At a time when the COVID-19 epidemic has hit the global economy hard and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has exacerbated the energy crisis, China has used a large order of US$37.257 billion to let the world see China's strength and inject a dose of "power" into the sluggi

2024/05/1609:12:33 finance 1693

At a time when the COVID-19 epidemic has hit the global economy hard and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has exacerbated the energy crisis, China has used a large order of US$37.257 billion to let the world see China's strength and inject a dose of

At a time when the COVID-19 epidemic has severely damaged the global economy and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has intensified the energy crisis, China has used a large order of US$37.257 billion to let the world see China's strength and also inject a dose of " A shot in the arm.”

According to Global Times news on July 2, China Eastern Airlines, Air China, China Southern Airlines the three major airlines announced the day before that they respectively announced the purchase of 292 Airbus A320NEO aircraft from European Airbus at prices of US$12.796 billion and US$12.213 billion respectively. US dollars, US$12.248 billion, with a total amount of US$37.257 billion. The transaction of

is a matter of mutual consent, but this large order of , China and Europe and has had a big impact on American society on the other side of the ocean.

First of all, it was natural American Airlines giant, Boeing , said in a statement: "As the largest exporter of the United States with a 50-year relationship with the Chinese aviation industry, geopolitical differences continue to limit the export of U.S. aircraft. This is disappointing. Boeing will continue to urge the Chinese and U.S. governments to engage in productive dialogue to help orders and deliveries resume quickly, as Boeing’s aircraft sales to China have historically helped employ tens of thousands of Americans.”

Boeing's statement, while showing strong jealousy, deliberately avoided its ongoing quality problems and simply attributed the large trade deal between China and Europe to "geopolitical differences"! Of course, this also proves from another aspect that the United States has been suppressing China geopolitically, so it becomes suspicious and suspects geopolitical issues whenever there is any disturbance.

The most direct reason why China chose to purchase Airbus aircraft is that the quality problem of Boeing aircraft has not yet been resolved. Boeing airliners are the most widely used passenger aircraft in the world and are also the ones involved in the most accidents. In October 2018, an Indonesian Lion Air Boeing 737 MAX 8 crashed 13 minutes after takeoff, killing 189 people. Less than five months after the crash, Ethiopian Airlines another passenger plane of the same type crashed with 157 people on board, killing all on board...

After several consecutive plane crashes, Boeing, as arrogant as the United States, has not yet given the world An explanation that caused the crash to remain a mystery. When the same passenger plane has suffered such serious accidents one after another, who dares to trust Boeing with their life safety? Chinese airlines choose Airbus because they are responsible for the safety of passengers, and the United States is not qualified to make irresponsible remarks.

Boeing quality problems are certainly the main reason, but are there other reasons for China to purchase Airbus aircraft? Boeing has actually seen it too, and more information can be deciphered from their statement.

In the past few years, Washington has provoked the U.S.-China trade conflict, used the so-called "national security" as a guise to suppress China's high-tech industries, and imposed crazy sanctions on Chinese dual-use enterprises. The United States' malicious intentions are so obvious. Does it still want to see China in a good light? Besides, Boeing has repeatedly offended China on the serious issue of arms sales to Taiwan.

In October last year, the U.S. State Department approved an arms sales to Taiwan worth a total of US$1.81 billion, including the Harpoon coastal defense and anti-ship missile system manufactured by Boeing Defense. Because of this arms sale to Taiwan, Boeing Defense has entered China's list of sanctions against U.S. military companies. Boeing cannot remain unaffected.

Of course, the weapons and equipment sold by Boeing Defense to the Taiwan authorities are far more than these. The AH-64 "Apache" attack helicopters and CH-47 transport helicopters used by the Taiwan military are all Boeing products. As the parent company of Boeing Defense, Boeing Defense has been sanctioned by China. How can Boeing continue to make money from China? At this point, don't even think about it, the Chinese people will not agree.

After the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, Boeing actively responded to the sanctions imposed by the United States and Western countries on Russia, tore up the after-sales agreement with Russian airline , announced that it would suspend the provision of parts and maintenance support to Russian airlines, and closed its Moscow office. This not only makes the operations of Russian airlines face greater challenges, but also brings great hidden dangers to Russian aviation safety.

With the United States classifying China as its “most important strategic competitor,” if the United States attacks China one day, will Boeing tear up the after-sales agreement it signed with China? Having learned from Russia’s mistakes, Chinese airlines will naturally have to seriously consider Boeing’s contractual spirit. Of course, we believe they must have no contractual spirit.

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