1. The latest inventory data on July 15. On July 8th, the glass inventory was 80.87 million heavy boxes. Today’s latest data is 80.83 million heavy boxes. You must know that in the previous cycle, 500,000 heavy boxes were accumulated in storage, but in the past week, 250,000 heav

1. The latest inventory data on July 15

On July 8, the glass inventory was 80.87 million heavy boxes. Today's latest data is 80.83 million heavy boxes. You must know that in the previous cycle, 500,000 heavy boxes were accumulated, but in the past week, 250,000 heavy boxes were destocked. Overlapping The news that the cold repair is ahead of schedule is currently fermenting in the market, which is quite exciting for bulls.

7.15 Glass inventory data

2. position data

Comparing the data of the long and short dragon and tiger lists below, we can see:

On July 1, the two giants on the short side were Cathay Pacific with 140,000 lots and CITIC with 100,000 lots;

On July 15, the short side Cathay Pacific still had 87,000 lots and CITIC had 77,000 lots. The changes in the long side were not big overall.

This shows that although the number of bulls has not increased, many shorts have already made profits and fled, and the overall short position is The intensity is declining, and the total glass positions have been reduced from more than one million hands to about 800,000 hands now.

7.1 Daily Glass Long and Short Positions Dragon and Tiger List

7.15 Glass Long and Short Positions Dragon and Tiger List

3. Market Surface

Glass fluctuates smoothly, falls, oscillates, and oscillates. At 1500 points, many glass production lines may consider cold repairs. Those who consider trading on the left side feel that they can still try it. The stop loss is placed below 1500. For reference only

4. The latest economic data

The latest economic data shows that both real estate sales and industrial added value are relatively weak

However, the futures market fixed asset investment is increasing, and there is news that GJ is expected to be Advance investment for next year to boost GDP.