Yesterday, the strong A-share stocks fell violently, but today it is a sunny and sunny scene again. Three positive lines have changed their beliefs. Unknowingly, A-shares have become a little different. Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet, only in A-shares Only investors will trul

Yesterday A shares strong stocks fell violently fell , but today it is a sunny and sunny scene again. Three positive lines have changed their beliefs. Unknowingly, A shares have become a little different. The spring river water warm duck prophet, only Only investors in A-shares will really understand and feel the temperature of A-shares. The U.S. stock market has been falling continuously recently, but A-shares have not followed. This was unbelievable in the past. How did it change?

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In A-shares, foreign capital is the most unreliable. The entire A-share market is not short of money, but what is lacking is the money-making effect and the concentration of confidence. We should have seen that when it plummeted to 2800 points this year, I believe that in recent years, A-shares have been caused by a group of people who are smashing the market. They are manipulating A-shares, following the decline of US stocks , and following the decline of A50 stock index futures. .

Since the introduction of lower transaction handling fees and lower channel fees, A-shares have truly experienced an independent market trend, and during this period, the U.S. stock market has been going extremely poorly. If it is understandable, it is the A-share exchange for the main force, otherwise the recent market situation is not realistic!

The rise in A shares this time has a mission, and the management has also seen the huge role of A shares! From top to bottom, it’s no surprise that A-shares are changing rapidly and the market is exceeding expectations!

A well-known private equity manager has been slapped in the face for adding positions in U.S. stocks and liquidating A-share positions. He has been obediently adding positions in A-shares in the past few days. I believe that their news channels will not be bad. The prodigal will not be able to exchange for his money, which also shows that A-shares will be better in the future. A period of time can be expected and is also a safe period.

is written at the end. Currently, many stocks are still of great investment value. Only by choosing good stocks, looking accurately, daring to take heavy positions, and holding on to them can you outperform the market and make a lot of money! Remember, remember!

Don't chase the rise and fall, don't be opportunistic!