Thunderstorms in rural banks in Henan and Anhui a few days ago have raised people's distrust of Pheasant Bank to a new level. On the evening of June 29, the Bank of Nanjing suddenly announced that Lin Jingran, the company's director and president, submitted a resignation report t

2024/05/2001:51:32 finance 1807

Since the proliferation of P2P in the past few years, people have become particularly cautious about investment, financial management, and savings. This is a good thing. Thunderstorms in rural banks in Henan and Anhui a few days ago have raised people's distrust of Pheasant Bank to a new level.

This also makes the rumors of "Nanjing Bank thunderstorm" spreading in a panic. We might as well review the entire timeline:

Thunderstorms in rural banks in Henan and Anhui a few days ago have raised people's distrust of Pheasant Bank to a new level. On the evening of June 29, the Bank of Nanjing suddenly announced that Lin Jingran, the company's director and president, submitted a resignation report t - DayDayNews

On the evening of June 29, Nanjing Bank suddenly announced that the company's director and president Lin Jingran , due to work needs and other appointments, submitted a resignation report to the company's board of directors on June 29. , resigned from the company, the resignation will be effective from that day, and the responsibilities of the president will be temporarily performed by Chairman Hu Shengrong.

This appointment seems ordinary, but there are still clues. Our President Lin has been the President of the Bank of Nanjing for only two years, and his term has not yet expired. It seems that he has acted too hastily.

Soon, another personnel appointment and dismissal that day quickly aroused widespread speculation among the people. The Standing Committee of the Nanjing Municipal People's Congress announced the appointment list and appointed Deng Zhiyi, executive director and president of China Orient Asset Management Co., Ltd., as deputy mayor of the Nanjing Municipal People's Government (temporary position).

According to the official website of the Nanjing Municipal Government, Deng Zhiyi assists in charge of investment promotion, investment promotion, finance, handling of financial risks, etc.; assists in charge of the Municipal Headquarters for Preventing and Resolving Major Financial Risks, Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau, Municipal Local Government Financial Supervision Administration (Municipal Government Financial Work Office), Nanjing Zijin Investment Group Co., Ltd., Bank of Nanjing , Nanjing Securities Co., Ltd. ; assist in contacting financial, insurance, and securities institutions in Nanjing.

pay attention to keywords, handles financial risks and is in charge of Nanjing Bank .

Thunderstorms in rural banks in Henan and Anhui a few days ago have raised people's distrust of Pheasant Bank to a new level. On the evening of June 29, the Bank of Nanjing suddenly announced that Lin Jingran, the company's director and president, submitted a resignation report t - DayDayNews

On June 30, the Bank of Nanjing fell sharply at the opening of the market. It once hit the limit during the session, and there was a huge amount of money fleeing. Someone seemed to have heard some terrible news. Of course, this is also reasonable. Once the Bank of Nanjing is hit by a thunderstorm, investors will inevitably panic.

That night, the relevant responsible comrades of the Bank of Nanjing said that Lin Jingran resigned from the company's relevant positions due to work needs and other appointments. The company's president's duties were temporarily performed by Mr. Hu Shengrong, the chairman of the company. The company's board of directors expressed its appreciation for Mr. Lin Jingran's contribution to the company during his tenure. Express thankfulness.

At the same time, Fu Mingfei, the interim chief analyst of Western Securities, discussed the reasons for the collapse of Bank of Nanjing with his friends in a group buying group, and the relevant chat content was widely disseminated.

Fu Mingfei analyzed the personnel changes on June 29 and said, "It is said that the Bank of Nanjing has a big hole" , "If (the credit) explodes, the Bank of Nanjing will go bankrupt" . Later, the news about Bank of Nanjing was spread falsely.

Bank of Nanjing quickly called the police and issued an announcement on July 1, saying that the information related to was maliciously spreading rumors and that it had reported the case to the public security agency and would hold the relevant subjects legally responsible. At present, the operation and management of Bank of Nanjing are all normal and the operation is developing well.

Thunderstorms in rural banks in Henan and Anhui a few days ago have raised people's distrust of Pheasant Bank to a new level. On the evening of June 29, the Bank of Nanjing suddenly announced that Lin Jingran, the company's director and president, submitted a resignation report t - DayDayNews

On the same day, Western Securities deprived Fu Mingfei of all his titles, claiming that he was a non-bank industry researcher and that the company had not authorized him to conduct research on the banking industry. The company then terminated his labor contract and for a time Chief Fu was demoted to a common citizen. . He also felt deeply sorry that day and posted on WeChat Moments that the relevant group chat records were distributed without his consent. The group was not a professional discussion group and the content was not within the scope of his professional research and was unverified. The truth is very different.

