When building a house in rural areas, we need to "look at the days" and put aside feudal concepts first. For many of us who grew up in rural areas, building a house is a major life event for the family. The feng shui of the house has an important impact on the family's heart. For

When building a house in rural areas, we need to "depend on the time" and put aside feudal concepts first. For many of us who grew up in rural areas, building a house is a major life event for the family. The feng shui of the house has an important impact on the family's heart. For example, when we build a house, we will consider the orientation, orientation, terrain around the house, layout, etc. People often say that when building a house in rural areas, one should pay attention to the following: "If the door is too large, the family will be ruined and the people will die." What does this saying mean?

If the gate is too big, the family will be ruined and the people will die.

What we are talking about here is that when we build a house in the countryside, the door of the house must be lower than the main door. If the door built outside is higher than the main door of the house, then such a design layout is not good. It is an exaggeration to think that the impact will lead to the decline and decline of family fortunes and the gradual rise and fall of people. In fact, it is also telling people to pay more attention.

Generally speaking, if the outer door is higher than the main door. In many cases, there will be insufficient light in the house, and the house will be kept cool for a long time, which makes it easy for various bacteria to breed. If the door of the outer wall is higher than the inner hall, it will cause floods to pour into the house during the rainy season, which is extremely disadvantageous. Therefore, the ancients often said that people need to pay attention to the height of the door when building a house, and it is worth learning from.

I would rather live in a lonely house than in a dustpan room .

The solitary house in this proverb refers to some gathering places far away from the villages in the countryside. It is built alone on a hilltop and is isolated in the wilderness. This is not very safe, but the situation is better than a dustpan house. So what kind of house is a dustpan house? It means that the shape of the house is like a dustpan, wide at the front and narrow at the back, forming a dustpan shape.

According to the concept of the sky being a square place, people think that a house like this will not be able to save money and will lead to "wealth leakage". Therefore, dustpan houses are less suitable for construction than lonely houses.

Two halls and one room, the family is broken up and everyone is dead.

This is a common saying for the layout of building a house. For self-built houses in rural areas, many people will build a wing on each side of the house, which we call wing rooms. Generally speaking, the house in the middle nave is higher than the houses on both sides. If the main house in the middle is relatively low, the side rooms (side rooms) on both sides will be higher than the middle house, forming a "concave" character. This kind of house building layout will also cause money leakage in people's eyes, and it is also unlucky for the family. Therefore, people are very taboo about "two halls and one room".

In fact, there are many common sayings about self-built houses in rural areas. For example, there is a widely circulated saying that "Build a house without building a compression room, and build a wall without building a leg wall." The compression room here has a relatively short floor distance, which makes living in it feel more depressing. In our rural areas, the first floor of self-built houses is generally 2.7 meters high. If the height is relatively low, it is called a "pressure house". And what is the leg wall? This means that when the fence is built, it is relatively low, and people only need to spread their legs to step over it. People think that such walls are bad and unlucky.

There are many sayings about self-built houses in rural areas. Many common sayings tell people to avoid some bad ways of building houses. Although with the increasing development of science and technology, many common sayings have gradually been forgotten. But as part of traditional culture, many are worthy of reference and learning. what you think? What do you pay attention to when building houses in rural areas? Welcome to communicate and discuss together.