In modern society, many people still attach great importance to home feng shui, and would rather trust it than trust it. For example, we often see that a few Pixiu animals are placed in a business office, root carvings or money trees are placed in the reception hall of a hotel, a

In modern society, many people still attach great importance to home feng shui, and would rather believe that it is there than that it is not.

For example, we often see that a few Pixiu will be placed in the business office, root carvings or money tree will be placed in the reception hall of the hotel, and various house-building stones will also be purchased for the yards of families. , even the bedroom will choose some items that promote wealth and luck.

As for bedroom Feng Shui, not all items are suitable to be placed in the bedroom. There are certain taboos in the decoration and placement of bedroom items. If you do not choose the right ones, it can easily affect your own fortune and be bad for your health.

Therefore, today Ergonomics will take you to understand what items are not suitable to be placed in the bedroom.

1. Tablets, statues of gods

Tablets, portraits and other items belonging to the ancestors are attached with the information of the deceased. If placed in the bedroom, it will easily lead to excessive Yin Qi, making people prone to insomnia and nightmares while asleep. If sleep quality is not guaranteed, health is easily affected.

At the same time, the bedroom is a private and resting place, and statues of gods cannot be placed in it. This is disrespectful to the statues of gods and to the tablets. Therefore, we should place the tablets, statues, etc. in the living room, or set up a separate room specifically for worship.

2. Fish tank

The fish tank is a very popular feng shui mascot that attracts wealth, but it is not recommended to be placed in the room. From a health perspective, placing the fish tank in the bedroom can easily lead to an increase in humidity, which can aggravate the human body's moisture level and is not good for health.

At the same time, from a Feng Shui perspective, water represents flow and can easily disrupt the original magnetic field of the bedroom. If the aura is unstable while sleeping, it can easily affect the quality of sleep. Therefore, the fish tank is still suitable to be placed in a shop, company or living room.

3. Antiques and old objects

In fact, antiques and old objects are not suitable to be placed in the bedroom. If you accidentally bump them, you will really lose more than you gain. Secondly, it is said that things with age and history have aura or magnetic field. If placed in the bedroom, it will more or less have a certain impact on the owner of the bedroom.

4. Wind chimes

Wind chimes are not only decorations in life, but also Feng Shui items. Since ancient times, people have believed that wind chimes have the functions of warding off evil spirits, transforming evil spirits, promoting prosperity, and ensuring peace. However, wind chimes are not suitable to be hung in the bedroom.

Because as long as there is wind, the wind chimes will ring, which will greatly affect people's lives and sleeping conditions, and may even cause hallucinations in severe cases.

5. Bouquets and Potted Plants

Although placing flowers in the bedroom can enhance the mood and quality of life, it is better to put as few plants as possible in the bedroom. Because plants are easy to attract mosquitoes, and if we don’t understand the habits of flowers, they can easily affect our health, and the smell they emit may also affect our sleep quality.

To view personal fortune, Feng Shui, numerology and other exciting content, please pay attention to "You Know Every Day" by Little Orange Shirt!