After purchasing insurance, many people may want to surrender the policy due to budget reasons. At this time, the insurance may not have been paid for enough years. Many people do not know how much loss they will suffer when surrendering the insurance. Today we will talk about un

After purchasing insurance, many people may want to cancel the policy due to budget reasons. At this time, the insurance may not have been paid for enough years. Many people do not know how much loss will be caused by surrendering the policy. Today we will talk about insurance. How much can be refunded if you surrender the insurance before paying for enough years? If you are interested in this issue, I can take a look together.

1. How much money can be refunded if the insurance is surrendered before paying for enough years?

Generally, the cash value of the product can be refunded. For the specific cash value of the product, you can check the policy. There is a cash value table in the policy. We can take a look. In the year you want to surrender the policy, what is the cash value of the product? This is the approximate cost we can refund, and it is ultimately calculated by the insurance company.

Generally speaking, the loss of surrendering the policy without paying enough years may still be very large, because the cash value will be deducted from the commission to the insurance salesperson, the management fee of the insurance company, and the insurance premium that has taken effect, so it is very difficult in the early stage. If there is effective growth, the surrender loss will be relatively large.

2. How to cancel the policy if the insurance has not been paid for enough years

First, you need to prepare the surrender information. The surrender information generally includes copies and originals of the policyholder's ID and bank card, surrender application, and original insurance contract.

Secondly, the surrender information needs to be submitted to the insurance company. The policyholder can submit it to the insurance company on his own, or he can entrust someone else to submit the information. If he entrusts another person to submit the information, he needs to write a letter of authorization and the identity document of the entrusted person. .

The last step is to wait for the insurance company to conduct a surrender review. The insurance company will give a surrender receipt and notify the surrender time and amount. If we have no objection, the insurance will be surrendered to us in accordance with regulations.

3. How long does it take to cancel the policy if the insurance has not been paid for enough years?

Generally, it takes about 7 to 10 days. It depends on the actual situation of the insurance company, because the service efficiency of each insurance company is different, so you can specify After applying for surrender, ask the insurance company.

According to the provisions of the Insurance Law, the insurance company must surrender the policy to our account within 30 days. If it exceeds 30 days, it is a violation of the provisions of the Insurance Law, and we can complain to the insurance company.

It is recommended that everyone pay attention to the progress of the surrender in time after surrendering the policy. If we do not get any feedback from the insurance company for more than 10 days, we should contact the insurance company and ask about the specific situation. If we find that the insurance company is maliciously delaying, we can collect evidence in time. Make a complaint.

The above is the relevant introduction to the issue of how much can be refunded if the insurance is surrendered before paying for enough years. For details, you can check the regulations of your own policy. I hope it will be helpful to you.