriander, celery, onion, and salt. Marinate the baked chicken powder , chicken essence, monosodium glutamate and salt together for 2 hours, then put it into a brine pot until cooked, take it out and set aside.

2. Soak the dried chickpeas in a basin of water for 2 to 3 hours, then put them into the clear soup, add ham, salt and chicken essence and simmer for 30 minutes, set aside.

3. Cut the squab into small pieces and put it in a basin, add the chickpeas, add 10 ml of hot and sour fresh juice, 5 g of Thai chicken sauce, 5 g of minced millet and pepper, 5 g of minced garlic, 5 g of salt, and 5 ml of sugar water. , 10 ml of red Zhejiang vinegar, , mustard, , mix well, put on a plate and garnish slightly.

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