In the past two years, we can see that more and more people around us are complaining about life. Some complain about not being able to find a job, some complain about not being able to make money, and some complain about not being able to repay their loans. Wait, it can be said

In the past two years, we can see that more and more people around us are complaining about life. Some complain about not being able to find jobs, some complain about not being able to make money, and some complain about not paying back their loans. Wait, it can be said that people today have more headaches about life than before. In fact, we can also look at two sets of data:

The first set of data is the global economic growth rate in the past two years. It has dropped from the previous 5.8% to 3%. Based on this economic downturn, it is expected that the economic growth rate will become 2% by 2023.

The second set of data is from January to May. Our domestic total retail sales of consumer goods in May fell by 6.7% year-on-year, and the sales of commercial housing dropped by 30%. In the first quarter, GDP only achieved a growth rate of 4.8%. Since the second quarter, many economic indicators have fallen into negative growth ranges in April and May. in this case.

From here, it can be clearly seen that everyone's life has indeed become more difficult, and making money has become difficult, but what is the reason for this? And where does the “money” go?

First of all, I want to talk about the reasons. I personally feel that it is mainly caused by external factors. Especially since the beginning of this year, the impact of external factors has become more obvious. The risk of the Russia-Ukraine conflict is still in the process of being transmitted. Once As the contradiction between the United States and Russia continues to deepen, and Russia strikes back comprehensively, an economic crisis will inevitably break out in Europe, and then global debt crises and economic crises will break out one after another.

Secondly, where did the money go? Let’s take our country as an example. The original funds were circulated locally, but now the local funds are flowing out, and the funds are too concentrated in the online merchant areas with supply chain development. In addition, the e-commerce platform attracts money, and the online store promotion fees, Activity fees and transaction commissions are absorbed by the platform, and all kinds of advanced consumption, such as housing loans, car loans, consumer loans, etc., spend future money. Many factors have caused insufficient liquidity, so everyone feels It’s harder to make money than before.

In fact, this is the result of the destruction of the ecological industry chain. All money is concentrated in the hands of a small number of capital oligarchs . In the past, prices were not transparent. Many manufacturers produced a product to create a large number of jobs, and then each found a general distributor to create a number of jobs. The general distributor Looking for second and third batches can drive employment and consumption, and finally store sales will still drive. Now it is a price war between manufacturers, and then the platform will harvest part of it, and the intermediate links will be gone. What should these people do? After all, people in civil servants and institutions With so many people, others are unemployed, and everyone’s quality of life is getting worse and worse.

In short, the current situation is indeed quite serious. The influence of external factors, coupled with the imperfect physical constitution of many countries, has certain shortcomings in many aspects, so many people feel that it is getting harder and harder to make money!