Recently, Sany Heavy Industry announced the 2022 employee stock ownership plan, which is open to no more than 6,996 directors, supervisors, senior managers, middle managers, key position personnel, core business (technical) personnel, etc., with a scale of no more than 485 millio

Recently, Sany Heavy Industry announced the 2022 employee stock ownership plan, which is open to no more than 6,996 company directors, supervisors, senior managers, middle managers, key position personnel, core business (technical) personnel, etc., and the establishment scale does not exceed 485 million yuan. As soon as the news about

came out, it quickly caused a sensation. It is understood that the main participants in the employee stock ownership plan are the core backbones of Sany Heavy Industry's technology and management. The purpose is to increase the attraction of core backbones, especially the "two new" and " three modernization " talents, and further Promote the upgrading of the company's talent structure.

Among them, the shares awarded to directors, supervisors and senior managers were 28 million yuan, accounting for 5.74%, and the shares awarded to middle managers, key position personnel, and core business (technical) personnel of the company were 457 million yuan, accounting for 9.426%. %.

This means that through the employee stock ownership plan, these core talents share the development results of Sany , and also closely connect their personal careers with Sany's mission, and jointly convey strong confidence in the company's long-term value to the outside world. .

According to the employee stock ownership plan announced by Sany Heavy Industry, in the past three years, Sany Heavy Industry has launched a total of 3 phases of employee stock ownership plans, with no more than 13,465 people granted, and a capital scale of no more than 895 million yuan. Employees who participated in expressed that they were more passionate about doing things and "try their best to realize Sanyi and rely on Sanyi to realize themselves."

Sany has always insisted on putting talents and strivers first, helping employees succeed, taking multiple measures to create a wealth effect, and co-creating and sharing the achievements of Sany's career development with employees, making employees "more wealthy and valuable", including 8,000 We encourage "new workers" with RMB 10,000, reward outstanding employees with RMB 100 million, engineers with RMB 160 million, international talents with RMB 100 million, etc.

The successive implementation of this series of talent incentive measures, while fully mobilizing the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, has also allowed Sany Heavy Industry to become "other people's companies" repeatedly, greatly improving its attractiveness to top talents, and will provide Sany with Injecting continuous innovation momentum into future development will help comprehensively enhance the company's comprehensive competitiveness.