On the afternoon of June 29, the official website of the National Development and Reform Commission issued a document announcing that after the international oil price exceeded the regulatory upper limit of US$130 per barrel, domestic refined oil prices will not be raised tempora

On the afternoon of June 29,

the official website of the National Development and Reform Commission issued a document announcing

that after the international oil price exceeded the regulatory upper limit of US$130 per barrel,

domestic refined oil prices will not be raised for the time being.

The announcement stated that the proportion of my country's oil production from outside exceeds 70%. According to the current refined oil price mechanism , the price of domestic refined oil products is adjusted every 10 working days based on changes in the price of crude oil in the international market (the average price of the 10 working days before the price adjustment date of refined oil products, hereinafter referred to as the international oil price). According to the relevant provisions of the "Measures for the Administration of Petroleum Prices", when the international oil price exceeds the upper limit of US$130 per barrel, in principle, the prices of gasoline and diesel will not be mentioned or mentioned less.

In order to reduce the burden on downstream users and consumers and reduce the operating costs of the real economy, with the approval of the State Council, when the international oil price exceeds the regulatory upper limit of US$130 per barrel, domestic refined oil prices will no longer be raised in the short term (no more than two months) , if the international oil price exceeds the control upper limit of US$130 per barrel for more than two months in total, relevant policy measures will be clarified in advance.

At the same time, in order to protect the production enthusiasm of oil refining companies and ensure the safe and stable supply of refined oil, the central government will provide periodic price subsidies to oil refining companies. The subsidy standard is the amount of gasoline and diesel prices that should be adjusted during the price adjustment cycle. Qualified oil refining companies You can apply according to the procedures.

Source: National Development and Reform Commission official website

Editor: Xie Dan

Second review: Yuan Junjie Xie Bin

Final review: Wang Shoudong

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