This is why people often look at the direction of the kitchen and arrange the kitchen carefully every day. They believe that good kitchen feng shui will determine the health and financial status of family members, especially those engaged in trade and business.

Some experts say that the kitchen is a very important place. This is why people often look at the direction of the kitchen and arrange the kitchen carefully every day. They believe that good kitchen feng shui will determine the health and financial status of family members, especially those engaged in trade and business. In order to increase the positive energy in the kitchen, people choose to plant Feng Shui bonsai.


Sage is an herb. A plant with herbal properties, sage is used in cooking for its warm and slightly spicy flavor, with a slight trail mix. Bitter, with a wild and cool aroma. In Feng Shui terms, this plant brings wealth to homeowners, and placement in the kitchen helps attract wealth, good health, and reputation.

Melon and chestnut

In Feng Shui kitchens, this is a plant that brings good luck to the owner and the whole family. Commonly known as money tree , this tree has green leaves all year round. According to kitchen Feng Shui experts, this plant should be planted on the east or southeast side of the house, and should only be planted in small pots. It is good for wealth, family health and relationships. .


In Feng Shui, orange orchids are meant to bring good luck and advantages. The appearance of the tree exudes elegance and elegance, and the flowers are beautiful and brilliant, lasting. The tree is durable and can thrive even in harsh environments, so it symbolizes perseverance and non-stop hard work to achieve success.

Orchids are The tree symbolizes strong vitality, wealth, prosperity and longevity. Having citrus orchids in your kitchen can help increase your wealth and bring you more prosperity.

Phnom Penh Sansevieria

In terms of Feng Shui, this is a tree that symbolizes the power of tiger and can help drive away evil spirits that dare not approach because the shape of the tree is like a sharp, solid and strong sword. Thus helping homeowners... to always be stronger, more determined, and more successful.

Scientifically, tiger tongue is capable of absorbing 107 toxins, bringing fresh air to your home cooking area.


This is a familiar plant that is often used in Vietnamese home dishes. Mint has a mild fragrance and has a good deodorizing and sterilizing effect, giving you a comfortable and ventilated space. Additionally, this plant is very easy to grow and is suitable for locations with low humidity.

Mint tree corresponds to firewood, and the kitchen corresponds to matches. At that time, wood generates fire, so the combination is reasonable and there must be reunion.