From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of "making breakthroughs in five years" for the conversion of old and new growth drivers and held a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to test the results, exchan

2024/06/3015:43:33 finance 1003

In midsummer, everything is in full bloom. The coast of the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea is full of new momentum.

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of "making breakthroughs in five years" for the conversion of old and new driving forces and held a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to test the results, exchange experience, deploy work, and continue to consolidate stability and progress. The good situation of improving quality will promote the conversion of new and old driving forces to achieve "breakthroughs in five years" and strive to achieve the annual economic and social development goals and tasks.

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of

Provincial Party Committee Secretary Li Ganjie, Provincial Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Governor Zhou Naixiang attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Provincial CPPCC Chairman Ge Huijun, Provincial Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Qingdao Municipal Party Committee Secretary Lu Zhiyuan, and Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee Deputy Director and Party Leadership Group Secretary Yang Dongqi attended. Members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and relevant provincial leaders, 16 municipal party committee secretaries and mayors, relevant provincial departments, and key responsible comrades of some central units stationed in Shandong attended the meeting. The

"observation group" came to qingdao, yantai, weihai3 city, and walked into the sites of a series of key projects representing the conversion of old and new kinetic energy for on-the-spot observation. The projects inspected this time are mainly key industrial projects and major new infrastructure projects that have been newly built and put into operation since 2021.

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of

2022 is the decisive year for Shandong’s “five-year breakthrough” in the conversion of new and old driving forces. Aiming at the main position of the “top ten industries”, Shandong will use strong measures to make breakthroughs and improvements. Major projects and key projects are undoubtedly the carrier and starting point for kinetic energy conversion, and are a window for observing the changes in Shandong's development. Where is the "new" new kinetic energy of

? This is the focus of this project observation.

This observation focused on the latest achievements in the conversion of old and new kinetic energy in the province. The observation project is large in scale, has many innovative elements, has a deep degree of integration, and has good comprehensive benefits.

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of

As one of the “three cores” for the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, Qingdao is the first stop for this observation. From 6 projects to see the industrial development context of a city and show the spirit of a city, Qingdao not only selects big projects and good projects from the best, but also integrates the "new" and "new" industries of this city. The "new" sequence of kinetic energy is presented:

Demonstration sample of intelligent manufacturing - Hexagon Smart Industrial Park project;

The world's first 600 kilometers per hour high-speed maglev transportation system - high-speed maglev train key technology and equipment research and development project;

creates a national-level magnetic material full value chain development platform - AVIC Magnetic Materials Industrial Park Project;

the country's largest high-end smart sensor production base - Qingdao Microelectronics Industrial Park Project;

leads the "three industry integration" Iterative changes in the marine breeding model - "Guoxin No. 1" 100,000-ton large-scale breeding work ship project;

Qingdao fully qualified vehicle headquarters base project "zero breakthrough" - Beijing Automotive Vehicle Manufacturing Headquarters Base Project.

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of

These are the 6 projects of Qingdao station . Among them, there are both important weapons of major powers that demonstrate hard core strength, and "stuck-neck" technological breakthroughs in subdivided fields; there are both platform systems for the entire industry chain, and cross-industry empowerment of digital solutions; and there are both emerging industries. Cutting-edge products also have innovative models of industrial integration.

doesn’t look at the exhibition boards, only at the scene. This observation can be described as an "immersive" investigation into the production site. This is a phased effectiveness test and experience exchange in promoting the transformation of old and new driving forces.

This observation meeting showed confidence and motivation, and also provided inspiration for the next step of sprinting for "breakthrough in five years".

01 Showing the "new momentum" of modern industry

This observation meeting is a journey to explore the "new". Every project unveiled in Qingdao embodies the city’s “new momentum.”

