"Straight to the point" and Chao Shan An Shan! The question asked by netizens is: Is it good for the rural gate to face the mountains? The simple understanding and answer is: if the door faces the mountains and is far away from the mountains, as long as it is not pressed, it is a

"get straight to the point" and Chaoshan case mountain!

netizens asked: Is it good for the rural gate to face the mountains?

The simple understanding and answer is: if the door faces the mountains and is far away from the mountains, as long as it is not pressed, it is a "block" and has good feng shui. In fact, there are no barriers in front of the house, and it is boundless and unorganized. Feng Shui does not necessarily consider it a good terrain. If you are too close to the mountains, "the mountains will press you down", and Feng Shui will also be unfavorable. The main thing is to make the distance "appropriate", "just right", "suitable", "comfortable" and "satisfactory".

Facing the mountain has the meaning of facing upward. After decades of observation, it has been found that as long as the house faces upward, as long as the front mountain is open and it is not a peak in the shape of a Ling ridge blade, it will generally improve compared to the surrounding houses facing other low positions! However, if the cemetery faces a high mountain peak, the background peak behind the cave must be in place and effective, otherwise it is not appropriate!

The orientation rules of houses are somewhat similar to the way teachers write educational essays! “Combining the virtual and the real, highlighting the center, setting up suspense, combining points and aspects, getting straight to the point, echoing from beginning to end, showing ambitions at the end of the chapter, expressing emotions through scenes, supporting objects to express ambitions, suppressing desires first, winding paths leading to seclusion..."

discusses from the perspective of allegory: " "Open to the point" is more suitable for making a fortune. When the image of a mountain is similar to a treasury, you will see the treasury when you open the door every day. People who guard the treasury cannot be poor! From another perspective, for spring planting and autumn harvest, we need to pay close attention to the season. If there are too many "winding paths", we may miss the good opportunity for farming! To advance in an official career, you need to make more turns, which is suitable for "winding paths leading to quiet places". But the road is smooth and the future is slim! The orientation of the terrain below

is towards mountains, but judging from the general situation, it should be distinctive.

The most important thing about the peaks around the house is the peak in front mentioned by netizens in their questions. In terms of Feng Shui Mountain , the peaks in front are divided into two types: Chaoshan and Anshan. Chaoshan and case mountain are chosen well, which can bring points-increasing advantages to the acupoint.

Anshan refers to the long and short mountain peak close to the cave in front of the cave. Chaoshan refers to the tall mountain peak far in front of the cave. It is better to be tall and protruding. Ancient books believe: "The short and close ones are called cases, and the tall and far away ones are called dynasties."

Why do Kanyu activities pay attention to the mountains and mountains? Recent cases and distant dynasties are important evidence and support for acupuncture points. There are recent cases and distant dynasties, indicating that the front of the acupoint is carefully tidied up, and there is no hidden danger of "the hall is empty and the Qi does not gather".

The relationship between the mountain and the mountain and the acupuncture point is like the relationship between the guest and the host. The acupuncture point is the main focus, the mountain is the guest, and the host and guest must be dignified and affectionate when facing each other. The location of the cave site and the mountain behind it are the main mountain, and the other peaks around the cave site are guest mountains. The farther away the guest mountain is from the cave site, the more delayed it is to get blessed.

It should be noted that not all the mountains and mountains in front of the acupoint are mountains that comply with the rules and regulations of Feng Shui and mountains. They are all mountains without problems and can be used. There is much to be done about the selection and judgment of Chaoshan and Anshan.

1. The mutual supporting and supporting relationship between the complete Chaoshan table and the acupuncture point!

The distance between the chaoshan mountain and the acupuncture point should be moderate. It should not be weak and strong at the same time. That is, the chaoshan is too tall and too close to oppress the acupuncture point, and the case mountain is too close to bully the acupuncture point. Chaoshan and Anshan should be in good shape, as if the host and guest treat each other with courtesy and affection. The case mountain is like "noble person", "tea table", "tabletop", "Hengqin"... you can look down and rely on it, and the court bow is like "a minister faces the king and bows in respect". If the front of the acupoint is empty and endless, and there is a mountain of tables near the acupoint, you can close the fence to get angry.

All the peaks far away and close to the cave are like to be round, graceful and affectionate, whether they are formed by the extension of the dragon and tiger peaks to the front of the cave, or formed by the external peaks in front of the cave. All cases are based on auspiciousness. If the case mountain can catch the flowing water of Xiaguan and make the flowing water flow upward against the trend, it will be more auspicious.

