No: No, it is not good for a gentleman to be a bandit. "Poverty and unfavorable conditions will breed people with bad behavior. It is not conducive for a gentleman to stick to the right path. When the great ones leave, the mean ones come."

2024/06/0805:32:32 fengshui 1491

This article is shared from the Book of Changes Fu Gua .


No: No is a bandit, which is not good for a gentleman. From big to small.

"Poverty and unfavorable conditions will breed people who behave improperly. It is not conducive for a gentleman to stick to the right path. When the big man leaves, the bad man comes."

No: No, it is not good for a gentleman to be a bandit.

Otherwise, it means suffocation, and the hexagram virtues are smooth internally and healthy external stems. , let it do what it wants, use strength externally, Yin Qi takes charge, Yang Qi retreats, health and compliance are different, so it is called No. This hexagram of the incompatibility of yin and yang comes from the hexagram Shanglu. The one who wears the shoes is harmonious and happy to improve his health, so that his yin and yang are in harmony, and he is as healthy and smooth as an ear.

When Yin and Yang do not intersect, true Yin becomes false Yin, true Yang becomes false Yang, the congenital loss causes evil energy to enter, evil energy enters and righteousness retreats, so it is unfavorable to a gentleman's chastity. The gangster is caused by evil energy, and the gentleman is righteous. When the innate nature is not damaged, the true yang is inside, and a group of righteous energy is a gentleman. When the innate nature is lost, the true yang is scattered outside, and everything in the body is only evil energy. Let the acquired yin and indulge in emotions. Indulging in lust and doing anything is a bandit. Banditry is not conducive to a gentleman, that is, evil is not conducive to righteousness. At this time, it is appropriate for the Taoist to deprive himself of his intelligence and destroy his wisdom, and store up his spiritual energy to keep his true yang. Especially at this unfavorable time, when the great is going to be small, and when the yin is at work, if he does not know how to guard against danger, he will be more likely to suffer from it. No, it’s very disadvantageous.

No: No, it is not good for a gentleman to be a bandit.

pull out the best, and use it to sink. Zhenji, Heng.

Pull out the thatch with the roots. It is beneficial and prosperous to stick to the right path.

On the sixth day of the lunar month, a yin is latent, the root of the negative has been established, and the opportunity of the negative will surely emerge, just like pulling out thatch and gathering it. At this time, the yin energy is generated and the yang energy is not damaged. If relief can be provided early, it can still be transformed into peace. If it is correct, it will prevent it from happening. If it is not correct, it will not come. It will be auspicious in management and prosperous in action. This is to prevent Yin before it is rejected.

No: No, it is not good for a gentleman to be a bandit.

Acceptance, small people are lucky, adults are not. Heng.

"Accordingly, the villain will be lucky, and the gentleman will be in trouble. Prosperity"

Sixty-two, the Yin Qi is gradually increasing, and the murderous intention is about to emerge. A gentleman is on the outside but a villain on the inside. This is called Baocheng. Although the yin of Baocheng has not harmed the yang, it has the potential to harm the yang. If the evil qi of a small person goes smoothly, it will be auspicious, but if the righteous qi of an adult is blocked, it will not. Those who practice the Tao must be frugal and avoid difficulties. They must not be confused by Yin Qi, and they will not be able to achieve prosperity.

No: No, it is not good for a gentleman to be a bandit.

Bao Sha

"endure shame"

Liu San, the Yin Qi gathers together, goes along with it, accepts falsehood as true, thinks it is a trick, and those who are actually ashamed but do not know the shame, this is to follow the Yin and do not know whether it is there or not.

No: No, it is not good for a gentleman to be a bandit.

There is no blame for destiny, Choulizhi

"According to the destiny, and accepting blessings with the same kind ( Yang Yao )"

On the 94th, when the Yin and Yang meet, there is no Tai in the middle, vitality appears again, and those who have no destiny appear again. There is a destiny. Human virtue is the conscience of destiny. Everyone has this heart, and it is perfected. It does not increase in the holy place, nor decrease in the ordinary place. However, it is bound by temperament, obscured by human desires, takes suffering as pleasure, and refuses to look back. If you are willing to look back, your conscience will discover that one good deed can solve all kinds of evil, and if you stand on the road to success, those who have been guilty will be freed from it. This is the way, even if ordinary people know it and practice it, disasters will be turned into blessings, punishments will be turned into virtues, and separation will be good. When this yang is born, it can and cannot be denied.

No: No, it is not good for a gentleman to be a bandit.

No, good luck to you. Its demise is tied to the state of the mulberry tree

"Stop or not. The gentleman gets auspiciousness. He is about to perish. He is about to perish. He is firmly tied to the trunk of the mulberry tree." Don't ask for permission to rest, just rest on your own. The rest is based on whether it can prevent the time of Zhengtai , and it is within the three Yangs, which is the time of Zhengtai. Its death, its death, is tied to the buds and mulberry trees. Preventing death before it dies. If the situation is not peaceful, how can the Yin Qi get in? This prevents Yin during the period of Zhengtai.

No: No, it is not good for a gentleman to be a bandit.

says no, first no, then happy.

"The state of Bu has been overturned. There is worry first, and then there is joy."

Shangjiu, at the end of Bu, the Yin energy should retreat and the Yang energy should advance. It is the right time to pour over Bu. Practitioners, take advantage of this opportunity, heaven and man will work together, suppress the yin and support the yang, first deny and then rejoice, it is as easy as flipping the palm of your hand. However, if you can't make peace but not deny it, you will have to follow the way to return it the day after tomorrow. To be able to achieve Tai in the middle or not, it is the result of innate adverse luck, but you need to know the medicine and know the fire, not first, not last, advance and retreat at any time.

#Book of Changes#

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