First stop: Hexagon Smart Industrial Park project - a demonstration sample of intelligent manufacturing

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of

The "new" of Hexagon Smart Industrial Park is that it is Qingdao's solution to seize new opportunities in the digital age and integrate software and hardware. The plan is one of the important carriers to accelerate the digital transformation of industry to and empower the industry to move forward with "digital".

industrial control software is a shortcoming made in China. The Hexagon Smart Industrial Park project not only produces ultra-high-precision (0.5 micron) testing equipment, but also provides independent and controllable smart manufacturing and smart city solutions based on industrial control software.The project has 14 world technology firsts and 8 world bests. It has participated in solving 6 independent projects including lithography machine , chips, heavy gas steam turbine , core industrial software, aviation design software, tunnel boring machine main bearing, etc. Controllable key technologies. It has been used in Tesla Shanghai factory, Chang'e 5 , C919 aircraft and other projects.

Second stop: High-speed maglev train key technology and equipment research and development project - the world's first 600 kilometers per hour high-speed maglev transportation system

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of

In July 2021, CRRC Sifang Co., Ltd. The world's first 600 kilometers per hour high-speed maglev transportation system was successfully launched The line represents my country's major innovative breakthrough in the field of high-speed maglev, with the ability to fully automate and industrialize high-speed maglev transportation systems and equipment, and promote Qingdao's rail transit industry to further impact the world's first-class industrial clusters. At the scene, the "observation group" took a trial ride on the maglev train. The project will also build an extension project of the high-speed maglev test line to further promote basic theoretical research on high-speed maglev systems and the development of key components and new products.

The third stop: AVIC Magnetic Materials Industrial Park Project - Building a national-level magnetic materials full value chain development platform

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of

This is a project that breaks through the "stuck neck" problem in key links. This project of Qingdao Yunlu Advanced Materials Technology Co., Ltd. mainly builds production workshops, R&D centers and supporting facilities for advanced soft magnetic materials and their products.

This is the country's first "Dual Carbon Soft Magnetic Industrial Park". The project has built the world's largest and most advanced amorphous alloy thin strip production base; it has built a nanocrystalline large-size liquid-cooled magnetic alloy ring demonstration line. Solve the "stuck neck" problem of the high-frequency system of the strong current heavy ion accelerator of the national major scientific project, breaking the foreign technology monopoly and blockade; building the country's first vertical magnetic alloy powder and device factory for Huawei , Tesla , Gree and other companies provide high-performance magnetic materials and devices.

The fourth stop: Qingdao Microelectronics Industrial Park Project - the country's largest high-end smart sensor production base

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of

This is one of the important representative projects of Qingdao's emerging industries. The project is invested by Goertek Microelectronics Co., Ltd., which produces the world's leading smart sensors and microsystem modules. The products are widely used in virtual/ augmented reality , smart wear and other consumer electronics fields, serving Samsung , Sony , etc. A world-class consumer electronics manufacturer. After the

project is completed, Qingdao will have the entire smart sensor industry chain from microelectronics design, wafer manufacturing, packaging and testing to system applications, and will also become the largest smart sensor production base in China.

Fifth stop: "Guoxin No. 1" 100,000-ton large-scale breeding work ship project - "Integration of three industries" leads the iterative reform of the marine breeding model

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of

On May 20, the world's first 100,000-ton smart fishery large-scale work ship " The delivery and operation of "Guoxin No. 1" in Qingdao, Shandong Province marks that my country's large-scale aquaculture ship industry in the deep sea has achieved an advanced development from "0" to "1" and will lead the iterative upgrade of my country's mariculture model.

Known as the "mobile marine ranch", "Guoxin No. 1" has an investment of about 450 million yuan, a length of 249.9 meters, a displacement of 130,000 tons, a load capacity of 100,000 tons, 15 breeding cabins, and a breeding water body of nearly 90,000 cubic meters. , with an annual output of 43,700 tons of high-quality yellow croaker. And this is just the beginning. The "Guoxin No. 2 and No. 3" breeding work ship projects with a total investment of 1 billion yuan in 2022 have also been launched. The future breeding fleet will drive the supporting industrial chain to form a 100-billion-level marine industry cluster.