Regardless of the yin house or the yang house, the table mountain in front of the acupuncture point should always be beautiful and round, which is auspicious. If it is "broken, pointed and evil, and moves with the water" and goes with the current, it is considered ruthless and is a defeated case mountain. If it is like this If the case mountain is too close to the acupoint, it means that the person may lose money and lose money.

Chaoshanshan is most closely related to misfortunes and blessings. Facing the mountain is like "bamboo shoots, with a pointed head and a round body, beautiful and unique toward the mountain", which is noble. The peak close to the cave is called Anshan, and the peak far away from the cave is called Chaoshan. The Anshan Mountain likes its flatness and uprightness, while the Chaoshan Mountain likes its tallness and roundness. The flat and low peaks in the front represent desks, while the tall and pointed peaks in the distance represent writing styles. Mountains with this kind of image imply that they can breed literati.

The mountain peaks and cave sites where the acupoints are located are the main ones, with the mountain facing the mountain as the guest. The front mountain is beautiful, people come here to worship, the host and guest are affectionate towards each other. The real dragon has its cave, and the mountain is not empty. If the acupuncture field and Chaoshan mountain are similar to the characteristics of "the main body is weak and the other side is strong, and the opposite side is ruthless", there should be no true acupoint fusion in such a place.

Chaoshan has peaks that are "lonely towering", "lonely vertical", "mellow", "beautiful" and "solemn", which are outstanding writing styles. The two peaks are "high" and "high vertical" and have the same shape, size and height. They are "double-recommended" peaks, which means there are twins, or two people will rise to high school. The three peaks towering up are Beacon Mountain. When choosing the orientation, the two peaks should be towards the hollow position, and the three peaks should be towards the middle peak.

If the case mountain is not straight and jumps towards the foot of the case mountain, it means that the atmosphere of the hall cannot be blocked, which means there will be retreat.

2. The special situation of incomplete mountain records!

Dragon Vein Acupuncture Point, if there is a Chaoshan Mountain and an Anshan Mountain and the Chaoshan Mountain and the Anshan Mountain are qualified, it should be the most perfect acupuncture site. However, fate plays tricks on people, and there are dragons and caves, but there is no terrain where there is a mountain without a mountain, or there is only one of the two conditions. What needs to be noted is: "The dragon's cave is the foundation, sand water is the branches and leaves." Although the chaoshan mountain has its important role, it must be used as a last resort. The existence of the chaoshan mountain cannot deny the true topography of Longzhen Cave.

Most of the true dragon's caves have mountains and mountains, but there are still terrains that can form caves without mountains and mountains. The ancients believed: "There are also true dragons without mountains. As long as the water gathers in them, everything will be flowing." Outside the Qingming Hall, the inner situation is like a ring." There are no Chaoshan and Anshan, as long as there are "lakes" and "ponds" in front of the acupoint, "the intersection of rivers and calm waters"... Such terrain should still have the terrain of a real acupoint.

For example, the place where the bright hall is located in front of the acupoint is surrounded by water. The coming and going of the water outlet is in compliance with the laws of qi. However, the water outlet is heavily locked so that the dragon's energy will not leak out. On the surface, it seems that the situation is full of energy, but in fact The top is where the water gathers in the heart of the sky. Such a place has auspicious points. It should be noted that if this kind of acupuncture point where water gathers in the heart of the sky is formed by a mountain dragon, it will usually form acupuncture points at a lower location, rather than high up on the mountain.

The situation of knotting acupuncture points does not necessarily have to be "there is a mountain in the front, a backing mountain in the back, a dragon mountain on the left, and a tiger mountain on the right." As a measurement standard, there is no definite situation for the formation of acupuncture points by a true dragon.

Another situation of acupuncture points is that the mountain peak in front of the acupuncture site seems to be like a mountain, but also like a mountain. It looks like Chaoshan, but the peak is not very high, but it is obviously taller than Anshan, but it does not press the acupuncture point. It looks like Anshan Mountain, but it is closer to the acupuncture point and will not overwhelm the acupuncture point. However, it is obviously taller than Anshan Mountain. This kind of mountain peak, neither far nor near, neither high nor low, is arranged horizontally in front of the acupoint. From the acupoint, there is no external sun, no oppression or bullying. Longzhenxuezhen is the terrain that combines the real acupoints.

The mountain in front of the acupuncture site is happy to be square and round, but if it is rugged and weird, half-hidden, visible or invisible, such characteristics are considered to be the state of a "villain", which means that it is insidious. If "the pavilion is prominent, upright, and clearly visible, it is the image of a gentleman", it means that people born from such terrain are loyal and upright!