Traditionally, a graveyard refers to a cemetery, where the dead live. Correspondingly, the house where we living people live is called Yangzhai. Their boundaries are very clear, and usually they are far apart and not adjacent to each other. There is a folk saying: the yang house

Traditionally speaking, the cemetery refers to the cemetery, which is the place where the dead stay. Correspondingly, the house where we living people live is called Yangzhai. Their boundaries are very clear, and usually they are far apart and not adjacent to each other.
There is a folk saying: the yang house is located in the north and faces south, and the yin house is located in the south and faces north (I don’t completely agree). If it is a mountainous area, the division is more obvious. One is in the south of the mountain and the other is in the north. The locations are completely opposite. If you don’t believe it, just take a look at the distribution map of port cities in the Yangtze River Basin: The Three Gorges region (Chongqing to Hubei). Most of the cities along the river are distributed in the north of the Yangtze River. Only a few cities are located in the south of the Yangtze River, and they usually have other meanings (such as the Yangtze River Yunyang County " Guling Town " on the south bank. You will understand it just by listening to the name. I don't need to explain it at all.) After Hubei, it is almost flat and there is no distinction between mountains to the south and mountains to the north.

(In addition to Badong in the picture above, before the Three Gorges Dam impoundment, other old urban areas in the south of the Yangtze River were also in Jiangbei. Anyway, in my memory, large passenger ships almost only docked in Jiangbei.)

Five Thousand Years of China The traditional culture was summed up by the ancient sages through countless attempts (for example, Shen Nong tasted hundreds of herbs, which gave rise to the prototype of Chinese medicinal materials) and at the cost of countless fresh lives. How can you allow you to say "Seal" How about just erasing all the #construct#superstitious beliefs? Do not believe? Let’s look at two real cases.

In the old town of Yy County, CQ City, the 119 Vocational Middle School is not far from each other. There is a family on the roadside (it seems to be surnamed Fu). I don’t know what the owner of the family thinks. A whole row, very neat, about five or six) tombs, a two-story building was built at a large cost in the open space in front of the tombs, covering an area of ​​about 200 square meters, with about six or seven rooms on each floor. The windows of each room on the first floor are facing a tomb, face to face, only one or two meters apart. Moreover, the house was built on a downhill slope, and its foundation was more than a meter lower than the row of tombs. If you are sitting on the sofa on the first floor, you can read even the smallest words on the tombstone outside the window without getting up at all.
I was afraid that my writing skills were limited, so I specially drew a topographic map so that you can see it clearly (I passed by it every day in high school and was used to it, but unfortunately I never thought of taking a few photos).

The first floor is lower than the tomb! Then wouldn’t the living have to be “pressed” by the dead every day? Moreover, wouldn’t the floor and wall base of the first floor have to be soaked in the corpse water of those five or six corpses for a long time? Having said that, I also want to ask: Do you know how smelly corpse water is? Have you ever smelled rotten dead mice ? Corpse water is much more smelly than that. I smelled it myself once, so I would like to "jump in" here and talk about that experience: When I was in junior high school, I often carried a steam log + barn on my back and went up the mountain to hunt birds. Once, I shot down a little bird. The little bird fell straight from a straw pole more than two meters high and landed in front of a grave below. So I carried the wooden warehouse and went to look for it.

The mugwort next to the grave is as tall as a person and grows very lushly (so nutritious). Although I can smell the smell of dead mice from a distance, I am completely excited about looking for "trophies". Overcame the odor. I went deep into the patch of wormwood, and the smell got stronger the further I went, until my thick olfactory nerve couldn't bear it anymore and sounded the alarm, and I was ready to retreat.

But now I was standing beside the grave, feeling that the soil under my feet was thin and sticky, so I lowered my head and took a closer look, and found that the soil had all turned black, just like asphalt under the scorching sun, black and sticky, It also smells extremely bad. Only then did I realize - this was corpse water flowing out of the tomb! No wonder this piece of wormwood is more than twice as tall as the one next to it. It is all nourished by this piece of corpse water! A pair of my sneakers sank deeper and deeper, and even the uppers were covered in black mud, so I quickly pulled out, found a clean grassy area, and scraped the corpse mud off the uppers. I was too generous and didn't throw away the pair of sneakers until they were worn out.
 It’s such a weird house. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it. Later, the house was built and the stairs, doors and windows were installed. However, the owner moved out in a hurry not long after moving in. The reason is unknown. He has never disclosed the reason for moving to the outside world. As a result, the house remained vacant and overgrown with weeds.

Driven by curiosity, I went to that house twice, once as a gathering place for friends before a large-scale street fight, and the other time just to wander around when I was bored.

I mainly talk about what I saw when I went there for the second time. I was in high school at that time. One evening, I was bored, so when I passed the house, I walked down the overgrown stone steps (passing through the tomb). (passed), then walked through the aisle on the first floor, slowly climbed up the rubbish-filled stairs, and reached the second floor.

At this time, I found a figure moving in the window of a bedroom at the end of the second floor. As the sky was getting darker, I suspected that I was hallucinating, so I slowly approached to find out. When I walked to the bedroom door, I found that the door had been sealed and nailed firmly with a few thick wooden strips.

In fact, the doors of several other bedrooms on the second floor were also sealed before, but later they were broken open by someone unknown, but this one has remained intact. Could it be that I really saw it wrong just now? With the attitude of giving it a try, I kicked the door twice and asked: "Who is in there? I have seen you."
There was no answer inside, and it was deathly silent. So I turned around angrily and went back the way I came. When I reached the stairs, I subconsciously glanced back at the bedroom window. Oh my God! I actually saw half of a man’s face!

He quickly ducked into the wall behind the window. This time I'm sure it's not my imagination. Yo! He also played "hide and seek" with me, so I took a few steps back and shouted inside: "Get out of here! If you keep pretending, I will break down the door!"
As I knocked on the door, I thought to myself: This house, which has been abandoned for many years, has neither water nor electricity. Who would live in it? And the door is still sealed. Could it be that today I can finally fulfill my long-cherished wish in my life - to see a ghost with my own eyes!
I kicked the door a few more times. . . Finally, a male voice came from inside: "Door, this door can't be opened. I climbed in through the window."
Then I took a few steps back and looked at the bedroom that was at a 90-degree angle to the corridor on the second floor and completely suspended below. window.
Slowly, a young man of 17 or 18 years old with a fair face "floated" out from behind the window sill, and then, another beautiful girl with long hair and big eyes "floated" out. (This article comes from Tianya
Yiminu blogger )

I am down! It turned out to be a pair of young lovers.
I asked them to come out first, so the man climbed up to the window sill, stabilized his center of gravity, and then flew to the corridor balcony on my side. Then he turned around and stretched out a hand to greet him. That beautiful little lover.
Seeing the young couple greeting them with smiles, I also habitually pretended to know them: "How dare you live in this kind of house? It's really a life-threatening situation! Move out quickly!"
The boy quickly responded with a smile: "Okay. Yes, okay, we will move out in a few days."
. . . . . .
Later, I never went to that house again. I hope that the young couple really listened to my advice and moved away. Otherwise, their fate may be like that of the young heroine in the story below. Same - crying every night! Weird expression! The cause of death is a mystery!