Sixth Stop: Beijing Automobile Manufacturing Headquarters Base Project - Qingdao Fully Qualified Vehicle Headquarters Base Project "Zero Breakthrough"

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of

Sitting on the BJ 212 classic model that has been best-selling for decades, Beijing Automobile Manufacturing Plant landed in Qingdao, not only for Qingdao It has brought full qualifications for vehicle manufacturing and the genes for creating hot-selling products.

Beijing Automobile Manufacturing Headquarters Base Project is the only fully qualified vehicle manufacturing project in the province that has off-road vehicles , cars, trucks, buses (all including new energy), military vehicles , and modified vehicles, and has a complete vehicle control system , engine control system, automatic transmission control system and battery management system and other system-wide core technologies. It is the first in China to apply extended-range hybrid technology to light truck commercial vehicles and mass-produce it, which is very important for improving the province's automobile industry chain and improving manufacturing. The core competitiveness of the industry is of great significance.

At the scene, these "new" and innovative projects attracted the "observation group" to frequently stop for detailed inquiries and discussions, and the length of stay exceeded the original plan many times. For the "Guoxin No. 1" which is currently in operation, this observation also combines innovative observation methods such as smart large screens, real-time connections, and three-dimensional animations.

Judging from the corporate matrix behind the project, those selected for the observation queue this time are not only "big guys" like CRRC Sifang, but also "little giants" like Yunlu who specialize in and specialize in new . This is a microcosm of Qingdao's booming industrial ecology and reflects the tiered development pattern formed by Qingdao in cultivating market entities. This will provide more vitality to the city.

02 The leader Qingdao takes on the "heavy responsibility"

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of

As an important pole of the Shandong new and old kinetic energy conversion comprehensive test zone "three-core leadership", in recent years, Qingdao has given full play to the main engine role of the core area, focusing on "one year to fully start, three years to Initial results will be achieved, breakthroughs will be made in five years, and advantages will be established in ten years." We will take the lead in leading regional development.

According to Shandong Province’s quarterly monitoring report on the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, in the first quarter of this year, the added value of Qingdao’s “top ten industries” was 118.08 billion yuan (excluding modern marine industry), a year-on-year increase of 11.5%, and a contribution rate of 16.15% to the province. The province ranks first.

station has reached a new strategic starting point. The 13th Municipal Party Congress will put "building a leading city in modern industries" at the top of the overall layout of "six cities" in the next five years, and proposes to deeply promote the conversion of new and old driving forces. , carry out actions to revitalize and develop the real economy, highlight the leadership of emerging industries, the deep integration of "two industries" and digital transformation, and provide strong support for the construction of a leading city in modern industries. The group of projects that

observed this time is a vivid interpretation of Qingdao’s modern industry’s efforts in digital traction, cross-border integration, cutting-edge breakthroughs, and future layout.

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of

Behind this is Qingdao’s “combination punch” to promote the development of the real economy.

promotes the chain development and cluster development of the province's "top ten industries" in Qingdao. In Qingdao's three-year action to revitalize and develop the real economy, Qingdao has planned 24 key industrial chains and 7 major future industries, and implemented the construction of clusters to strengthen chains and the recruitment of large universities. The five major actions of attracting strength, doubling seedlings, innovation empowerment, and ensuring factors will implement the "chain length system" of the industrial chain, build a "five one" working mechanism, and accelerate the construction of 342 projects with a total investment of 800 billion yuan.

promotes the clustering of industrial chains. Qingdao vigorously cultivates "chain master" enterprises and key enterprises in the industrial chain, encourages the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain to coordinate and support, and supports the development of enterprises that "join the chain". In the first half of the year, Qingdao added 4 new "flying geese formation" clusters and 6 cluster leading enterprises, bringing the total number to 18 and 25 respectively. Both the number and total number of new additions ranked first in the province.

promotes the digital transformation of traditional industries. Qingdao deeply implements the "Working Qingdao" action, rolling out more than 500 technological transformation projects, focusing on promoting the digital, networked, and intelligent transformation of 1,000 industrial enterprises annually; the first batch of 10 Qingdao enterprises have been recognized and released. The key industry digital transformation empowerment centers have diagnosed and empowered 445 enterprises (institutions) in total. Among them, the "big data + finance" empowerment model of the foreign trade industry digital transformation empowerment center has been recognized by the Ministry of Commerce.

