Strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests and create a safe and comfortable consumption environment. On March 15th Consumer Rights Day, Kangzibaide once again received recognition from China Consumer News, China Market Supervision News, Market Supervision and Man

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Strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests and create a safe and comfortable consumption environment. On March 15th Consumer Rights Day, Kangzibaide once again received recognition from China Consumer News, China Market Supervision News, Market Supervision and Man - DayDayNews·15 International Consumer Rights Day

strengthens the protection of consumer rights and creates a safe and comfortable consumption environment. 3·15 Consumer Rights Day , Kangzibaide once again received China Consumer News, China Market Supervision News, Market Supervision and Management Magazine, and Hebei Economic Daily for its outstanding contributions in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. , Shanxi Market Herald , Liaoning TV, Shanxi TV and many other authoritative media have reported on it.

" China Consumer News "

reported on Kangzibaide

"China Consumer News" is a national newspaper sponsored by State Administration for Market Regulation and China Consumers Association . It is responsible for the public opinion supervision of consumer rights protection. It has important influence in the field, and its news dissemination rate ranks among the top among industry media.

"3·15" International Consumer Rights Day , Kangzhibaide once again took the theme of "Kangzibaide Group develops with integrity and wins the future with quality" and was listed in the "China Consumer News". This fully shows that Kangzhibaide's efforts and efforts in terms of integrity and self-discipline and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of consumers have been highly recognized and recognized by all sectors of society.

Strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests and create a safe and comfortable consumption environment. On March 15th Consumer Rights Day, Kangzibaide once again received recognition from China Consumer News, China Market Supervision News, Market Supervision and Man - DayDayNews

" China Market Supervision News "

Report Kangzi Baide

"China Market Supervision News" is under the supervision of the State Administration for Market Regulation . It is a report for the national industrial and commercial administration and market supervision department system, and the majority of industrial and commercial enterprises. An economic and legal newspaper with consumer readers, it is an authoritative media that promotes industrial and commercial administration work and interprets industrial and commercial administrative laws and regulations. The fact that Kangzhibaide was listed in the "China Market Supervision News" shows that Kangzhibaide's outstanding contribution to consumer rights protection has been fully recognized by all walks of life and won praise from consumers.

"Market Supervision and Management"

Report on Kangzi Baide

"Market Supervision and Management" was founded in 1953 and was formerly known as "Industrial and Commercial Administration" magazine. It was recognized as a double-effect journal by the General Administration of Press and Publication and won the "Second National "Hundred Key Journals" title. "Market Supervision and Management" magazine is professional, authoritative and practical, and has broad and profound influence in the market supervision system. In terms of consumer rights protection, Kangzhibaide actively responded to the call of the State Administration for Market Regulation and independently implemented the "three-month no-reason return" policy in the industry, winning recognition and recognition from consumers and authoritative media.

Strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests and create a safe and comfortable consumption environment. On March 15th Consumer Rights Day, Kangzibaide once again received recognition from China Consumer News, China Market Supervision News, Market Supervision and Man - DayDayNews

" Hebei Economic Daily "

Report on Kangzi Baide

"Hebei Economic Daily" was founded in October 1980, sponsored by Hebei Daily Newspaper Group , focusing on Hebei market demand, serving Hebei's economic development, and authoritative , fast, comprehensive and in-depth economic news as its distinctive features. At present, "Hebei Economic Daily" is an important public opinion position for the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government to guide the province's economic work.

Strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests and create a safe and comfortable consumption environment. On March 15th Consumer Rights Day, Kangzibaide once again received recognition from China Consumer News, China Market Supervision News, Market Supervision and Man - DayDayNews

"Shanxi Market Herald"

reported on Kangzi Baide

"Shanxi Market Herald" reported on Kangzi Baide with the theme of " Kangzi Baide: Integrity management makes consumers feel more at ease ". "Shanxi Market Herald" is an official newspaper sponsored by Shanxi Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce .

Strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests and create a safe and comfortable consumption environment. On March 15th Consumer Rights Day, Kangzibaide once again received recognition from China Consumer News, China Market Supervision News, Market Supervision and Man - DayDayNews

Shanxi's "Popular Standardization" magazine

reported on Kangzi Baide

"Popular Standardization" magazine, the only journal published by Shanxi Market Supervision Administration, also reported on Kangzi Baide.

Strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests and create a safe and comfortable consumption environment. On March 15th Consumer Rights Day, Kangzibaide once again received recognition from China Consumer News, China Market Supervision News, Market Supervision and Man - DayDayNews

Liaoning TV station reported that Kangzi Baide

Liaoning Radio and Television Station awarded Kangzi Baide the honorary title of "Outstanding Integrity Enterprise" , which is not only a full affirmation of the company's honest management, but also a motivation for Kangzi Baide to create greater glory in the future. Motivation and encouragement. Kangzibaide has been invited to the integrity corporate activities held by Liaoning TV Station many times, which has also greatly enhanced the credit image and brand image of Kangzibaide.

Strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests and create a safe and comfortable consumption environment. On March 15th Consumer Rights Day, Kangzibaide once again received recognition from China Consumer News, China Market Supervision News, Market Supervision and Man - DayDayNews

Kangzi Baide won the honorary title of "Outstanding Integrity Enterprise"

Strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests and create a safe and comfortable consumption environment. On March 15th Consumer Rights Day, Kangzibaide once again received recognition from China Consumer News, China Market Supervision News, Market Supervision and Man - DayDayNews

Kangzi Baide won the honorary trophy of "Outstanding Integrity Enterprise"

Liaoning Radio and Television Station reported Kangzi Baide

(click to watch the video)

Shanxi TV Station reported Kangzi Baide

315 On Consumer Rights Day, Kangzi Baide Group received great attention from "Shanxi TV" for its outstanding achievements in safeguarding consumer rights and interests. "Shanxi TV Station" column team visited Kangzi Baide and made a comprehensive report on Kangzi Baide's achievements in honest management and consumer rights protection.

Shanxi TV Station’s Social and Legal Channel reported on Kangzi Baide

(click to watch the video)

At the same time, People’s Daily Digital Network , Great Wall Network Jiyun Client and many other media also reported on Kangzi Baide Comprehensive coverage.

"People's Daily Digital Network"

reported on Kangzi Baide

Strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests and create a safe and comfortable consumption environment. On March 15th Consumer Rights Day, Kangzibaide once again received recognition from China Consumer News, China Market Supervision News, Market Supervision and Man - DayDayNews

Great Wall Network Jiyun Client

reported on Kangzi Baide

Strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests and create a safe and comfortable consumption environment. On March 15th Consumer Rights Day, Kangzibaide once again received recognition from China Consumer News, China Market Supervision News, Market Supervision and Man - DayDayNews

Note: Due to limited space, only part of the report content is selected.

Protecting consumer rights Kangzhibaide in action

Here, we would like to thank the consumers and news media for their trust and attention to Kangzhibaide. In the future, Kangzhibaide will put the interests of consumers first, take the lead in promoting the spirit of corporate integrity, continue to strive to build an honest China and build an honest society, and make greater contributions to people's health and social and economic development. !

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