Many people think that the bedrooms of ancient emperors were grand and large. In fact, we have all been deceived by the TV series. The emperor's bedroom was not that big at all, only about 10 square meters. There is an old saying in the Feng Shui of Yangzhai, which is that "the f

Many people think that the bedrooms of ancient emperors were grand and large. In fact, we have all been deceived by TV series. The emperor's bedroom was not that big at all, only about 10 square meters.

There is an old saying in the Feng Shui of Yangzhai, which is that "if there are few people in the house, there will be more bad luck and less good luck", and this statement is true.

In this world, everything, including people, has its own aura. To give a simple example, if a person is focused and focused, even if he walks with his eyes closed, he will not hit a fixed building. This is the induction of the building's own aura. Of course, if you are concentrating on your mobile phone while walking, you will have more chances of hitting a wall.

In fact, no matter what kind of aura, this can be perceived but not visible. It is described in Taoist classics as "turning a blind eye and hearing not hearing", so it is called "Xuan".

Our residence, first of all, belongs to a frame space. The size of this space has a considerable impact on people. Today I will talk about the secrets of bedroom feng shui from the perspective of feng shui.

The secret of the ancient emperor's bedroom, no more than ten square meters

The ancient Feng Shui theory has this saying: "A house with few people is a dangerous house." Why is this? Buying a big house is something that many people dream of, and around this issue, there are so many joys and sorrows! But why is it bad to have a house that is too big?

Why is the emperor’s bedroom smaller than 10 square meters? There is a saying in ancient times: "Don't live in a house with too few people." Buying a big house is what many people dream of, but why did the ancients think that it was bad to have a house that was too big?

Inspired by the air conditioning theory. In fact, if we think about it carefully, the reason is very simple. For example: For example, in a 10-square-meter house, install an air conditioner and start it. The room will cool down after half an hour, and the air conditioner can also stop cooling for a period of time.

Because the space is small, the energy is saturated quickly. In other words, the smaller the space, the less energy is required. But when you put this air conditioner in a large house of 100 square meters, it seems powerless.

Because the larger the house, the more energy it requires, so even though the air conditioner keeps cooling, the temperature of the house still cannot reach the expected target. Therefore, we need a large number of air conditioners to meet the needs of a large house. Looking back, we humans are also energy bodies that emit light and heat.

If people are used to replace this air conditioner, the bigger the house, the more energy the human body will consume. Therefore the size of the house must be proportional to the number of people occupying it. That is to say, the bigger the house, the more people should live there, which is what we often call it must be popular. The bigger the house, the more popular it is. It is often said in Feng Shui that a house will attract people.

This sentence is absolutely true. The energy emitted by the human body is what we call popularity. When a person uses so much energy to fill the space of a large house, the damage to the body can be imagined. The body consumes more energy and naturally becomes weaker. When you are listless at work, mistakes are inevitable, your judgment deteriorates, and bad things happen one after another.

So what is the ideal area for a house? During the practice, I found that the bedroom is about 15 square meters, and the maximum size should not exceed 20 square meters. Maybe this is not an absolute truth, but it is true in a sense. In fact, this means that the human body consumes too much energy, reduces physical fitness, and affects the body. If the land is not fertile, of course, no crops can be grown.

The ancient emperor's bedroom was less than 10 square meters. In addition, we can go to the Forbidden City in Beijing to see what the emperor's bedroom was like.When we walk into the Yangxinzhai in the Forbidden City and the study and bedroom behind the study of Emperor Yongzheng, we will be surprised to find that the emperor's living place is not much larger than that of ordinary people, only more than 10 square meters.

The "dragon bed" is no bigger than ordinary people's, and when sleeping, two curtains are put down in front of the bed, so the space becomes even smaller, probably less than 10 square meters. Preserving physical fitness is fundamental. The Forbidden City is the largest palace in the world. It covers an area of ​​720,000 square meters and has a total of 9,000 houses (980 existing palace buildings, a total of 8,707 rooms).

But why did the emperor's living place have to be so small? In fact, the emperor's flesh and blood body was not much better than that of ordinary people. In order to preserve physical energy and achieve health and longevity, he could only live in a small space.

If you go to Suzhou the top ten gardens and the four famous gardens in Guangdong. You will find that the bedrooms lived by these wealthy and wealthy adults are all very small, only about 10 square meters. On the contrary, today's nouveau riche have bedrooms that are very stylishly decorated and very large in area, some exceeding 50 square meters. As a result, the body is either suffering from this disease or that disease. Taking supplements all day long still destroys the body.

The wisdom of the ancients is very high, which is also in line with the principle of cause and effect. Why do you say this? Because the benefits of a person's life are destined to be the sum of so many (unless you have done great merit or something too bad), if you enjoy happiness too much , the blessings will be exhausted in advance, leading to many illnesses and disasters. This is how cabbage and tofu keep you safe!

During the New Year and the holidays, we must not be extravagant and wasteful, so as not to be extremely happy and sad, and the gain is not worth the loss. If we want our life to become smoother, we can only continue to improve our blessings, try to save as much as possible in terms of enjoyment, avoid waste, and avoid the loss of blessings. Only in this way can we It will get smoother and smoother!