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of

To promote the development of emerging industries, Qingdao has issued detailed rules for the implementation of rewards for new economic emerging enterprises; to promote innovation and openness in application scenarios, 34 scenario application laboratories and innovative application laboratories have been designated, 13 of which have received A and B rounds of financing. With nearly 400 million yuan, one laboratory relied on enterprises to achieve the listing of on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. The experience and practices in cultivating strategic emerging industries have received supervision and encouragement from the State Council.

This has also brought about the accelerated development of Qingdao’s “four new” economies.In the first quarter, the city's "four new" economic added value was 114.48 billion yuan, a growth rate of 12.5%, accounting for 33.94% of the GDP, an increase of 1.04 percentage points from the end of last year.

03 The progress bar for sprinting to "achieve a breakthrough in five years"

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of

2022 is already halfway through. The “report card” of economic performance in the first half of the year has been released one after another. Facing the second half of the year, development uncertainty still exists. For both Shandong and Qingdao, there are both challenges and opportunities to continue to consolidate the good momentum of stability while improving and improving quality, to strive to achieve the annual economic and social development goals and tasks, and to sprint for "breakthroughs in five years".

project construction is the "main battlefield" of economic work. In the first half of the year, Qingdao tapped "new momentum" through project construction. Taking the provincial preferred projects in 2022 as an example, as of now, 28 of the 36 projects have been started, with an operating rate of 90.3%, a cumulative investment of 9.017 billion yuan, and an investment completion rate of 69.7%.

If Qingdao wants to gain greater momentum for development, it must further accelerate the progress of projects under construction, strive to start a number of new projects, actively "go out" to plan projects, research projects, and attract projects, strengthen dispatching services and factor guarantees, and continuously expand Invest effectively and strive to generate more physical workload.

adapts to the needs of building ten emerging industry chains and uses the park as a platform to innovate the development model, mechanism and approach of the industrial chain. Qingdao is also planning ten professional parks for emerging industries, building professional parks through high-level layout and introducing high-energy projects. Accelerate the development and growth of emerging industries.

From July 13 to 15, Shandong Province held an on-site observation of the key project of

The transformation of old and new kinetic energy is inseparable from the drive of innovation. Qingdao is working hard to enhance the concentration of innovative resources, industrial innovation power, and the attractiveness of innovative talents. In terms of industrial development, it must unswervingly strengthen innovation-driven, highlight green and low-carbon, accelerate digital empowerment, promote cluster development, and promote intensification develop.

Continuously optimizing the business environment and accelerating the cultivation of market entities are the key to promoting industrial development and kinetic energy conversion. Since the beginning of this year, Qingdao has formulated and promulgated a package of policies such as "seeking progress while maintaining stability", a list of high-quality development policies, "42 policies" to help companies bail out and support the development of market entities, and "89 policies" to stimulate market vitality and stabilize economic growth. Market entities are relieving difficulties and boosting confidence in development.

deepens the reform of " delegating regulation and servicing ". Qingdao comprehensively implements the new market supervision model of "service-oriented law enforcement", allowing services to run ahead of supervision and supervision to run ahead of risks. More than 1,200 cases have been exempted from fines, and fines of more than 51 million yuan have been reduced or reduced; implemented "Defect-tolerant and fault-tolerant" foreign investment registration has successfully won the two national reform pilots of "Registration Smart Form" and "Integrated Processing of Enterprise Certificates". Be the first in the province to explore ways for foreign legal representatives to apply for electronic business licenses, and extend the "international living room" into a cross-border registration window for foreign-funded enterprises.

Strive for the best in everything, only the flag is to win. The observation meeting is an inventory of the preliminary work, which is both affirmation and encouragement. We must strengthen our confidence and muster our energy to intensify the intensity of all work, accelerate the progress, and improve the quality and efficiency. We must take advantage of the situation and promote the "five-year transformation" of new and old driving forces. A breakthrough year."

author|Yang Guang

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