Yesterday, driven by the heavy consumption of liquor, the market made a strong recovery at the index level, but the market sentiment did not improve much. The day before yesterday, the mainstream hot automobile industry chain collapsed in a large-scale limit-down style, and the d

Yesterday, the market made a strong recovery at the index level driven by the heavy consumption of liquor. However, the market sentiment did not improve much. The day before yesterday, the mainstream hot automobile industry chain collapsed in a large area fell to the limit style, and the destructive power was really huge.

In view of the temporary absence of northbound funds for two days, and the general decline in external markets overnight, it is reasonable for the market to open low and fluctuate today. And the performance has been relatively tenacious. After all, in the absence of foreign capital, the market has not plummeted, and domestic institutions have also invested in resource stocks, sectors where mid-term reports are more certain, which is already very good. In the past, without northbound funds, domestic capital was like a headless fly, smashing the market indiscriminately.

Market hot spots : resources, salt lake lithium extraction, chemicals, engineering machinery, robots

hot search stocks :

Changan Automobile ,

Baoxin Technology,

Jitai Shares,

Julun Smart ,

Chuanyi Technology,

Haiqi Group ,

Xingmin Zhitong,

Rifeng Shares,

Songzhi Shares ,

Jingshan Light Machinery ,

Market height (connected board) Shares):

Julun Intelligent -Robot, 8 boards in 9 days,


Chuanyi Technology - sodium battery , 7 connected boards,


Taijia shares -consumer electronics, 5 boards in 6 days,


Ganneng shares -pumped storage, 4-connected board,


Junior Water Affairs -Reorganization + Water Affairs, 3-connected board

2 connected board :

(1) Harbin Intelligent -Robot, 2-connected board,

(2) New Beiyang -Robot, 2 connected boards,

(3) Xianheng International -Robot, 2 connected boards,

(4) Infineon -5G+ smart city, 2 connected boards,

(5) Dinglong Culture - Cultural Media , 2 connected boards,

(6) Shenchi Electromechanical -auto parts + water conservancy, 2 connected boards,

Market overview :

Today's market opened lower and fluctuated under the influence of the general decline in external stock markets overnight, and the Shanghai stock index fell back to its lowest level. It stepped near 3378 points, then started to fluctuate upward, and finally closed with a slight drop of 11 points. On the market, the resource sector with good performance expected in the interim report performed strongly, lithium ore , cultivated diamonds, chemicals and other sectors rose sharply. In terms of track stocks, automobile stocks rebounded in the afternoon, but the overall rebound was limited. There was serious differentiation within the photovoltaic sector, and individual stocks in the middle and lower reaches of the industry chain such as components fell sharply.

In terms of decline, sectors related to consumption recovery that surged yesterday have collectively adjusted. Tourism and hotel stocks have stopped falling. In addition, brokerage stocks fluctuated lower throughout the day. Generally speaking, individual stocks fell more than they rose. The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges today's turnover was 1,051.3 billion. The volume shrank by 108.5 billion compared with the previous trading day, and the transaction volume in the two cities shrank for two consecutive days.

Market analysis :

In the absence of northbound funds, the track, consumption, and automobile industry chains have all entered adjustment, domestic institutions have chosen to return to resource cyclical stocks. Short-term active funds tried some repair actions, but the results were not ideal. It is easy to understand that

organizations choose to recycle resource sectors such as lithium batteries, pork, phosphorus chemicals, organic silicon . The mid-term results of these sectors are relatively certain. At the same time, consumer electronics and semiconductors, which have oversold and , are also ready to make moves. Regardless of the performance of these once-famous industries, at least their positions are very low.

At the short-term level, market sentiment has simply fallen into an ice hole. Following the decline of in the popular stock on Wednesday, after a brief recovery yesterday, a new round of decline started at the short-term level today. Even some highly popular stocks such as Jitai shares, Jingshan Light Machinery, and Songzhi shares have faintly entered an A-word trend.

As we mentioned in the previous article, the extreme consistency of will inevitably lead to extreme differences and major adjustments to . Since late June, sectors with the automotive industry chain and photovoltaic HJT cells as the main lines have produced a large number of monster stocks , and It is a continuous trend. Those who hold positions in and will win without thinking, and those who chase the high will be in trouble the next day. This continuous accelerating and unambiguous climactic movement continued until a sudden major adjustment occurred on Wednesday, with highly popular stocks falling to their limits on a large scale.

In fact, this situation has been very common in the past year or two, especially last year's new crown epidemic situation. At that time, Jiu'an Medical based new crown drug concept stocks also produced demon stocks in batches, and later collapsed. It's exactly the same now.

History will repeat itself, it is nothing more than another cycle. If there is no strong repair after the crash, it will be a definite ebb period, the operation will become more difficult, and the money-losing effect will be overwhelming. Various highly popular stocks are selling A-words, hot spots are rotating very fast and there is no sustainability. For example, the tourism sector yesterday ended in a more tragic way today.

Remember these processes, the next round of market prices, the next round of market prices, may still be such a process .

So is this the end of the recent boom in auto stocks? What will be the main line in July? ?

Market outlook :

First of all, from an index perspective, we still maintain the previous view, and the risk is not great. In the absence of any major emergencies, the top of the sky is just a step back to the 20-day line.

Let’s talk about auto stocks. The stage of mindlessly winning is over. There is no doubt that the market is fishtail for the time being. There may be some sporadic supplementary increases, but they won't have much effect.

These are the companies that can really affect the automobile industry chain. In the short term, two Zhongtong buses are still in the dark room, Zhejiang Shibao , and the trend after resumes trading as .

In terms of major trends, that is BYD and Changan Automobile . The latter also has a very large influence on the short-term. Changan Automobile Taking advantage of the remaining power of the automobile sector, the trading volume is still huge these days. We must first reduce the volume and then slowly complete the step back action.

So who can become the main line in July? There is no specific sector identified yet. Wait until the northbound funds come back next week and then observe.

At the same time, it should be noted that with the recent ebb of mainstream automobiles and photovoltaics, the market rotation will be very fast and there will be no sustainability. For example, the tourism sector that was clamoring for the post-epidemic era yesterday has been directly hit the 18th level of hell today.

Therefore, the beginning of the month can be characterized as a trial and error stage. Regardless of the size of the funds, institutions hot funds will most likely follow the market rotation. Then we also need to be cautious in our operations. If you want to participate, remember to move in and out quickly, and don't be greedy, because the price of making a mistake is very high.