According to Navarre, a well-known investor in Silicon Valley, publishing books, writing blogs, doing media, doing podcasts, and "productizing yourself" are the most suitable ways for ordinary people to get rich in the Internet era.

2024/06/0722:13:33 finance 1930

According to Navarre, a well-known investor in Silicon Valley, publishing books, writing blogs, doing media, doing podcasts, and

Author / Jin Delu

The pictures in this article are all from the Internet

In the view of Navarre, a well-known investor in Silicon Valley , publishing books, writing blogs, doing media, doing podcasts, and "productizing yourself" are the most suitable in the Internet era. Ordinary people's path to wealth. Today, in Douyin e-commerce, everyone can show their unreplicable self, let their unique and beautiful lifestyle be seen, and further realize greater self- and social value.

On June 20, Douyin e-commerce Chunyu Plan launched the "100 Beautiful Lifestyles" online event to create and promote unique and high-quality content standards with authors in different fields.

According to Navarre, a well-known investor in Silicon Valley, publishing books, writing blogs, doing media, doing podcasts, and

Among them, the first phase of the event is targeted at three key areas: food, beauty and technology and digital. Click on the activity topic on Douyin, and you can see the active figures of many high-quality creators: actor Chen Yanfei combined with the nostalgic trend of Hong Kong's return to , shot a video of "Hong Kong Style Beauty in Disguise", and planted beauty products. ; Food blogger "Chanzi Sisters and Brothers" brought the delicious scenery of Sichuan's summer countryside into the camera and sold Sichuan folk delicacies; former CCTV host Li Xiaomeng introduced parenting concepts while selling books, and also sold books through " Amway "Everyday good things share a beautiful lifestyle...

They pass on experience and energy and achieve a win-win situation for individuals, platforms and businesses on Douyin e-commerce.

01 Tips for bringing goods in “Beautiful Lifestyle”

html In July, the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland set off a nostalgia craze on social media. Chen Yanfei keeps up with the hot topics and uploads videos such as "My Hong Kong Memory", "Hong Kong Style Food" and "Hong Kong Style Beauty in Disguise" under the topic of "100 Beautiful Lifestyles". The video received nearly 600,000 likes and also became popular for shampoo, hair removal devices and other beauty products.

38-year-old Chen Yanfei was once the heroine of idol dramas such as "星梦盈" in mainland China during the millennium. In 2019, Chen Yanfei joined Douyin. Her tempting food sharing, simple and easy-to-learn beauty tutorials, and her sweet daily life with her husband quickly gained her tens of millions of fans.

In the video where she dressed up as a Hong Kong-style beauty and sold shampoo, Chen Yanfei appeared without makeup. As a beauty blogger, she patiently demonstrates to her fans in every detail: how to keep small hairs at the end of her eyebrows to create a wild and original look, and how to express her inner passion and confidence through deep eyeliner and flaming red lips, thus replicating Hong Kong from the inside out. Feng beauty style.

How to create the finishing touch of wavy hair? Chen Yanfei timely recommended a shampoo that can make hair fluffy. In order to let fans better observe the effect of use, she washed her hair in front of the camera, showing off the solid foam of the shampoo after rubbing... and then used a hair dryer to create a fluffy look. Put on a retro-flavored denim jacket, and the Hong Kong-style beauty's transformation is complete.

According to Navarre, a well-known investor in Silicon Valley, publishing books, writing blogs, doing media, doing podcasts, and

The real and visible usage process made many people say that they were "grassed" in the comment area. This shampoo also made it to the Top 2 of the most popular oil-control shampoos.

With the support of high-quality content, Chen Yanfei’s sales videos have always been well received.

Looking through Chen Yanfei’s Douyin, most of the content of her videos revolve around real and down-to-earth home life: cooking food in the kitchen, remodeling her husband’s image, designing a set of makeup for herself... This kind of positive and casual attitude towards life, His real and down-to-earth personality also enhances fans' favorability.

This has also accumulated loyal female users for her. They call her "Brother Fei" and think she is "like a sunflower, a blogger they will never disown." The support of fans further helped Chen Yanfei achieve a breakthrough in transforming from an actor to a sales expert. In her high-quality vlogs, she answers questions from her fans, telling them how to use a certain foundation for combination skin and oily skin, and how to protect teeth with a certain toothpaste. Her sincerity and professionalism have gained the trust of fans. Now, her Douyin store has a score of 4.97, with more than 630,000 people placing orders.

According to Navarre, a well-known investor in Silicon Valley, publishing books, writing blogs, doing media, doing podcasts, and

02 "Authentic, credible, professional and interesting" content demonstration

Douyin e-commerce has been working hard on the construction of content ecology. On October 13 last year, Douyin e-commerce launched the "E-commerce Content Creation Standards", which clearly defines the content that is encouraged and discouraged by the platform and guides creation with the creation standards of "authentic, professional, credible, and interesting" The guide (the person who brings the goods) strives in the direction of "true and objective description, professional introduction of goods, sincere interactive communication, and vivid and interesting content".

The food bloggers "Chanzi Sisters and Brothers" from the countryside of Leshan, Sichuan can give some inspiration on what high-quality content is that is "authentic, credible, professional and interesting".

