Tesla "calls the name", it has become the hottest segment of lithium batteries, concept stocks soared across the board

2021/08/0614:05:26 finance 2563

On August 6, the concept stock of blade battery (lithium iron phosphate) rose sharply. Hezong Technology announced that it had a 20CM daily limit. In addition, , Fulin Seiko, Baolixin, etc. rose by more than 10%.


According to media reports, BYD will supply Tesla with " blade batteries " in the second quarter of next year. In addition, according to data from the business agency, the price of lithium iron phosphate has continued to rise recently, and the price of products from companies such as Gold Lithium Technology has increased by 1,000 yuan again in August.

What is a blade battery?

First of all, it must be clear that the blade battery is essentially a lithium iron phosphate battery, because the material has not changed or is lithium iron phosphate, but the battery structure design has been innovated.

The traditional battery system first assembles the cells into modules, and then installs the modules into the battery system for hierarchical management.

The blade battery is a brand-new design concept. While using long batteries, it eliminates the need for intermediate modules and directly installs the batteries into the battery system, so that the weight and cost are effectively reduced.

According to the research report of Chuancai Securities, the blade battery has a certain performance improvement in energy density, cost, structure, etc. Specifically, the energy density is 50% higher than the traditional lithium iron phosphate battery , and the cost is increased by 50%. It has dropped by 20%-30%, the discharge rate has been greatly improved, and its life span has reached 8 years and 1.2 million kilometers. It is reported that it is comparable to ordinary ternary batteries in terms of energy density, and is extremely safe.

Why did Tesla choose lithium iron phosphate ?

In fact, as early as the second quarter earnings call on July 27, Musk once revealed that Tesla will change the battery composition in the future, using 2/3 lithium iron phosphate batteries and 1/3 nickel batteries.

According to the analysis of Chuancai Securities, the shortage and safety of nickel sources may be the main reason for the structural transformation of Tesla’s batteries. Musk previously stated: Nickel is our biggest bottleneck, and nickel is a major factor in Tesla’s expansion of lithium battery production. Worries. In addition, the frequent occurrence of low-nickel ternary battery safety accidents has also caused many negative effects on electric vehicle companies.

At the same time, lithium iron phosphate batteries have greater advantages in terms of safety and cost. This may be the reason why Tesla chooses to carry more lithium iron phosphate batteries. According to the data, lithium iron phosphate has more advantages in the positive and At the cell level, there are 55% and 22% cost advantages, respectively. Under the current subsidy plan, the cost of switching from three yuan to the iron-lithium version will drop by 9-11%. The cost reduction will be more significant after the subsidy declines in 21 years.

Driven by low-cost, major car companies have begun to launch lithium iron phosphate models. Sla has long maintained a leading position in domestic sales. If Tesla increases the proportion of lithium iron phosphate battery models, the market share of lithium iron phosphate batteries is expected to continue to increase.

Many companies expand production & leading cross-border overweights

Since this year, many established + rookie companies have carried out large-scale expansion of lithium iron phosphate.

On August 4, Yiwei Lithium Energy announced that Gou Tiezi will build a new 30GWh power storage battery project with an annual output of 30GWh, specifically the 15GWh lithium iron phosphate battery project for logistics vehicles and household energy storage and 15GWh ternary battery for passenger cars Project

On July 20, Fulin Precision issued an announcement stating that it plans to invest 4 billion yuan to build a new lithium iron phosphate cathode material project with an annual output of 250,000 tons.

In June, Xiangtan Electrochemical announced that through its shareholding company Hunan Yuneng will build a new annual output of 300,000 tons of iron phosphate and 300,000 tons of lithium iron phosphate in Guizhou.The total investment is 7 billion yuan; Hunan Yuneng also plans to build a project with an annual output of 350,000 tons of iron phosphate and 350,000 tons of lithium iron phosphate in Kunming, with an estimated total investment of 10 billion yuan.

In March, Defang Nano disclosed that it plans to invest in the construction of a 150,000-ton lithium iron phosphate production base project in Qujing, Yunnan , with a total investment of about 2.9 billion yuan.

It is worth mentioning that because titanium dioxide's by-product ferrous sulfate can be used to prepare lithium iron phosphate, many titanium dioxide companies have also entered the iron phosphate "race track",

6 On 7th, Ananda issued an announcement stating that the holding subsidiary Tongling Nayuan and Hunan Yuneng decided to jointly invest in the establishment of a joint venture company, and the joint venture company will build a 50,000 tons/year high-pressure iron phosphate industrialization upgrade. Item.

On May 24, China Nuclear Titanium Dioxide issued an announcement stating that it plans to raise 7.09 billion yuan for the deep processing of recycled titanium dioxide, water-soluble monoammonium phosphate (water-soluble fertilizer) resource recycling project, and an annual output of 500,000 tons of iron phosphate. 4 projects including projects and supplementary working capital.

Chuancai Securities said that from the perspective of long-term capacity expansion, the current planned expansion has exceeded 1 million tons, and the market share of lithium iron phosphate batteries is steadily increasing. In the future, with the transformation of Tesla’s battery structure, it will Bringing a further increase in demand, many iron-lithium companies have increased their production capacity layout, which will provide guarantee for heavy performance.

The following are the details of the expansion leader.


*Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice

*Risk warning: The stock market is risky, so be cautious when entering the market


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