According to the oil price adjustment rules, the first oil price adjustment in July will be carried out next week. Although the new round of oil price adjustment is still expected to fall, it will not exceed the reduction standard by much, and there is no guarantee that it will f

2024/05/2607:48:32 finance 1974

According to the oil price adjustment rules, the first oil price adjustment of 7 will be carried out next week. Although the new round of oil price adjustment is still expected to fall , it does not exceed the downward adjustment standard, and there is no guarantee that it will fall. Now it depends on the trend of international oil prices in the next few days. Please pay more attention and hope that oil prices will fall again next week.

The new oil price adjustment will be carried out at 24:00 on July 12th (next Tuesday night). The statistics of the fifth working day were carried out today (a total of 10 working days). The current crude oil change rate is: -1.15%. It is expected that the oil price will drop by 62 yuan/ton . When converted into liters, the oil price is expected to drop by 0.05 yuan/liter to 0.06 yuan/liter .

According to the oil price adjustment rules, the first oil price adjustment in July will be carried out next week. Although the new round of oil price adjustment is still expected to fall, it will not exceed the reduction standard by much, and there is no guarantee that it will f - DayDayNews

The international oil price that closed this morning continued to rise , which makes today's expected decline 8 yuan/ton less than yesterday's . Now there is only one week until next week's oil price adjustment . I hope that the expected decline will continue to increase during this period. All car enthusiasts remind each other that oil prices will be adjusted again next week, and there is hope that they will fall. Follow the "Latest Oil Price Inquiry" public account to know in advance how much the oil price will drop next time.

Oil price statistics show "two consecutive rises", and the expected decline has reduced

With the continuous rise in international oil prices in the last two working days, the current statistics show two consecutive rises. This resulted in a total of "3 dropped by 2 and increased by " in the first five working days. Now the expected decline in is only more than the 50 yuan/ton reduction standard of 12 yuan/ton . The statistical time is now halfway through, but the expected decline is Still on the verge of lowering the standards. Now it depends on whether the statistical data will rise or fall in the next half of the time. This will determine whether the oil price will eventually fall again next week. After all, if the decline decreases by more than 12 yuan/ton, the oil price will reach the stranded range. .

Oil prices have been adjusted again a week later, and we hope that oil prices will continue to fall in July.

Now there is only one week before next week's oil price adjustment. Oil prices just fell by more than 0.25 yuan/ton last Tuesday night. Although according to the current statistics, It is said that oil prices are still falling in July and are expected to fall again. However, current statistics have not fallen more and more like the last time. Especially recently, international oil prices have risen again, which has begun to reduce the expected decline. Therefore, whether international oil prices can fall again in the past few days will be a focus. Everyone is paying more attention. I hope that oil prices will fall sharply next week.

To know the rise and fall of oil prices in advance, please follow the headline number "Know the Oil Prices in Advance"

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