Every life comes into this world seemingly by chance but has many invisible inevitabilities. Whether you believe it or not, every life has its own feng shui and its own blessings.

Every life comes into this world, seemingly by chance but with many invisible inevitabilities. The flow of wind brings the seeds to a growing environment, and the nourishment of water allows life to grow. The so-called water and soil nourish a person, which means that different environments will nourish lives with different personalities.

As the old saying goes: "Blessed people live in blessed places, and blessed lands bring blessed people to live in." Whether you are a believer or not, every life has its own feng shui and its own blessings. Although there is a space that is not recognized by people, there must be a causal relationship, and it is not completely superstitious.

Correct Feng Shui is not found in a dilapidated small temple in the mountains, nor in a temple with a lot of incense, nor can it be found by a so-called fortune teller on the street who will give you random calculations. It is the unfinished result of past lives. Love is the flow of fortune brought about by changes in this life's environment.

Buddhists say: Life is a process of practice, and true practice is to cultivate the heart and deal with various situations in life with an unmoving state of mind. If you remain calm, what will happen to the wind and rain? The so-called blessings and misfortunes are just a way to experience one's mind in the journey of life and a process of increasing wisdom.

The following three feng shui, if cultivated well, will become blessings and wealth for our lifetime.

The first Feng Shui: Calm mind, and the years will always be peaceful.

"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong" said: "Small impatience will lead to chaos in big plans." Zhou Bingkun in the popular TV series "Human World" some time ago was filial, kind and upright, but when faced with some radical words from his wife's ex-husband, he couldn't bear it, causing the other party's accidental death, and impulsively killed himself. Being sent to prison makes people feel heartbroken and helpless. Life has to go on. The pain caused by the little unbearable has put a layer of frost on life, which has to be resolved slowly by oneself.

In life, you will always encounter times when you are looked down upon and slandered by others. This is the normal state of life and no one can avoid it. Even if you see people who are very successful and brilliant now, they are also suffering from things that are not known to ordinary people. Wronged. Things in the world often go against your will. If you can talk to people in a few words, if you understand these principles, you will be able to face all encounters calmly. Often the more these people appear to be weak and unwilling to resist, the more they will ultimately reap their own success.

There is an early American movie " The Pursuit of Happiness ". The male protagonist Chris is a black salesman who supports his wife and children with a meager salary. Unfortunately, he was laid off by the company and lost his career.

Chris, who lost his job, could not bring any income to this poor family. His wife couldn't bear it and left them alone, abandoning their 6-year-old child. Chris not only had to face the huge blow of unemployment, but also had to bear the burden of raising a child on his own. Because he was unable to pay the rent, he was kicked out by his landlord. He and his child could only live in a public bathroom temporarily.

Their father and son have heard too many people’s ridicule and seen too many people’s contemptuous looks, but he still endures these contemptuous attitudes, works hard to make money, and cultivates his children to face difficulties optimistically.

Later, he went to a stock company as an apprentice. With his unremitting efforts and flexible mind, he quickly mastered the knowledge of the stock market, then opened his own stock brokerage company, and finally became a millionaire.

Therefore, you must not become a slave to your emotions at any time in your life. As long as you "can tolerate small things and be calm", you can live an open and relaxed life, bring yourself good feng shui, and win a calm and leisurely life for yourself.

The second Feng Shui: see through human nature and regard gains and losses as normal.

People always look forward to good weather in all seasons, but they still cannot avoid natural and man-made disasters. In life, we always long for a safe and smooth life, with no worries about food and clothing. However, life will often give you a slap in the face after giving you a piece of candy. Some people are only willing to indulge in the sweetness brought by sugar and cannot bear the pain given by the slap, so they become depressed and complain.

Looking at ancient and modern times, life is never completely satisfactory. Those who seem to live comfortably, they just know how to look down upon those who are not satisfied. An old saying goes: “Only a truly sage is not burdened by life and can always maintain tranquility and tranquility."

The difference between humans and animals is just an extra layer of gorgeous clothes. That kind of selfishness, greed, and suspicion can manifest in different forms at any time. When you see through these and learn to face them with a calm attitude, use wisdom and Tolerant and accept all the gifts of life. Only in times of adversity can you get rid of anxiety and uneasiness, and believe that everything is God's best arrangement for you.

has seen through human nature, and can also learn to pretend as if nothing has happened, and accept this with a calm mind. All the imperfections in the world will bloom brilliantly in the cracks. Appreciate the scenery and wind and rain in the journey of life.

The third Feng Shui: you can afford to take it and put it down, and use pause as strength.

Everyone has to carry it with them. When you need to lift a suitcase, you have to feel strong; when you need to put it down, you have to let go and forget about it. We are immersed in the road all the year round, running as hard as we can, for fear of falling behind others. After running around and working hard all our lives, some people change When happiness comes, some people are only filled with sorrow.

As the sun sets, I stand on the horizon and look back. I have so many insights. In this life, in addition to rushing, I have ignored a lot of scenery. I have missed a lot of enjoyment. There are too many regrets. Leave time and space.

There is a Buddhist story about a Zen master traveling on a boat. The boatman rowed hard all the way in order to reach the destination as soon as possible.

The Zen master said to the boatman: "Don't be anxious. You can put down the oar and take a rest." Rest and row again. "So the boatman put down the paddle, and instantly felt relaxed physically and mentally. He also saw many beautiful scenery on the river bank that he had never noticed before.

The boatman suddenly realized that in addition to the hard work of the hurried journey, he could also take a break. Rushing also requires a soothing mood. Resting in the middle will allow you to accumulate more strength, make your tired heart feel light, and allow your hard-working body to be suspended and repaired, so that you can release more energy on the way forward.

Life is a hard journey. If you want to live your short and long life well, you need to cultivate your state of mind. Only in this way can you have the blessings of peace of mind, understanding of human nature, and being able to afford and let go of these three excellent Feng Shui. and shine. Let your life be calm and leisurely.

No matter how many difficulties, unbearable, or sad you encounter in life, please don’t be impulsive, pessimistic, or disappointed. Face it with a simple, sunny heart Everything, then, your good Feng Shui must be around or already on the way to you.