When Feng Shui masters look at crypts, they are not taught in books. They can clearly distinguish east, west, south, north, and middle in the concept. Once applied to the crypt caves, this concept will be illusory. Multi-level intersections will suddenly be generated from plane g

When Feng Shui masters look at crypts, they are not taught in books. They can clearly distinguish east, west, south, north, and middle in the concept. Once applied to the crypt caves, this concept becomes illusory. Multi-level intersections are suddenly generated from plane geometry, thus finding the Be quiet. The procedure is nothing more than the selection of acupoints based on distance and near vision, which provides the final selection of acupuncture points, providing the advantages and disadvantages of the aura of the five elements, as well as the width and thickness of the surface. Some people use Yi Gua, Xingmen and other acupuncture points, but I don't think so. It is a common technique to use every opportunity.

Simple physics knowledge has been made mysterious and mysterious by some Feng Shui masters. It is like looking at flowers in the moonlight and mist, just listening to the masters talking endlessly, and it is of no value at all.

-Every one of us who is thoughtful can learn how to do it as long as we love it and pursue it. But don’t expect that after choosing auspicious acupuncture points, your future generations will suddenly become prosperous. It's simply impossible.

-Judgment: The low one is fire (should not be very big), the flat and open one is metal (beware of being small and narrow), the high one is wood (beware of being lonely and tall, it is better to have thick and long piers without peaks). Earth is thicker than fire... Water: The middle of the morning and evening airflow in the environment.

The grave acupoint is where the ghosts of darkness return and reside, and

the yang acupuncture point is a living place. The aura changes with people and is an active aura. It is taboo to have a fierce aura in one direction, so there is a side shelter from the wind.

This is just my experience. Most of the ten points are not accurate. I hope someone can correct me.

Zuo Yi [心] [心] [心] [心]