The destiny of a Kanyu magician is composed of time and space. Therefore, the space environment in which you live will affect your fate and destiny, especially luck and fortune. From the perspective of space environment, apart from the internal environment of your own home, the r


A person's destiny is composed of time and space. Therefore, the space environment in which you live will affect your fate and destiny, especially luck and fortune.

From the perspective of spatial environment, apart from your own home environment, the rest is the external environment. Among them, the neighbors who live next to you have the most direct influence on your fortune, and their influence will be greater. Therefore, when ancient people chose to live at home, they often had to choose neighbors to live in.

1. The door is not facing

Feng Shui believes that if the door is facing directly, it is a bad sign. Therefore, the ancients said: "One family prospers and another declines"; "Either you die, or I die."

In particular, the other party’s door is larger or higher than your own door; or the five elements represented by the color of the other party’s door conflict with the five elements represented by the color of your own door; or the other party’s owner is competing for life or antagonizing you, etc.

In modern urban community buildings, many of them are directly opposite the door of residents, which is not very good. However, it doesn't have much impact, because in a residential community, your real door is often the door of your common unit, so there is no need to worry. However, the residential door is the entrance for air intake after all, so it will still have some impact.

This kind of influence is mainly on the other party's door. It is better if the color, height, size, and decorations are relatively consistent; or if they have relatively good harmony, it will be better. At the same time, it is best to keep your respective doors clean and tidy.

2. The backer must be stable

The back of your home is your backer. The backing must be stable, which is the basic requirement of Feng Shui master . Generally speaking, it has two meanings:

. First, the owner of this type of neighbor should preferably be a unit or person with strength, power or high reputation. Such a house indicates that you will have a solid backing.

Secondly, the neighbor behind you should have a house that is higher than your own house; or his building should be higher than your own house. Only in this way can effective reliance be formed. However, it cannot be too high or too high. Don’t make the mountain seem too big or too abrupt for you to bear.

It will be even more beautiful if it is backed by a building object and can match or support the god of use in your horoscope.

3. The bright hall should be clear.

The front door of your home is the bright hall of your home. Therefore, it is best for the front of your house to be flat; even if there is a building, it is best to have a moderate distance. The building in front is best to be slightly lower than your house; the overall height should not exceed your house. The image and objects of the building in front should not appear vicious or abrupt.

Or you may see something or a place in the distance, which is the God of Use or Joy in the horoscope of the owner of the house. For example: your horoscope requires gold, and the neighbor across the street happens to be a bank; or you see a round building. You need fire in your horoscope, and the building opposite you happens to be pointed; your neighbor happens to be a hot pot restaurant, Korean barbecue, , etc. Others can be deduced by analogy.

Fourth, the green dragon should be displayed

The of your home's green dragon is , which is the left side of your residence. is similar to the moon order in your horoscope. Therefore, the buildings on the left, or the terrain, should be slightly taller than those on the right. Be careful not to be too high or too abrupt, otherwise the dragon and tiger will appear ruthless.

This means that the order of your house is powerful, reflecting that the male owner of the family is strong, yang can guide yin, has leadership ability, and can gain power and status; it can also reflect that the owner of the house has good luck as a nobleman, and can obtain Official and assistant help.

5. White Tiger should be on the right side of

home, which is the white tiger position of your own home. It represents women and assistants, similar to the time branch in your horoscope. The most important thing for White Tiger is gentleness. Otherwise, if Yin is strong and Yang is weak, there will be many bad things. Therefore, the house on the right side of the house should be a building, or the terrain should be slightly lower than the house on the left.If this condition can be met, it means family harmony and help from women.

Of course, it would be better if it could be a blue dragon or a white tiger, the image of the neighbor's building, or the name of the owner of the house that can help the god of joy in your horoscope.

For example: your horoscope needs wood and fire, the neighbor on the left is named Lu, and the surname on the right is Xu; your horoscope uses water, the neighbor on the left is named Bai, and the neighbor on the right is named Jiang. Naturally, everyone around you will be able to prosper you.