Feng shui must be paid attention to when a person is born, old, sick or dead, and home is the place where he lives for a lifetime, so home feng shui is the top priority of all feng shui studies. Since home Feng Shui is so important to our lives, do you know what basic knowledge t

China has always had the knowledge of Feng Shui. After thousands of years of improvement, it has a complete theoretical system. Feng shui must be paid attention to when a person is born, old, sick or dead, and home is the place where he lives for a lifetime, so home feng shui is the top priority of all feng shui studies. Since home Feng Shui is so important to our lives, do you know some basic common sense about home Feng Shui?

Feng shui can be divided into Yangzhai Fengshui and Yinzhai Fengshui. Yangzhai Feng Shui aims at the place where people live or work. In addition to the inside of our rooms, it also includes the streets outside the house, drainage, door positions, circulation lines in the house, placement of gods, kitchen stove positions, office seats, etc. Yangzhai Fengshui is mainly used in our home life, because Yangzhai Fengshui is only related to the rise and fall of a family, rich or poor. Yinzhai Feng Shui aims at the burial place of deceased relatives. When choosing a cemetery, factors to consider include the direction of the mountains, the direction of the water, acupuncture points, the depth of the coffin, the date of burial, as well as the stars in the sky, the underground mountains and the acupoints. factors of things.

Feng shui in architecture is related to our home life. It mainly follows nature and integrates architecture and nature into one, so as to beautify and harmonize the overall environment. Arrange the building layout according to natural conditions, including lighting, ventilation, and framing, so that residents can be more comfortable and pursue returning human settlements to a natural state.

Home Feng Shui is the harmony, harmony and harmony between people and the environment. It can conduct detailed analysis and observe the situation of the home's external environment and indoor environment. In terms of orientation, home Feng Shui is consistent with our Feng Shui: left ( Qinglong ), right ( White Tiger ), front ( Suzaku ), back ( Xuanwu ) north (child), south (noon) ; Such as Zishan facing the noon, looking at the water with the mountain behind.