Don’t eat out all the time, the food at home tastes better! Follow Mei Niang and share with you the recipes of delicious home-cooked dishes - vegetable miso soup. I feel more and more that my eating habits are completely acceptable and I can try vegetarian food. At least it can b

2024/05/1912:08:33 food 1210

Don’t always eat out, the food at home tastes better! Follow Meiniang and share with you the recipes of delicious home-cooked dishes every day - vegetable miso soup

Don’t eat out all the time, the food at home tastes better! Follow Mei Niang and share with you the recipes of delicious home-cooked dishes - vegetable miso soup. I feel more and more that my eating habits are completely acceptable and I can try vegetarian food. At least it can b - DayDayNews

I feel more and more that my eating habits are completely acceptable and I can try vegetarian food, at least it can be ovo-lacto-vegetarian and fish-vegetarian. You won’t think about red meat even if you don’t eat it for a month or two. He is worried that his partner will not be able to stand it, so some dishes will still use a small amount of meat as side dishes, and occasionally a large meat dish will be made to satisfy his appetite. For example, grilled chicken, soy sauce chicken , braised pork ribs, etc.

Don’t eat out all the time, the food at home tastes better! Follow Mei Niang and share with you the recipes of delicious home-cooked dishes - vegetable miso soup. I feel more and more that my eating habits are completely acceptable and I can try vegetarian food. At least it can b - DayDayNews

I have been addicted to various vegetable soups recently. I stew three or five kinds of vegetables in one pot. Remember to add the same seasonings for simple seasoning. The fragrant vegetable soup is delicious and delicious. The more you eat, the sweeter it becomes.

I used to like to drink soup. Every time I stewed the soup, I would add a few pieces of ribs or beef. The oil and umami substances from the meat would leak out, making the soup taste more fragrant and fresh. Later, I learned that the fat, , and purine contents in broth are very high, so I cooked meat soup less and less frequently, and more often I switched to vegetable soup, which is simpler and more time-saving to cook.

Don’t eat out all the time, the food at home tastes better! Follow Mei Niang and share with you the recipes of delicious home-cooked dishes - vegetable miso soup. I feel more and more that my eating habits are completely acceptable and I can try vegetarian food. At least it can b - DayDayNews

" Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents " recommends that adults should eat enough 500 grams of vegetables per day. Many people often do not eat enough of this recommended amount due to reasons such as life and work rhythm, eating habits and other reasons. Make enough vegetable soup easily. Use potatoes, carrots, and other root vegetables to cook miso soup for dinner. It is both filling and low-fat. It raises sugar more slowly than rice and helps control weight.

Don’t eat out all the time, the food at home tastes better! Follow Mei Niang and share with you the recipes of delicious home-cooked dishes - vegetable miso soup. I feel more and more that my eating habits are completely acceptable and I can try vegetarian food. At least it can b - DayDayNews

| Block, soybean paste 20g , camellia oil 1 tablespoon, 2 tablespoons cooking wine, appropriate amount of salt

  • steps :

Don’t eat out all the time, the food at home tastes better! Follow Mei Niang and share with you the recipes of delicious home-cooked dishes - vegetable miso soup. I feel more and more that my eating habits are completely acceptable and I can try vegetarian food. At least it can b - DayDayNews

1. Peel and wash the potatoes, cut them into small pieces, cut the carrots into the same size plots, wash the celery and tear off the old stems. Cut the dried mushrooms into pieces, scrub them clean with a small brush, soak them in water for 10 minutes to soften them slightly, and slice the turmeric into slices

Don’t eat out all the time, the food at home tastes better! Follow Mei Niang and share with you the recipes of delicious home-cooked dishes - vegetable miso soup. I feel more and more that my eating habits are completely acceptable and I can try vegetarian food. At least it can b - DayDayNews

2. Heat a saucepan and add oil, add carrots, potato cubes, celery cubes and ginger slices, and stir over medium-low heat. Stir-fry, if the pot is too dry, add 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, stir-fry until the edges of the potato pieces turn translucent, and stir-fry out the fragrance.

Don’t eat out all the time, the food at home tastes better! Follow Mei Niang and share with you the recipes of delicious home-cooked dishes - vegetable miso soup. I feel more and more that my eating habits are completely acceptable and I can try vegetarian food. At least it can b - DayDayNews

3. Add boiling water, so that the water is immersed in the ingredients and slightly higher, and add the washed dried shiitake mushrooms. , cover the pot, keep the pot boiling for 10 minutes

Don’t eat out all the time, the food at home tastes better! Follow Mei Niang and share with you the recipes of delicious home-cooked dishes - vegetable miso soup. I feel more and more that my eating habits are completely acceptable and I can try vegetarian food. At least it can b - DayDayNews

4. Add the zucchini cubes, then use a spoon to put the soybean paste into the pot, use chopsticks to dissolve the soybean paste into the soup little by little

Don’t eat out all the time, the food at home tastes better! Follow Mei Niang and share with you the recipes of delicious home-cooked dishes - vegetable miso soup. I feel more and more that my eating habits are completely acceptable and I can try vegetarian food. At least it can b - DayDayNews

5. Add an appropriate amount of salt , stir evenly, cover the pot, and continue to simmer on low heat for 10 minutes until the ingredients are cooked through.

Don’t eat out all the time, the food at home tastes better! Follow Mei Niang and share with you the recipes of delicious home-cooked dishes - vegetable miso soup. I feel more and more that my eating habits are completely acceptable and I can try vegetarian food. At least it can b - DayDayNews

Finally grind in a little black pepper to increase the flavor, garnish with mint leaves or coriander leaves and serve.

  • Tips

likes to drink soup that is a little spicy. When adding soybean paste, add 1 spoon of Korean chili sauce. If the two sauces are salty enough, do not add salt.

Every paragraph of text and every picture are carefully written and photographed by Mei Niang. She is willing to have a good meal with you and live a happy and healthy life. Your attention, likes, forwarding and comments are the greatest encouragement and support for Mei Niang. We media porters please respect originality and refuse plagiarism or stolen images.

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