In order to further help enterprises to alleviate difficulties and solve problems, Tianmen City has accelerated the implementation of municipal industrial policy award and subsidy funds. On June 28, the award and subsidy funds related to non-stop production and early resumption o

In order to further help enterprises to alleviate difficulties, Tianmen City accelerated the cashing of municipal industrial policy award and subsidy funds. On June 28, policy award and subsidy funds related to non-stop production and early resumption of work during the 2022 Spring Festival were cashed in. 49 companies received a total of The award and subsidy funds are more than 4.219 million yuan.

"Receiving 206,100 yuan in bonus funds this time is both affirmation and motivation for us. The company has more confidence in accelerating development." The person in charge of Wenwen Medical (Tianmen) Co., Ltd. said.

On February 3 this year, before the Spring Festival holiday was over, 310 employees of Tianmen Jianjian resumed work and production ahead of schedule and went all out to catch up on orders. As of May, the company's output value had increased by 37% year-on-year.

On January 26 this year, Tianmen City issued "Several Measures to Support Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size in Resuming Work Early During the Spring Festival without Suspension of Production", which will provide enterprises with an increase in output value and electricity consumption compared with the same period last year (January-February). The development of enterprises is supported by real money such as sexual incentives , normal production enterprises providing employee subsidies during the Spring Festival, and provincial migrant workers early return to work transportation subsidies .

After verification by the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau and the Municipal Finance Bureau jointly with the local and relevant departments, a total of 49 companies met the conditions for awards and subsidies, and more than 4.219 million yuan in award and subsidy funds were directly distributed to the corporate accounts on June 27 and 28.