After some time ago, the leading U.S. analog chip company cut prices and sought sales. Recently, U.S. technology companies reported that they would lay off 30,000 people, which can be described as a lament. However, just two years ago, the U.S. technology industry was still doing

After some time ago, the leading U.S. analog chip company cut prices and sought sales. Recently, U.S. technology companies reported that they would lay off 30,000 people, which can be described as a lament. However, just two years ago, the U.S. technology industry was still doing well, with performance and market value. The situation has continued to soar and the situation has changed drastically in two years because the arrogant American companies are continuing to lose their competitive advantage.

Two years ago, U.S. chip companies had no worries about selling, so the U.S. took bold action to restrict the sales of chips by some companies, which caused a shock in the global industrial chain. As a result, many companies stocked up on chips to ensure their own chip supply, thus triggering the supply of chips. Nervous question.

Subsequently, speculative funds quickly seized the opportunity, joined in the hype, and hoarded chips, which further aggravated the tight chip supply situation. As a result, chip prices soared, with the highest increase of nearly a hundred times. As a result, American chips, which account for nearly half of the global chip market, earned The results released by an American analog chip company show that profits surged by nearly 40% in 2021.

As for Internet companies, several major Internet companies in the United States have monopolized many industries around the world. The Android system of Google has monopolized the mobile operating system market, and relied on the monopoly advantages of the Android system to enhance its Google search, Google Earth The market position of many Internet applications such as and YouTube has achieved generous returns. Google's net profit increased by 35.5% in 2021, and other Internet technology companies have also achieved good performance growth. The rapid growth of

's performance has supported the soaring market value of several major Internet technology companies in the United States. Apple has achieved a market value of US$3 trillion, breaking the records of global listed companies with a market value of US$2 trillion and US$3 trillion, exceeding GDP in many countries around the world, that was the golden age of American Internet technology companies.

More than two years have passed, and the glory of the U.S. chip industry has gradually faded away. Industries such as radio frequency chips and analog chips where U.S. chip companies have an advantage have shown signs of excess. Speculative funds that have intensified the rise in chip prices have begun to sell off chips. In turn, In the past, the oversupply of chips was exacerbated, so we saw the bad news that the leading American analog chip has cut its price by 90%.

There is a surplus of chips in the United States. In addition to the decline in global market demand for chips, China, the world's largest chip purchasing customer (China's purchased chips accounted for 60% of the global chip market share in 2021), is constantly increasing its chip self-sufficiency rate. In 2021, China The self-sufficiency rate of manufactured chips has increased to about 36%. In the first four months of this year, chip imports further decreased by 24 billion. This is because Chinese chips have broken through gaps in many industries and replaced American chips with domestic chips, which has dealt a heavy blow to American chips.

There are also bad signs in the Internet industry where the United States has a dominant position. Since the birth of the Internet, the United States has been the leader of the global Internet, and it seems that no one can shake it. However, in recent years, the Internet application Tik Tok that has emerged in China has successfully broken through and occupied overseas markets. It has gained a large market share and even entered the local market of American Internet companies. , Facebook, and others tried to imitate Tik Tok but failed, highlighting the declining innovation ability of the American Internet industry.

In fact, there are many signs that the American Internet is imitating the Chinese Internet. China's e-commerce penetration rate of and ranks first in the world. Mobile payment has changed people's consumption habits. The rise of WeChat has changed the development of social software, forcing the United States to Internet companies such as Google and Facebook have in turn learned from the many innovations that emerged from the rise of China's Internet.

American Apple, which straddles the technology and Internet industries, is now experiencing a continued decline in innovation. In recent years, Apple’s products have rarely had any eye-catching innovations. Recently, Apple has suffered a heavy setback in the development of baseband chip technology. Internet services hoping to make profits were forced to allow sideloading and introduce third-party payments in the European market. These changes made investors worried about Apple's continued profitability, causing its market value to drop by one-third. Now it is about to fall. A market capitalization of $2 trillion.

Many of the above-mentioned negative news indicate that the innovation power of the United States is declining, which has led to the gradual weakening of the competitiveness of the U.S. technology and Internet industry and the decline in performance. Now there is news that 30,000 people have been laid off in the technology and Internet industry. It can be seen that the U.S. technology and Internet industry today In short, their golden age is over, and it’s time to live a hard life.