July 1st was a year of frequent strange things for Bank of Nanjing.First, it suddenly issued an announcement on its official website saying that because the "Bank of Nanjing Co., Ltd. " seal had a long service life and serious wear and tear, in order to facilitate the smooth development of various tasks, the bank decided to replace the seal. The name of the new seal remains unchanged, and the registration has been completed at the Xuanwu Branch of the Nanjing Municipal Public Security Bureau. Starting from July 1, 2022, the new seal of "Bank of Nanjing Co., Ltd." will be used, and the original seal will be invalidated and destroyed on the same day.

As soon as the former president left office, Bank of Nanjing couldn’t wait to destroy the old chapter and use a new one? Public opinion speculates that the launch of the new chapter must be related to the resignation of the original president, and the purpose is to separate responsibilities from him.

At present, the chapter change announcement cannot be found on the official website.

Second, on July 1, the whereabouts of Lin Jingran, the former president of the Bank of Nanjing, became clear. On that day, the official website of Nanjing Southeast State-owned Assets Investment Group Co., Ltd. announced that Lin Jingran was the group’s vice chairman and party committee member (retaining full-time benefits of a municipally managed enterprise) .

Thunderstorms in rural banks in Henan and Anhui a few days ago have raised people's distrust of Pheasant Bank to a new level. On the evening of June 29, the Bank of Nanjing suddenly announced that Lin Jingran, the company's director and president, submitted a resignation report t - DayDayNews

Some people say that this new position has largely eliminated people's speculation that "something happened" to the former president. This is wrong. W, the former chairman of Zhongyuan Bank , was transferred to Henan Investment Group as a consultant, and now he is also invited to have tea. Moreover, the asset scale of Southeast Group cannot be compared with that of Bank of Nanjing. President Lin was obviously demoted.

On July 1, the Bank of Nanjing also released a "good news". Shareholders BNP Paribas and others increased their holdings of the company's shares by a total of 290 million shares of the company through Nanjing's convertible bonds. 2.8997% of the company's total issued shares before the bank-convertible bonds were converted into shares.

Among them, the Nanyin Convertible Bonds held by the company's major shareholder BNP Paribas have all been converted into shares. has increased its holdings of 183 million shares of the company, accounting for 1.8336% of the company's total issued shares before the conversion of Nanyin Convertible Bonds.

The Bank of Nanjing incident obviously alarmed France, the sovereign country. Why do you say that? Because the largest shareholder of Bank of Nanjing is actually BNP Paribas. Not only that, the foreigners also specially sent a foreign vice president to supervise our work.

Thunderstorms in rural banks in Henan and Anhui a few days ago have raised people's distrust of Pheasant Bank to a new level. On the evening of June 29, the Bank of Nanjing suddenly announced that Lin Jingran, the company's director and president, submitted a resignation report t - DayDayNews

This is naked financial colonization.

There are many strange things about the Bank of Nanjing.

For example, Bank of Nanjing has been operating well, with stable growth and substantial profits. Its non-performing loan ratio has remained below 1% for many years. In the past five years (2017-2021), the average non-performing loan ratios of Bank of Nanjing were 0.87%, 0.88%, 0.89%, 0.90% and 0.91% respectively. The non-performing loan rate of my country's entire banking industry is 1.82%.

From the data point of view, Bank of Nanjing is obviously a good student.

But at the same time, Bank of Nanjing is often mischievous. In recent years, fines have been repeatedly issued, with lax supervision of loan and other fund uses becoming the main reason. According to public information, from 2017 to the present, Nanjing Bank and its branches have been subject to 41 administrative penalties, of which loan and inter-bank fund management and control issues accounted for 50%. The number of penalties for illegal fund flows to real estate, real estate, securities and other restricted areas is clearly stated. Up to 12 times .

Obviously, there is a certain deviation between the data of Bank of Nanjing and its operating conditions.

On the one hand, we are deeply involved in the rumors of and , and on the other hand, foreigners are in power. Can ordinary people feel safe when they deposit their money in the Bank of Nanjing? Therefore, there is absolutely nothing wrong with depositors concerned to withdraw their money as soon as possible, and change banks to have peace of mind and sleep well.

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