On June 30, 2022, a Meta spokesperson said on Twitter that it had begun testing NFTs on Facebook for some American creators, and that these NFTs run on Ethereum and Polygon.

Zuckerberg finally "hands on" his most important product Facebook, and he began to explore NFT and Web3.

On June 30, 2022, a spokesperson for Meta stated on Twitter that it had begun testing NFTs on Facebook for some American creators, and that these NFTs run on Ethereum and Polygon. Soon, it will also add support for Solana and Flow NFTs. Prior to this (May 2022), Meta's Instagram has begun to open the use of NFT to some users.

2021 is the first year of the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan". The urgent need to stabilize the economy market and promote consumption upgrades is an intrinsic need to promote the digital economy and create high-quality life. How to seize the opportunities of digital transformation and and leverage the new infrastructure to achieve high-quality development has become the key to planning.

Let’s first talk about what is the metaverse!

Metaverse is not that mysterious. It is the 3.0 of the Internet. It is an indispensable tool for production and life, and it is also an inseparable marketing tool for commercial activities. The Internet speeds up business activities and improves efficiency. The metaverse is a new Internet application and social form that integrates virtual and real technologies and is created by integrating multiple new technologies. It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology and digital twin technology to generate a mirror of the real world. Through the blockchain technology Build an economic system, closely integrate the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, and allow each user to produce and edit content.

Experts said, "The metaverse itself is not a technology, but an idea and concept. It needs to integrate different new technologies, such as 5G, 6G, artificial intelligence , big data, etc., emphasizing the integration of virtual and real. "The metaverse mainly has the following core technologies: first, extended reality technology, including VR and AR; second, digital twin, which can mirror the real world into the virtual world; third, use blockchain to build an economic system. The updated iteration of

Internet has upgraded the display form, from the flat text + picture + video of 2.0 to the three-dimensional 3D + VR glasses + entering the scene + experiencing touch, which can provide a deeper understanding of the product or service.

What are the characteristics of Metaverse NFT?

NFT, also known as non-fungible tokens, runs on the blockchain (such as Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, etc.). Each NFT is unique and non-tamperable. is based on the non-tamperable and indivisible characteristics of NFT. The Metaverse can build the core elements of the economic system under the premise of decentralization. This avoids the emergence of a "God"-like character in the Metaverse, and we do not need to worry about the assets we have worked hard to obtain in the Metaverse being directly plundered. Therefore, NFT also lays the foundation for the economic system of the virtual world.

NFT is essentially a piece of data. It can realize that the data is owned by individuals, instead of the current situation. All data is basically controlled by the Internet platform.

NFT comes in various forms. In the future, a post you post on Facebook, a picture posted on Instagram, or a piece of music you upload may all be NFTs. What is different from the past is that every NFT you send online comes with its own price, and it belongs only to you. This innovation has overturned the current Internet business model from the bottom up. Internet entrepreneurs no longer pursue monopolizing data and expanding scale, but pursue personal ownership of data so that platforms can serve people to better trade and circulate data.

Can the Yuanverse, which has high hopes, lead the catering industry to break through?

Metaverse, as a popular trend at the moment, is also an opportunity for the catering entity industry to start anew. Lu Xiaoer is also actively embracing this opportunity by testing the waters in the metaverse direction, which may bring new growth points to the real industry! Although "the Metaverse is a basket that can hold everything", the healthy long-term development of enterprises still needs to combine their own business and user characteristics, carry out effective innovation, return to the essence of business, and return to the original intention of entrepreneurship.

Lu Xiaoer digital collection is a powerful promoter of "New National Trend" catering

As the first domestic "Xiao Duan Jie" "Guo Chao Cuisine" digital collection series, includes Lu Xiaoer Lu to fry NFT and our creation collection NFT, as well as our ultimate collection of souls - the King of Rice series , not only capture the characteristics of the appearance, cooking methods, ingredients, cultural connotation and other characteristics of the food in the character setting, but also select the martial arts style image for sensory extension, allowing the character to penetrate It brings out the intriguing ancient charm and brings a mysterious sense of oriental chivalry. There are more than 30 Chinese delicacies and snacks with regional characteristics and cultural connotations, such as chicken feet, chicken wings, and burgers. It integrates my country's long-standing food culture with cyberpunk and national trend elements to break the timeline and stand on the The creation is carried out from the perspective of space, and the food is given a distinctive character through the grafting of tradition and technology.