In 2019, the siblings began to look for opportunities to shoot short videos in their hometown, and finally decided to open a plot account @chanzisiblings that records Sichuan food themes, showcasing Baiwei life and selling gourmet products.

In this "100 Beautiful Lifestyles" themed event, you can see the rural summer life shown by the Chanzi siblings: In the video, the two wear brightly colored double-breasted coats and speak a friendly Leshan dialect. In the morning, my younger brother would go out with a bamboo basket on his back and catch eels and crabs from rice fields, rocks, and lotus ponds, or go to a neighbor's house to "barter" a fish for a basket of crayfish. When it was time to cook, he would go home and get some. To Sister Chanzi.

These daily life scenes, which are based on real childhood memories and close neighborhood relationships, can easily arouse the audience's intimacy and help them accumulate more than 7 million fans from scratch.

Looking back now, Sister Chanzi also summed up the reasons why their videos are popular and successful in selling products as "authentic, credible, professional and interesting".

“It’s real. I grew up here, and the pictures I took were of real mountains, rivers, flowers, and grass. It’s beautiful when it’s real. Credibility, trust comes from distance, the Leshan dialect and the country food that everyone talks about, La. The distance between us has become closer." She described the relationship with her fans as being like "neighbors", "like fish and water, close and dependent on each other."

According to Navarre, a well-known investor in Silicon Valley, publishing books, writing blogs, doing media, doing podcasts, and

Regarding "professional and interesting", Sister Chanzi thinks that her cooking skills are not as good as those of star chefs, but what she shows on Douyin are all authentic recipes of the home-cooked dishes she ate when she was a child. The siblings and Fa Xiao went up the mountain to chop firewood, fished in the river, and quarreled and bickered together, which was fun all their own.

Sister Chanzi stood on the open-air stove shaded by green hills and bamboo groves. No matter what her brother gave her, she could prepare a table of authentic Leshan delicacies: Bobo chicken , yellow spicy diced dices, steamed pork with rice flour ... The spicy, delicious and attractive color also seduces the taste buds of the audience in front of the screen.

When fans saw the Bobo chicken seasoning and hot sauce recommended by the Chanzi siblings, fans were also happy to place orders, so they could taste all the delicious food with the siblings without having to do anything.

According to Navarre, a well-known investor in Silicon Valley, publishing books, writing blogs, doing media, doing podcasts, and

In fact, Chen Yanfei and Chanzi siblings show their true, unique and irreplaceable selves in the short videos. They love and manage their lives with heart in the city and countryside, and also inspire fans to imagine and demand a better and diverse life. This is also a high-quality video encouraged by creators to create and publish in the "100 Beautiful Lifestyles" theme activity of the Spring Rain Project .

03 Opportunities open to all ordinary people

Li Xiaomeng, who has served as the host of many popular TV programs such as CCTV's "Half the Sky" and " Oriental Time and Space ", relies on the host's extraordinary eloquence and profound knowledge to establish herself in Douyin e-commerce. When bringing goods, a lecture-style live broadcast and a golden sentence-style demonstration of goods delivery were started.

Li Xiaomeng initially joined Douyin, specializing in knowledge sharing and book delivery. This stemmed from her experience of having trouble communicating with her growing daughter in recent years. Therefore, she read a lot of parenting books and began to pay attention to family and parent-child education. On Douyin, she imparts knowledge and shares parenting concepts, and once sold hundreds of thousands of copies of "Montessori Intellectual Game Training" during a live broadcast.

According to Navarre, a well-known investor in Silicon Valley, publishing books, writing blogs, doing media, doing podcasts, and

Over the past year, in addition to books, Li Xiaomeng has also been trying to promote high-quality skin care products.When carrying skin care products, she often starts from the ingredients and conducts in-depth science popularization. Users can see clearly and feel more at ease when placing orders. For example, she sold hundreds of thousands of domestic cosmetics in a year.

She believes that Douyin e-commerce is a fair platform. "Douyin e-commerce will not support me just because I am a celebrity. People will get real-time feedback on whether they like the things we choose, whether the introduction is good, and whether the content is shared well enough." Li Xiaomeng said, "This kind of relative A fair environment is also an opportunity for ordinary people.”

According to Navarre, a well-known investor in Silicon Valley, publishing books, writing blogs, doing media, doing podcasts, and

Today, more and more high-quality creators like Chen Yanfei and Li Xiaomeng are joining Douyin e-commerce. At the beginning of this year, Douyin e-commerce launched the “Looking for Fellow Travelers” program. "Looking for fellow travelers" is Douyin e-commerce's creator growth camp. It is committed to discovering high-quality talents and merchants, and helping them obtain success through special support programs such as "Shandong Toutiao", "Jianjian Technology Plan" and "National Good Books Plan" More attention and opportunities to achieve longer-term development on the platform.

According to Navarre, a well-known investor in Silicon Valley, publishing books, writing blogs, doing media, doing podcasts, and

Li Xiaomeng also encouraged novices who want to do Douyin e-commerce not to hesitate: "As the saying goes, the best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, followed by now. To do Douyin e-commerce, remember Being 'authentic, trustworthy, professional and fun' is not a secret, nor is it a mystery."

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