The term "Feng Shui" is still widely spread among the people. After all, "it is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist." However, with the gradual development of society, the living space of Feng Shui theory has become increasingly narrow. In many

The term "Feng Shui" is still widely spread among the people. After all, "it is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist." However, with the gradual development of society, the living space of Feng Shui theory has become narrower and narrower. Many At that time, the cases caused by the so-called "feng shui" were basically man-made.

A new house is completed, and strange things happen frequently

This matter started in 2010. At that time, in a small village in Hengjiang Town, Yibin, Sichuan, the male owner Tao Kaijin was decorating his new house. After all, this was a major construction event.

The new house was ready and the family moved in. However, not long after they moved in, Tao Kaijin’s sister felt uncomfortable. She couldn’t explain it, so in the end she could only blame it on Feng Shui. .

Originally Tao Kaijin did not believe what his sister said, but within a few months of moving into the new house, the originally healthy eldest sister fell ill many times, getting worse each time, and eventually died.

The sudden change made the whole family grieved. At this time, they really believed what their sister said about "Feng Shui" during her lifetime. Tao Kaijin hurriedly found a local Feng Shui master to "maintain the house".

A Feng Shui master was invited, but what made the family feel desperate was that even the husband said that the house had strong evil spirits and was in a bad location. The most terrible thing was that the Feng Shui could not be changed. This made the family very embarrassed. Well, How could we just abandon this new house?

What’s even more bizarre is that a few days after visiting the Tao family’s house, someone discovered that Mr. Feng Shui had died at home. This shocked the Tao family, and they quickly started preparing to move, planning to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. land.

Those who did not want to live here left. In the end, only Tao Kaijin, his mother, and a niece were left living in the new house. Most of the others had found accommodation in the village and were unwilling to live in the new house. Come visit us.

His family disappeared, and his brother returned.

Tao Kaijin also had an older brother named Tao Kaiyuan. Because several strange things happened in his family, Tao Kaiyuan was unwilling to stay in his hometown, so he embarked on the road of going out to work. He might not even come back to visit during the Chinese New Year.

But this time, Tao Kaiyuan had to come back because someone in the village sent him a message saying that all his family members had disappeared. His brother, mother, and niece (Tao Kaijin's daughter) turned out to be missing overnight. No one can be seen.

This incident was discovered by a neighbor. There is usually a lot of communication between neighbors. If the Tao family disappeared, they would immediately find out. Thinking of the previous rumors about this piece of land, the neighbor quickly dialed Tao Kaiyuan's phone and asked him to hurry up. Come back and see what happened.

Tao Kaiyuan rushed home after receiving the news. The objects and decorations at home were not much moved, but there were no familiar family members. Tao Kaiyuan was so anxious that he could only choose to call the police for help.

The police intervened and the case was solved.

The experienced police did not believe in the feng shui legend at all. They brought along relevant technical personnel and quickly launched an investigation into the house. Sure enough, the police soon found useful clues.

After testing with professional instruments, the police found blood stains on the floor. Although it was very inconspicuous, it was probably the key to solving the case. Similar blood stains also appeared in other places, proving that the Tao family may have encountered something unexpected. .

In this "weird" new house, the police collected blood samples from Tao Kaijin's mother and her daughter, but did not discover Tao Kaijin's identity. So where did he go? The experienced police quickly became suspicious of Tao Kaijin.

Based on interviews and investigations with villagers, the police gradually learned some relevant facts. For example, Tao Kaijin had been in a trance for nearly half a year, often talking to himself, and seemed to have developed mental problems. After the police obtained relevant materials, they quickly launched an investigation. The search for Tao Kaijin.

As the saying goes, "the sky is full of gaps and omissions," and with the use of various technical means, the police finally found Tao Kaijin in a suburb of Yunnan. After taking him back to the police station, the whole matter came to light. .

It turns out that his daughter and mother were both killed by Tao Kaijin, and Tao Kaijin’s motive for committing the crime turned out to be that he disliked his mother for nagging him every day. After all, Tao Kaijin had not had a serious job in recent years and had been idle and had some problems with his family. Conflicts are inevitable.

It should not be done at all. Tao Kaijin was also addicted to drugs, and his family's living standard was declining day by day. Finally, during a drug addiction attack, he personally killed two family members with whom he lived day and night. .

Tao Kaijin's reason for killing his daughter was even more ridiculous. He attributed the incident to his divorced wife. He said that his daughter was the daughter of his wife and another wild man, so he killed his daughter. Since then, the truth has been revealed.

Editor's opinion

"The legal network is wide open and no omissions are missed" No one can escape the punishment of the law. We cannot know whether the previous bizarre incidents related to "Feng Shui" were coincidences, but individual crimes cannot escape the punishment of the law. of.