It is undeniable that digital collections are an innovative form for catering entities. Digital collections convey traditional food culture in a younger experience and are conducive to promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional food culture. .

The catering industry urgently needs to find new growth points

Brands cannot be separated from consumers. Using NFT and Yuanverse for marketing is also another way to better communicate and connect with consumers.

On the other hand, in brand marketing communications, interesting and fun content will never be boring, and it is also very penetrating. When the two are integrated, Generation Z, as the main force in catering consumption, and also as a large audience group in the virtual digital world, will inevitably be strongly attracted.

Lu Xiaoer enters the Metaverse circuit and is extremely popular.

"Snacks + Digital Collections" grafted onto Metaverse technology has become a new brand communication path. Under the background of the deep transformation and integration of today's "blockchain", "metaverse" and "digital" technologies, snack-like braised fried snacks are spread through the new model of "digital collections" played by young people online, which is not only in line with young people's consumption The method is also in line with the trend of national trendy IP for casual snacks.

Digital collections are very popular among young people of Generation Z. “Snacks + Digital Collections” is a new brand communication path. "Little Dual World" "Guochao Cuisine" digital collection series, including "小二铯来狠到 NFT" and our creation collection NFT, as well as our ultimate Yuanshen collection - Dry Rice King series , through The spread of new models of "digital collections" among young people's online fashion is not only in line with the consumption patterns of young people, but also in line with the trend of trendy IP in Luxiao Erguo, thereby promoting the development of the digital economy in the catering industry and optimizing offline operations more efficiently Physical consumption, improve the public's awareness of Lu Xiaoer, and use digital collections to empower offline physical stores to break through the circle.

Lu Xiaoer's digital collections enjoy multiple rights.

can open stores, discounts, and can be cashed out at any time. Not only in! You can collect it on your mobile phone, and if you get greedy, you can eat it right away~

Super physical support, "Lu Xiaoer" stores are popping up all over the country

It is said that summer is incomplete without Chuanchuan, "Lu Xiaoer" family has it With super strong physical brand support and unlimited possibilities, Yuanshi Lu Xiaoer Food Restaurant has won by relying on the process of braising first and then frying, creating a new trend of Chinese fried chicken. Different from other types of fried chicken, Lu Xiaoer is the first to use the process of braising first and then frying. concepts, creating new and unique tastes. The real-time interactive technology in the metaverse allows diners to feel immersed in the virtual world through digital signage and design of a 3D character. There are hundreds of combinations to show off your creativity. Once you complete the design of your virtual character, you can walk into a gourmet restaurant and take home delicious food with just one click.

The waiter will help you achieve your dreams!

Catering, as an industry serving people's livelihood, will enjoy the dividends brought by the "Yuanshi" economy, which also brings new opportunities to the catering industry. The innovation of traditional decoration and catering itself will open up the revenue channels for catering companies. , and provide customers with the ultimate dining experience, killing two birds with one stone.

In 2021, the Ministry of Commerce issued a policy to support small store economic policies. It is expected that the goal of "one hundred cities, one thousand districts, and one hundred million stores" will be formed by 2025. The small catering store model has become the best carrier of "hundred cities, thousands of districts, billions of stores" due to its low cost, easy replication, fast expansion, and low risk. As policies are compounded by the impact of the epidemic, catering shop Lu Xiaoer has once again become a "life-saving straw" for many entrepreneurial investors.

The continued shadow of the epidemic has accelerated the development of catering towards "small".

In the post-epidemic era, small and fast catering shops have become the "new outlet" for branded catering entrepreneurship. The epidemic that strikes back from time to time may become a "black swan" for the catering industry at any time. "Big stores" with larger areas, more employees, and richer SKUs bear higher operating costs and are more dependent on stable flows, and do not have an advantage in risk resistance.

However, consumers’ consumption behavior has generally tightened under the epidemic, and more cautious small gatherings and small entertainment consumption have gradually become mainstream. As a result, the "small store" format with high flexibility and low risk has the opportunity to grow against the trend!

Lu Xiaoer opens a store and shares annual store revenue dividends

. The headquarters also plans to open snack restaurants across the country. The specific how to do this will be jointly decided by NF Digital Collection NFT holders. Now, Lu Xiao Duan Universe uses the Yuan Universe VR store promotion method to attract and lock traffic, and attracts more entrepreneurs to settle in through the massive traffic of the platform. Through online and offline interactions, we are moving towards the new generation of WEB3.0 Internet era together!


has entered the public eye. Will you choose to purchase "digital collections"?

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