Recently, the electronic warehouse receipt pledge financing business of Shandong Port Financial Holding Company Rizhao Factoring Company and Shandong Dashang Center has successfully launched in Weifang Port. This is also the first electronic warehouse receipt pledge financing bus

Recently, the electronic warehouse receipt pledge financing business of Shandong Port Financial Holding Company Rizhao Factoring Company and Shandong Dashang Center has successfully launched Weifang Port . This is also the first electronic warehouse receipt pledge financing business of the Bohai Bay Port Group.

It is understood that the Shandong Port Electronic Warehouse Comprehensive Service Platform relies on the basis of port cargo information management to register port goods as electronic warehouse receipts, complete electronic warehouse receipt transactions, delivery, pledge and other services online, and then communicate with the port Realize system docking and realize functions such as ship trajectory tracking, cargo status, and real-time query of operation information. The application of the platform further promotes the warehouse receipt and financialization of port goods, opens up the "last mile" of customer financing, and effectively solves the problem of customers' inventory holding up funds. Compared with traditional credit, the financing efficiency is significantly shortened from the original 2 months to 2 weeks.

Since this year, Weifang Port has continued to explore new business models to provide port enterprises with more convenient financial services. After learning that some customers were in urgent need of financing services, the business team took the initiative and actively contacted factoring companies to quickly formulate specific financing plans based on their needs and appointed specialists to continue follow-up and docking. On the day the electronic warehouse receipt was registered, it helped customers successfully obtain financing, effectively met customer needs, and won customer recognition.

Weifang Daily All-Media Reporter: Xue Jing/Text and Pictures