According to market news, Tianneng Battery's performance in the first half of 2022 has once again achieved good results, and sales in June have exceeded a record high. In order to express gratitude to all Tianneng Battery customers, we have linked up with 400,000 official termina

According to market news, Tianneng Battery has achieved another good performance in the first half of 2022, and sales in June have exceeded a record high. In order to express gratitude and give back to all Tianneng Battery customers, 400,000 official terminal stores across the country have jointly launched the "Mid-year Huge Benefit” activity.

Hard core strength

Empowering customers

Since the beginning of 2022, Tianneng has launched multiple marketing activities. Once the campaign was launched, it quickly swept across the country, setting off a frenzy to exchange Tianneng batteries for 400,000 terminal stores!

January "Warm journey home, warm winter big trade-up "

February "People choose Tianneng, it’s time to buy at a discount"

March "Change Tianneng high-end battery, there is a big prize on the code"

April "Change Tianneng Battery, smashing golden eggs is 100% polite"

May "Love Tianneng, bring love home"

June "Send coolness in summer" and other theme activities


Empower the market

Consolidate its dominance

Tianneng Solving the pain points of user needs and making products as the core not only has the wisdom to understand market demand, but also has strong resource allocation to create more wealth chips for stores. Empowering terminals is not a slogan, but a practical action. In recent years, Tianneng has continuously implemented new marketing strategies. By building million-level stores, it has directly addressed the pain points, difficulties, and key points encountered by stores, and more specifically solved problems such as expansion, retention, promotion, and lockout of stores.


The perfect market management system helps stores to be more "like a fish in water" in sales. Tianneng will also work hard to build a more differentiated and diversified business matrix to help improve the store's reputation, customer flow, and sales from the dimensions of brand, hot products, categories, projects, etc., and empower terminals.

Everyone chooses Tianneng

Enhance brand charm

Tianneng builds its core competitiveness with "products + services", which not only creates a booming sales scene in the market after the global economy and epidemic environment both suffered a "cold winter" attack, but also breaks through the off-peak and peak seasons. Strange circle, leading the wave of "year-round hot sales" of lead-acid battery market sales, and setting a new development benchmark for the industry.

Tianneng has always adhered to green development and innovation-driven development, taking innovation as the first driving force for enterprise development, constantly promoting technological innovation, management innovation and model innovation, and constantly consolidating its core technology, green intelligent manufacturing, market channels, The advantages in brand building and other aspects have comprehensively built the company's core strength and accumulated strong momentum for the continued high-quality development of .